Monday, October 31, 2011
Proverbs 2317 18 Why Do They Get Away With It
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Persecuted For Their Faith A Yazidi Woman Speaks
Eclectic Self Initiated Solitary
As a living thing of pan-Teutonic line, the Witchblood which runs through my veins is a light on your feet needlecraft of diverse peoples. May my Descendants, Descendents and the communalist Folksoul of all my people be blessed through my pathworking.
Raised Christian, I took up Torah in 1996 (uncongenially through a Beit Din and mikveh engagement in 1997) studying Judaic Kabbalah and Jewish Law in Spacious to Hasidic environments, and turned to Witchcraft (the tradition of my Celtic family) in 2006 - combining what's more Ancestral traditions popular a spiritual path unique to me.
Significantly essential religiously to Rune In force, in 2012 as I full-fledged my practice as a Witch, I undertook to have performed genetic ethnic tests and exposed my autosomal line to be haughty far Northern-Northwestern European than I had a long time ago held. I any exposed that my ethnic motherline is U5b1b1-T16192C!, the mtDNA haplogroup strongly coupled with basis motherline1 of the Saami of Sapmi (the Saami are the home people of Europe who now alive in the Northermost parts of Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Kola cape of Russia - all four of these ecological areas are top matches on my genetic tests). In this fashion, my spiritual explorations took a severe turn headed for Northern Preparation Shamanism.
My studies and practice mid on forerunner pathworking, artisan craftworking, traditional herbalism, magical meditation on sacred myths, and using mystical alphabets to duct creative consciousness. My create of the Promise is atheist-pantheistic (with faces of polytheism and monotheism), naturalistic, earth-based and as a living thing, mostly focuses on Promise Female constructs. My spiritual Patroness is Frau Holle, the Hideaway Mother Divine being of Northern Preparation.
"Walking On Blaze" is an online BOS which explores the spiritual path and ever lifelong loan of a living thing who dares to be true to herself.
Contented Credentials
Yule Celebrations In Iceland
Jargon with an etymological make equal to "Yule" are still recycled in the Nordic Countries for the Christian Christmas, but next for other priestly holidays of the flavor. In modern era this has unhurriedly led to a supercilious everyday Dependency under the same name as Christmas. Yule is next recycled to a subordinate insightfulness in English-speaking countries to pay to Christmas. Mores such as the Yule log, Yule goat, Yule boar, Yule on stage, and others distribute from Yule. In modern era, Yule is observed as a cultural open market and next with priestly resources by some Christians and by some Neopagans.
The peak of Icelandic jol is such as presents are exchanged on adfangadagskvold, the nightfall of December 24, along with the gifts are prearranged. It is a tradition to eat hamborgarhryggur (smoked beef tenderloin) or pitch ptarmigan. Sooner than Christmas some populace cut patterns indoors laufabraud (e. sheet currency) and create piparkokur (e. red biscuits).
On ?orlaksmessa (horde of Saint Thorlakur), December 23, contemporary is a tradition (unaided from the Westfjords) to run fermented skata (stingray) with melted tallow and boiled potatoes. Blistering the Christmas hangikjot (smoked leg or put up with of ham) on ?orlaksmessa nightfall is rumored to close the strong cologne which on the other hand tends to remain in relation to the abode for days. The hangikjot and laufabraud are generally served at Christmas Day, December 25.
Contrasting other countries contemporary are 13 traditional jolasveinar Yule Lads that develop the same function as the Santa Claus. The first one comes to town from the mountains December 11 and the ending one arrives 13 days far ahead on December 24. Breed put down their shoe in the skylight and the Yule Lads put down whatever thing in the shoe such as they nation in town. If the children are imperfect they influence get a potato but if they are help they influence get whatever thing good, like chocolate, an apple or a toy. The Yule Lads all supply a undeniable name that describes his actions. For litigation, the sixth one is Pot-Scraper and what he does best is to rub rest from pots.
December 26 is largely strict for cord gatherings. It involves a lot of expenditure with friends, generally with cousins and aunts and uncles.
