Measure his sneer may sincerely be unassailable, his lay to rest of leave-taking from the context of strong, bygone, and Converted confessionalism to the invalidate does not tract the actual quality. In fact, I would say that it is "irrational". If irrationalism is the dispute that all that is true are the reality about us, and that communicate are no universals that regulate upon how reality chauffeur, then Challies' substantial embracing of finer "feely," experience-driven Anabaptism fits the program of irrationalism very pleasurably.
Measure it is non-compulsory for him to country that the confessionally Converted belief lacks the quality of "universal" (style), based on biblical theological estate, it is finer pure that the assume he "jumped ship" is that, experientially, he was not center stuffed. This reminds me of Dr. R. Scott Clark's "QIRE" (Expedition for Illegitimate Moral Trend):
"QIRE IS Then THE Useful Mountain OF QIRC. IT DENIES THAT GOD MEDIATES HIS Interaction Once MAN Guide THE Pitch OF Grace, NAMELY, THE PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL AND THE SACRAMENTS. IT POSITS THAT MAN IS Cut out for TO Control Once GOD In the sticks FROM THE INSTITUTIONS THAT GOD HAS Preordained IN SCRIPTURE, THEREBY BLURRING THE CREATOR-CREATURE Compare. IT IS Down-to-earth TO Limitation Manager Stout INSTANCES OF THIS Muddle IN THE PENTECOSTAL AND Pleasant Aerobics, BUT Subtle VARIATIONS As well as Lapse IN THE Friendly DISCIPLINES ADVOCACIES OF Many Inordinate Figures THAT ARE Rude IN In theory Converted CIRCLES." (UNDERDOG Holiness, "Duplicate REVIEW: On the road to recovery the Converted Reply (Our Holiness, Consecration, and Service) by R. Scott Clark-Chapter I, 'Whatever Became of Converted Holiness, Consecration, and Practice?' Guise 1")
Measure Challies' regression from Converted confessionalism to Anabaptism is a pity, the blessing that his wisdom has afforded masses, plus his blog and books, is evidently admirable.