Thursday, December 8, 2011

Van Van Annointing Oil

Van Van Annointing Oil
At one time, it is said, a human being could not saunter down a approach in the Algiers district not including smelling the perfume of Van Van oil. Fixed from fragrant Oriental grasses, universal Van Van is favoured for strap up Amulets and Trinkets and is acknowledged to Overt Unmanageable from the Door-Step, Inverse Bad Accident to Respectable, and Jump the Way to New Opportunities. Here's a simple recipe:3 oz sugared almond oil4 drops lemon grass oil and/or lemon verbena oilThis oil can be second hand to annoint or dress candles. The traditional tell of strap up or annointing a candle necessary that one began by applying the stinking oil in the hang-up of the candle. Whack up from the mean to the top, and moreover down to the floor.If you mean to put pen to paper sigils, runes, designs, or typeface arrived the candle, these must to be imprinted arrived the wax not later than annointing the candle.Furthermost magical herb practitioners plea an essential oil must be "cut" or delicate with a floor oil, what ecologically aware, almond, sesame, etc. Basic oils are pleasingly stark and some, what clove, can anger the carcass if not washed off rapidly.Confident recipes for van-van oil convoy citronella, palmarosa, and reddish-brown grass, as well as the chief chunk, lemon grass. Yet, some recently convoy lemon grass (Cymbopogon citrus) and some convoy lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora).Each lemon grass and lemon verbena foothold a exclusive citrus perfume. Lemon grass was said to prayer irrational lucidity. Air, of course, is under the supremacy of the moon. Lemon verbena, which is sacred to Diana, was expected to foothold the trade to unite magical comings and goings. As such, it was sacred to Aradia, la prima strega della mondo, first in addition to witches.


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