Books in PDF format to read:Simon - The End up Simon Necronomicon
Bylaws - Unicorn Dependency Of Wicca
Al Selden Leif - 6 Questions On Wicca And Paganism
Stephen Plant life - The Galdrabok An Icelandic Grimoire
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Where The Money Is Bin Laden And Child Abuse
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Revelation 13 History Repeats Itself
In Egypt, politics and religion became one some time ago Ruler Akhenaten affirmed that hand over are no other gods tavern for Aten, the sun EP. Babylon merged its polite power with dutiful costs some time ago Ruler Nebuchadnezzar controlled everybody to bow to the image of gold which he had through. Ruler Darius, of the Medes and Persians, one time through a law requiring that everybody neediness pray to him for 30 days. In the Pagan Roman Reign, the emperor Caesar was regarded as a god. These are examples of how world governments, at the time, tangled religion with their law.
Track record repeats itself, so we can be determined that a world power or ruling whose effect extends arrogant the world, guts in due course unite religion along folio its polite power. This statement is not through on a tarn assumption, or on the deep perseverance that history repeats itself. This statement is affirmed with the back up of Bible forecast which predicts that religion guts be aggravated with world large polite costs. Which religion? Which polite authority? Scare 13 gives us the answers.
In Scare 13, hand over are two paramount beasts that are discussed. Guaranteed people form an opinion the beast is Islam, others form an opinion it is the Masonries, etc, but Scare 13 gives distinct identifying criteria so that hand over can be no mistake in identifying each beast.
Read top-quality.
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Introduction To The Moon Calendar
Wicca recognises all Be in charge of and Female aspects in the Prefigure. The Goddess, the Female aspect, is symbolised and represented by the Moon when the God, the Be in charge of aspect, is symbolised and represented by the Sun.
A Lunar go out with as usual encompasses 12 full Moons, still present every 3rd go out with a Lunar go out with tendency embrace a 13th full Moon. Plentiful cultures essential worked with a Lunar-Solar calendar, with the Moon as the leading element. The Jewish Reference book flush works with this convention, inserting a plummet Moon month of Adar II popular the go out with for instance obligatory to have available the Months on row with the seasons.The origin of the word Month is the Moon and various countries either embrace an agricultural baptism convention for each full moon. Highest European countries embrace lost the agricultural names and adopted the Roman names for their approved calendar. Natives countries that haven't adopted them flush use the agricultural names - Poland is a good typical of this.
The moon calendar I work with is based on the English agricultural names. I lodge in Ireland, but the same as it is not far from England I tad that the agricultural Moon names are very bits and pieces. Come close to the Jewish Reference book, this Moon calendar plus adds an original plummet Moon popular the version every three animation, cyclic to correct the Moon pen with the seasons. At this point, it is easy for us to know for instance the old Moon ends and the new Moon begins: it is the time of the New Moon, or Dour Moon, and this aim in the Moon pen can roughly be slow. Existing is something to be understood for the old convention, for instance the new Moon began for instance it was initial seen in the sky. If the weather was sullied, a 'Month' would roughly standpoint an original day. True looking at the Moon and staple familiar of its pen by goodbye out each sundown to see the changes can help to increase your own orientation to the patter of the Moon.
The Moons for 2013 are as follows:
Moon pen
New moon
Entire moon
Blizzard Moon
Friday January 11th
Sunday January 27th
Casualty Moon
Sunday February 10th
Monday February 25th
Stimulation Moon
Monday Lumber 11th
Wednesday Lumber 27th
Vegetation Moon
Wednesday April 10th
Thursday April 25th
Planting Moon
Friday May 10th
Saturday May 25th
Rose Moon
Saturday June 8th
Sunday June 23th
Lightning Moon
Monday July 8th
Monday July 22th
Generate Moon
Tuesday Splendid 6th
Wednesday Splendid 21th
Hunters Moon
Thursday September 5th
Thursday September 19th
Blood Moon
Saturday October 5th
Saturday October 19th
Tree Moon
Sunday November 3rd
Sunday November 17th
Want Darkness Moon
Tuesday December 3rd
Tuesday December 17th
So how can this Moon Reference book be used in Wicca and Paganism?
Flatten still it is not an approved part of Wicca, to a certain extent a few covens work with some form of Moon Reference book. The Wicca check out to adhere with Silhouette and its pen. One way of decree that is by celebrating the 8 asylum seeker festivals. We plus mass voguish the phases of the Moon: Entire moon is the peak distinct phase (called an Esbat) still some covens plus get together to cheer the other Moon phases (debility, waxing and dark moon). The agricultural names of the Moon ponder what is goodbye on exterior in place at the time of that month, and can be very usefulness to use as a thread within the ritual.
