I mean, what assorted kids I had a fascination with the mythology and art- I'm a Brian Froud monster and a lover of all the old faery movies... but I've never been allied to the letter of faeries "spiritually", and I'm still not. But, I am about to make my key foray featuring in the world of faery with associates who really do would like in faeries considering weekend at FaerieCon West 2012, clout about in fascinating Seattle, Washington. I'm idea about sining up for Raven Grimassi's speed... can't say I know too appreciably about the man but I see his books where so I sympathy this would be a good arbitrary to get to know about him and what privilege associates see in faery magic.
Faerylore for me has ad infinitum been cute for instance I ad infinitum precise faeries to actually be the dead themselves- something I picked up from old European lore equally I was a kid. I never really envisioned these handiwork spirits or inhabit to be winged beings stamped of light and shadow, but a lot of associates still deem faery-faith and I can honor that.
I'm not confident about what I'll wear to this shin-dig; the two witchy ladies accompanying me (and Jo and Andrew) are dress up and I don't go for to set down out lol, so I'll seemingly keep on on all-black, belt on the demon faery wings my sister bought me a few existence back at Uttermost Time-out and snooze ivy by my want, blown up hair. I'll justified go as firm old me lol, ivy well-off and understated.
I'll be confident to thrust A load of pictures for somebody and post them as immediately as I get back ^ ^.
What on earth I'm really looking upright support to is association Charles de Cloud who wrote one of my in early period books; the Poser of the Wren. I'd love to talk to him about his studies of mythology and his travels!
I desire any West Sand witches out put forward make it up about for this special day, and wish me luck as I go back featuring in my early period nightmare and let liberal, faery knack. lol