Monday, March 19, 2012

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice
The longest day of the year and the beginning of summer. Most New Age channels everywhere are saying that this is a very special time for everyone on Earth, with or without horns, whether they believe it or not.

We are supposedly receiving "energies" from deep inside the Earth and from the cosmos that are continuing to change us, making our bodies and minds fit for the much expected shift, transition, ascension. These are interchangeable terms that are understood by those who are "of the body." It's claimed that these energies haven't been around since the destruction of Atlantis and are returning now to facilitate this all important ascension that is said to be getting nearer.

These otherworldly messages are coming from everyone from Jesus, ETs, and Archangels. The messengers say they are aware of the BP oil spill and advise us to send "Light" to the area to help contain and heal the spill. Praying never hurt. But whatever happened to the powerful antics of Moses and Jesus and all the other avatars who spoke magical words and used walking staffs and such to get their way?

The more I read these channels the more I'm inclined to believe that they are espousing a religion, the very thing they want to get away from. An eclectic religion that predates Judeo-Christian teachings. All this under a different guise, a different label. It is part shamanic, part neopaganism. And 100% wishful thinking, as most religions are prone to be.

I'm not knocking this. When it comes to religion or a belief in God, I'm right there with Robert Louis Stevenson (or whoever it was) that said, "belief in God is cheap insurance." So, count me in, you can't beat the deductible. And you never know what the payoff might be.


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