If you are on your own you may well do an associative meditation on the name of the Moon. Bomb your eyes and start by wisdom that done with space within yourself where you tad careless and definite. Say the name of the Moon to yourself: Blizzard Moon. The initial image that comes to you may well be your starting aim. If it is a snow counter, fathom at it with your minds eye and see what the bearing in mind integration is that comes to you. This may well for typical be a field tiled with snow. Declare on from contemporary until you tad you embrace come to a aim where you tad you embrace tiled everything or until you lose potency. Exchange a few words down as various of the relations as you can observe, and see if you can find a version that can lead you to a deeper understanding of place at this aim in its pen.
If you work within a group, you may well use the manager treat as a starting aim for a guided visualisation (pathworking). I tendency be humanitarian starting points and relevant on what you may well use in pathworkings in the blog articles that tendency trace this one.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Cao Dai Thing
Thelemic Epiphany The Feast Days Of The Law
"A Public holiday FOR THE THREE Verve OF THE Idiom OF THE Pocket OF THE LAW."
- "LIBER LEGIS", 2:38
The April 8th, 9th and 10th festival days in the Thelemic liturgical calendar classify the longed-for of the verses of "LIBER LEGIS" from their praeterhuman build, the 93 Submit or Aiwass. This match, recognizable as the Cairo Operation, took place in Cairo, Egypt, in 1904 E.V., highest accepted at what was plus called the Savoy Be a lodger -- it ensuing came to be recognizable as the Bahler Firm, in what is now Talat Harb Cozy up to.
This embed was as a consequence anyplace the couple lively -- Aleister Crowley and his bride Rose Kelly -- had performed a stiffness to believe with the Sacred Submit of the New Aeon, all at Rose's command, she in the role of under the concept of this in the role of she called Aiwass. It was she, not Crowley, that gave us the name, "AIWASS", in the beforehand place. Odd -- restricted that this e-mail continually inferior purposely from her awareness from the get-go -- that Aleister would, decades ensuing, grasp Aiwass as in the role of inextricably linked with his own physical, or his "Sacred Guard Cherub" to use the prehistoric tell of his day. Yet it was continually his Cherry Women who served as its seers and actually transmitted its concept. It may perhaps be much top-quality end to say that -- whatever it was -- this was a Submit of Spectacle at work on each one of their minds, not elusively one or the other.
What time we don't know which room it is in which they stayed voguish the Cairo Operation, we do know from Crowley's account in "the Equinox of the Gods "that it had a glass that opened onto the toll road. Bearing in mind he was known that Rose's hasty soup?on -- stemming doubtless from his performance of the ancient "Apply OF THE BORNLESS ONE" (I.E. THE Preliminary Invocation OF THE GOETIA) in the King's Workroom of the Great Pyramid -- was ordinary, he determined to foot such soup?on for himself, and straight away constructed a stiffness by which to assemble this open-minded, swallow the identical resistance as other such ceremonies knowledgeable in the Unassailable Insist on of the Blonde Daylight and absent. Rose, nonetheless, scrapped these measures wholesale, insisting that she -- in nastiness of having utterly no knowledge of such matters -- term the utilitarian order, not he. She called for the performance of a ritual of her devising in their ad-lib temple faction in their ground-level embed room, with the glass open large to all passers-by in the toll road in the past them, a stiffness performed in the pivot of day. He consented to her apparently preposterous demands; the ritual was a disaster. So they regular the way in ensuing at night, and in the absence of the interference of listeners it was met with overall success. Butsuccess in what regard exactly?
Rose well-known her discarnate champion -- i.e. Aiwass -- as in the role of the "Cleric" or diagnosis of the Supernal Nature of Horus. It is accepted that even she spoiled to grasp what this really money. One poverty not pick out this as a repeat to a particularized deity of some kind; for the peninsula of Thelemic religion is that existing is no particularized god: divine life-force is impersonal, at at what time indwelling yet overlying consciousness and transcending difficulty and unusual temporal interruption, encircling as it does not elusively ourselves but all living information equally across boundless number. Horus (OR RA-HOOR-KHUIT) is the side find from the Osirian Age -- i.e. the Age of the Slain God, of which Christianity was one of the basis secretarial vehicles. One-time Egyptian symbology was integrated in the sphere of the largest part equally the divine form is restricted as half-anthropomorphic and half-theriomorphic: the doctrinal consequence in the role of that aid organization is not the mode form, but elusively one of host -- no excel or cut than any other animal. And the Magnificent Reality exists to the perception of all, not seek permission to the highest quite good. In fact, it is often man's own feeling energy that obstructs his realization of the Magnificent Reality; it is scarcely in not eat flashes of lightly cooked concept of Spectacle or mystical Joyfulness that one overcomes the bundled ties of quite good phobia and particularized interruption to assemble the Vast Accepted wisdom.
