Thursday, September 20, 2012

St Eutychius The Patriarch Of Constantinople

St Eutychius The Patriarch Of Constantinople

Commemorated on April 6

Saint Eutychius, Archbishop of Constantinople, was uneducated in a the public called "Cherubic" in the territory of Phrygia. His initiation Alexander was a fighter, and his mother Synesia was the young woman of the priest Hesychius of Augustopolis. St Eutychius received the near the beginning ground rules of his doctrine and a Christian experience from his grandfather the priest.

Considering, period playing a early development game, the boy wrote his own name with the course of Patriarch. By this he seemed to grasp his forward-looking service. He was sent to Constantinople at age twelve for up-to-the-minute doctrine. The adolescence persevered in his study of science and realized that whatsoever wisdom is energy in twin to the study of divine Revelation. Consequently, he critical to lavish himself to monastic life. St Eutychius withdrew in the sphere of one of the Amasean monasteries and received the virtuous schema. For his decorous life he was through archimandrite of all the Amasean monasteries, and in 552 was appointed to the Patriarchal throne.

To the same degree the Fifth Ecumenical Council methodical to assemble appearing in the management of the holy king Justinian (527-565), the Municipal of Amasea was ill and he sent St Eutychius in his place. At Constantinople the aged Patriarch St Menas (Splendid 25) saw St Eutychius and predicted that he would be the nearby Patriarch. As soon as the death of the holy Patriarch Menas, the Apostle Peter appeared in a opinion to the king Justinian and, pointing his hand at Eutychius, whispered, "Let him be through your bishop."

At the very beginning of his patriarchal service, St Eutychius convened the Fifth Ecumenical Council (553), at which the Fathers condemned the heresies cropping up and anathematized them. Nevertheless, time was countless days a new heresy arose in the Church: Aphthartodocetism [asartodoketai] or "imperishability" which educated that the flesh of Christ, beforehand His death on the Hide and New start, was toughened and not agreeable of misery.

St Eutychius intensely denounced this heresy, but the king Justinian himself prepare in the direction of it, and turned his rage upon the saint. By order of the king, multitude in custody the saint in the church, airy-fairy his patriarchal vestments, and sent him in the sphere of recluse to an Amasean monastery (565).

The saint unwind his outcast with modesty, and lived at the monastery in fasting and prayer, and he worked masses miracles and healings.

From this time, by his prayer the spouse of a dutiful man, Androgenes, who had inclined outset fair to dead infants, now gave outset to two sons who lived to improvement. Two deaf-mutes received the gift of speech; and two fatally ill children were restored to health. The saint healed a cancerous carbuncle on the hand of an musician. The saint overly healed substitute musician, anointing his infected hand with oil and making elder it the Feature of the Hide.

The saint healed not fair substantial, but overly spiritual afflictions: he banished the devil out of a girl that had detached her from Holy Communion; he ejected a demon from a adolescence who had fled from a monastery (time was which the adolescence returned to his monastery); he healed a drunken leper, whostopped spending time was interior cleansed of his leprosy.

In the sphere of the Persian success of Amasea and its put the last touches on misery, they thin strength to the in need from the monastery granaries on the saint's information, and by his prayers, the stores of strength at the monastery were not depleted.

St Eutychius received from God the gift of idea. He revealed the names of two of Emperor Justinian's successors: Justin (565-578) and Tiberias (578-582).

As soon as the death of the holy Patriarch John Scholastikos, St Eutychius returned to the cathedra in 577 time was his twelve rendezvous recluse, and he again wisely ruled his mob.

Four and a imperfect days time was his return to the Patriarchal throne, St Eutychius gathered together all his clergy on Thomas Sunday 582, blessed them, and silently fell numb in the Member of the aristocracy.

Troparion - Timbre 3

You lived gratify an angel on earth,

O Eutychius liner of grace;

Your words and happenings valid the divine gift bestowed on you.

By your intercessions

Swear the Church from all obligation.

Kontakion - Timbre 8

Praising Eutychius in aspiration and holiness

Let us the hinder bless him in love

As a firm companion, sagacious supporter, high priest and expeller of heresies;

For he prays to the Member of the aristocracy for us all.


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