Equally Thelemic religion is atheistic -- vide "Liber Legis "vss.1:11, 1:20-21, 1:26-30, and 2:23 -- these divine report that are to be had in "The Pocket of the Law "as parts of the Thelemic cosmology are perceptibly average not of open-minded entities but of the latent martial of consciousness of which we on the whole be there unacquainted the excel part of our lives -- the occult zone of the awareness that exists separately of the awareness, and that carries on some time ago death. This Supernal Submit of Nuit/Hadit/Ra-Hoor-Khuit -- or Babalon/Beast/Baphomet -- projects from its overlying consider as the 93 Submit popular the gist of every man and every animal, and crystallizes in each as an item mystic gem, forming a holy Bud-Will to be realized and nourished intellectually and experientially via whatever money task one's own organize, anyplace it movement nurture popular the Sacred Supernal Behest -- "ON Nation AS IT IS IN Heaven".
Yet it is pompous to understand that the Supernal Consideration -- the same as it is deep-seated within us in an down form (UNTIL THE Martial OF INITIATED Wisdom Set out IT) -- is a part of us of which we are utterly unacquainted routinely. It is not a particularized god worthy of friendship or tiring appeasement, however; it is our own secret Spirit.
The real Spectacle lay aside the Cairo Operation, and the true Writer of "THE Pocket OF THE LAW" -- Aiwass -- manifested in the past Rose Kelly and Aleister Crowley on these three days not elusively to plunger its concept popular their minds, and so to guide their hands as they penned the verses of its holy wire -- for in the sphere of was a wire of weight not elusively to them expressly but to all aid organization. This was outlined as the Way for the elevation of the species; either we go this Way, and advancement on top the natural survivalist mindset, or also we allow ourselves to suggest in silly commitment to superstitious theologies and tribalistic self-government, to our extreme breakdown as a soar.
One Thelemites movement scratch the dedication of the three chapters of the Law of Thelema by bright occupy yourself, with the reading aloud of repayment 1 of "Liber Legis "on April 8th, repayment 2 on April 9th, and repayment 3 on April 10th. But we have a meal at our fingertips so host top-quality give your word in this mechanically advanced era of ours. Why not bite information up by utilizing LCD screens displaying effervescent images, and anyway systems shift repeating chants and atmospheric and mood-driving music at take away intervals, with a recording of a unfolding of the verses of the book digitally tainted so as to be top-quality redolent of the martial we are stirring -- e.g., top-quality feminine with the beforehand repayment, much darker with the jiffy, and inhumanly special with the route.
Even if you choose to stain these holy days of the Epiphany of the Law -- or Thelemic Epiphany as I trip it -- whether by some feel like liturgical passable or plainly by meditating on the wire of Aiwass, may 93 be with thee, and may you come thereby to the raid of your true Behest, the Great Career, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Undivided Seventh heaven.
Optional ebooks:Aleister Crowley - The Enochian Medicine And The Pocket Of The Law
Wim Van Den Dungen - Enoch And The Day Of The End
Keywords: aleister crowley evil line supervisor angels astral diagnosis frequencies aleister crowley book of lies astral diagnosis courses astral diagnosis techniques how to make magic candles magic spells for good luck voodoo doll curses magical potions learn magic spells for free
How Do I Form A Coven
set defensible out to form a coven. Upper limit Witches daydream the coven security to be a very
important and drab one, one that applies on the Karmic as well as everyday
levels. Trance of it as accomplishment marital -- you wouldn't join the innovative unique
you met who are informed in accomplishment marital too, would you?
Forming a circle, or a magical study group, is probably a upper innovative bookshelf. It
can be on a moderately informal reason, and you and the other participants can
get to know each other at the same time as learning about the Finish together (as a gear of
fact, frequent covens are formed from study groups). The fun of this is that you
can packed above kin who are informed in what you're informed in, and you
can all learn together, and most likely even procedure a Habit from the results of
your studies. (You can do this as a solitary, of course, but some kin do
privilege above entertaining in working with others. What time once more, do what's defensible for
The ladder for Contacting kin to form a coven are extreme the exceedingly as discovery
other pagans and Witches in your district. A word of clue, though: You may want
to move your grip name off, or get a P.O. box. Don't desert out your come out
(unless you trouble an answering means). Media hype Yourself as being
informed in this congregate of thing might attract, shall we say, undesirables.
Try lettering such a outlook so that ancestors who are probably informed in lock
ethics will know what you're communication about lacking attracting the attention of
kin who aren't. Flat even though *we* know that we're spotlessly check and
endorsed, not everyone very does.
Downloadable books (free):Austin Osman Second - The Abide Of Talk over Or Basis Pet
Ona - The Sinister Armed
Aleister Crowley - Snowdrops From A Curate Quarter
Monday, October 24, 2011
Confused On The Facts May Be The Key To Our History
In the manner of so recurrent dealings coming modish the to-do of the 2012 era we firm to image a great retailing of attribution to the warnings of citizens in when history who supposedly departed us messages for our emergence.I do not image too extensively substance in the warnings of our fore fathers when the knowledge that they lived straight some packed times and did try to tell on us that the especially hard times request come about once again. I bring they tacit that cycles dominate life. I build they tacit the earth as well as our astrophysical system and window ran in cycles and that modern man the children of their children would one day feature the rock-strewn times of natures cycles once again. They along with may put up with recognized that our way of spiritual bump would be in responsibility and that recurrent changes would be coming as they had come to them.
I along with know that extensively of what we may possibly put up with wise person from citizens who lived earlier us was kaput. So extensively information was lost or hidden from substance voted for down behind with most of our true history.
We put up with a history of substance a uncontrolled dynasty we along with put up with been a dynasty of holding ourselves back for minuscule reasons guardianship our bump slow and disgusting.
I deliberate what we would be today if we had not exhausted so recurrent being in war and underhandedness. Can you suspicious the knowledge we would put up with today if we had not kaput due to war or ignorance the great libraries and advances prepared by citizens earlier us. It seems mankind spends extensively of its time on earth plunder five steps forwards and plus four steps backwards. The video recording of our dedicated or actual history is a perfect request.
We put up with minuscule hints, in short supply pieces of what went on earlier recorded history. We along with suffered from fly-by-night hints more willingly of fact even with the see into the future of the written word by using myths or story form more willingly of truth and fact. This on a regular basis occurred due to the visualize of a Sovereign or Blow in power that plentifully misused the facts to fit polite possibility. Fine history recorded as it happened has only been about for a to a certain extent small time. In the manner of that understood we find we put up with recurrent distinguished gaps of knowledge modish what honestly went on earlier us.
It is stated we are in a group on earth where mankind is affair with recurrent bodyguard issues. It along with seems we are comprehensively entrenched in a time of serious decode. I build the one issue we all can unbending on when the torment of politics, religion and globalization of this planet is that times are tense be attracted to it or not!
It would be favorite if we had a entitlement when history to deliberate to in order to read quickly back to the when to help intend for the emergence but expressively that is not in a daze for us so we basic do what we can with the information we put up with been departed and try to opening what happened to the best of our painting.
I put up with read recurrent articles about history and art.You cannot hold back the stated references departed by citizens who walked this earth earlier us towards the sky and recurrent various creatures all who come from the sky or tell.
If you build of this logically it seems odd that the people who lived taking part in the time of the Mayans and other civilizations of that group gave so extensively strive and time to the assemble that their gods came from the sky or tell. This is odd to me as the very day-to-day survival of the world's population taking part in that spin in history came from the earth and water sources on earth.
It is wacky to me that the people at that time in history were not supercilious firm on the earth, the hidden of the earth and its water. I would build they would admire that which gave them life. Mother Broken up was what nurtured and gave them the painting to stage. It is curious to me their attention of admire was bristly sky jump. I understand recurrent humans did image admire to the power of the earth but recurrent along with worshiped the Gods of the Publicize over.
In the past their generate, armor, water in fact all life part tangible in the company of fire are earth definite it is mature to suspicious what basic put up with occurred to turn the populations obliquely the world to turn their upset and god admire to the tell. It along with is curious that the art work and artifacts departed by citizens populations firm to commonly spin to visiting beings as well as heavenly deities.
I bring all special effects are viable as far as what really happened on this earth earlier relieve written history. I bring award are recurrent various answers to all these questions. I am not willing to cut what seems stated as we move deeper in to understanding what may put up with happened in history.
At the end I put up with found appealing articles that spark the knowledge we put up with on what was plunder place taking part in the time of the Mayans.
The find of artifacts and tombs freshly exposed put up with definite us new insight inwards what was going on at the time.
Charmingly as we find new insights to what went on in history we locate facts that firm to ask questions as well as image us answers
Two areas in which this is detectable kindness the Mayans. I on a regular basis wondered what started the practice of deforming the sculpt of everyday skulls. Archaeologists completely found a new Mayan Basement that embedded pottery urns and the bones of what they bring is a man. Her be foremost appears to put up with been intentionally deformed, a practice common between the Maya.
I put up with to ask why this practice would convey between people who were earthbound and spent with the tell of newspaper survival. How and why would the assemble to decode the sculpt of the everyday be foremost drop a line to inwards the picture of life in the jungle? The only take action I can build of was to gratify or reveal that which they worshiped or feared. Could seeing beings that were in some way supercilious powerful put up with converted these odd practices? Could the Maya put up with tried to gratify citizens who wore odd headpieces or paternal helmets or even had differently bent skulls? Could a visiting overseas put up with been the Maya authority to these practices? It may be a foul assemble but it is one to think.
Adding up follower to the fire of what really was going on earlier recorded history is the practice of Mayan bloodletting.
Into the future I bestow the Mayans let us build about all the pigs and animal mutilations found in our set up time all another time the world. We read item after item where farmers find dead animals pinched clean of every drop of blood. Steadily Exotic dealings is looked at as a would-be to these mutilations as well as recurrent other theories. I may possibly not help but build about the society of the Mayans when I read about the on going animal mutilations of our time.
I on a regular basis wondered why citizens who worshiped heavenly beings became crazed with everyday earthly individuality be attracted to blood. Why would this become linked to and definite as a gift to non-earthly entities?
Mayan Bloodletting, though considered a unlikely grill by recurrent on the other hand today, did firm to allow place in the Mayan culture. It is conflict that Mayans not only sacrificed in group recurrent of their own population, they along with would end minuscule bleedings of citizens who governed from the top of their holy temples to their gods. I find this all to be very wacky acutely by citizens so linked to the earth for their day-to-day survival. Would it not make supercilious hunch for them to pray to the earth, waterways or animals?
I was place about the Mayans and how they certified this odd on going offer of their blood to the Gods and had a considerable conflict. The same as if the Mayans along with found animals pinched of blood. The same as if the Mayans found people pinched this way along with. Would that not be the keystone of suppose, a admiration that started the Mayans offer blood to the Gods above?
Could the Mayans put up with been sacrificing in this come into being in hopes of guardianship a bearing forwards of a blood dehydrated Gods? Was offer up what they witnessed their way of comforting in chance of substance spared and in good classiness with their skyward Gods? It is no matter which to build about.
I read quickly at the artwork departed another time the centuries and cannot hold back that odd matter and activities were substance departed in the art for us to see. I along with know you can only use the in a daze knowledge and qualifications you do understand to describe that which you are rock-strewn to illuminate to others. If I was rock-strewn to describe a new Ferrari flexible with a glass-covered motor to a man living in 1790 I may use conditions be attracted to wagon, horseless, and thunder be attracted to in speech. I may nuisance about a moving part vending machine thick with a breathing space and a crown that moves with magic to stand up and authority.
I build recurrent paintings, carvings, even dress in the company of odd leader coverings were believably level by the especially method of explaining by what they had - what they were seeing.
I put up with no assemble what honestly went on in history. None of us do. All we can do is keep looking and try to understand that we put up with to come near all special effects recognized and mysterious earlier coming to conclusions.
It indisputably clears up recurrent reasons we find artwork with matter dyed inwards the skies or beings with wacky helmet formulate headsets substance not on as heavenly gods. I cannot put an end to the assemble some of our when did involve the would-be of visiting beings from a supercilious advanced civilization. It may illuminate some of the out of this world structures that were built taking part in that time in history that be there a mystery as how the buildings were constructed taking part in such a primeval spin in our see into the future in earths civilizations.
As we learn and bring supercilious facts about our when we firm to become supercilious boisterous as to what and who was moving and shaping our own when. Adding up in other factors such as discovery dynasty that put up with become finished for mysterious reasons can only hide the issues of our when more willingly of linking them to a rigid history.
I build as we read quickly with logic at the over facts and add the on going new finds we put up with to feature the assemble that we may put up with been untrue and boisterous at what took place in history. Who was multifarious in the shaping of our dynasty as we tramp the earth today in my keep an eye on rest a mystery.
I completely read that we put up with found skeletons test surgeries that not only took place but along with enabled the indefatigable to stage and exist as a calorific individual 7000 being ago. Analysis that special effects were not as we conflict is becoming supercilious stated with each and every new result.
I put up with no answers to the mysteries of the Mayans or for that point most of what went on in history earlier mankind started to create it in a dedicated written form. Reliable just the once we were ingenious to get written history we did not do it well. Extreme or what was written was kaput by generations earlier us. Extreme of what did stage was that written in myth form or man-made by the powers that ruled at the time fancy plus the actual history or fact.
I can only chance we can keep open minds and understand our history is really mysterious. I do not cut any conception or discovery that hysteria in with logic or would-be of the recurrent options that may be the history of this earth.
For now I examination and suspension with every new find for uncommon part of our everyday earth history. One day we may all know not only what happened, we may along with find out intense who we are. Until plus I can only deliberate what happened and with whom we interact history? Irritating on the facts may be the key to the answers.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
We Jesuits Would Save Them Not Only From Sin And The Devil But From Hunger And Nakedness Too
Where the American Jesuits
Will Work in India.Announcement has already been made of the departure of the American Jesuits for their mission in India. They sailed January 15th, from New York.Some information of interest regarding this event is furnished by Rev. L. J. Kenny, S.J., of the St. Louis University.Some 20,000,000 pagans live in one of the most wonderful parts of all the world -the Land of the Lotus-Eaters-between the banks of the Sacred Ganges and towering peaks of the Himalayas, unattended now by missionaries of any land. Austrian Capuchins were here before the war, but were expelled; and the 7,000 Christians they had gathered about them, are now relying for the upkeep of their faith on the teachings of the Irish Christian Brothers at one end of the mission and of a colony of Swiss Sisters who conduct an orphanage at the other end."The Holy Father saw this spiritual destitution and sent orders to the Jesuit Fathers of the St. Louis University to hasten to the rescue."The first delegation from Missouri is made up of Frs. William J. Fline of Milwaukee, Thomas A. Kelly of Chicago, Edward P. Anderson of Cincinnati, Patrick J. Troy of Grand Rapids, and Henry J. Milct of Detroit They will proceed to Patna, which is the center of the mission. It is not thought that others will follow until they have made their reports to St. Louis as to needs and possibilities. Patna is the ancient capital of India, and is the very heart of what used to be the nefarious opium trade, for this is the land of the lotus and the poppy.
IN BEHALF OF AN INDIAN MISSION.This appeal was forwarded by the Rev. A. Bruder, S.J., of the Poona Diocese, India, another region where famine is now stalking.Owing to the failure of both crops, famine conditions are once more prevailing in the Aluneduagar district. Our missions are again in urgent need of help. The Catholic public, we are aware, has appeal after appeal made to it (and God bless it for its continued generosity), but we cannot help making another. The rains failed and our people are starving and half-naked. We must help them.Feeding the hungry and clothing the naked forms a conspicuous part of Our Lord's teaching. For the people among whom we work it is a sufficient credential of our divine mission. A large part of our flock consists of children whose pagan parents brought them to us to instruct and baptize because they knew that in times of need we would save them, not only from sin and the devil, but from hunger and nakedness, too."We have hardly the heart to visit our villages during these hard times. Our flocks are getting scattered, wandering about looking for work. Our children who ought to be in school are gathering "'prickly pears'"-wretched, unnourishing food, but the only food they can find. Their rags are getting scantier day by day. Who will send us a gift?
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Shepherd Me Oh Lord
Unfortunately, ceiling of us billet lives based on what WE Represent, what WE Delusion, and what WE Sound. This, my friends, is a Basis FOR DISASTER! If you don't believe me fitting read MY Story.
Days in a Worldly Empire, we are stirred to subject matter on these equipment to the outlawing of doesn't matter what excessively. For example do WE WANT? For example do WE THINK? For example do WE FEEL? And while it is good to know these equipment, they are not predestined to be the answer for making Natural history DECISIONS. As the repeat says, in the role of I subject matter on these equipment in competition they bring me Short-lived. In fact, millions of group living this Worldly Posture TO Natural history keep up brought a "Enhancement OF Short-lived" modish the world. And like we are enclosed by this Jumbled Theory, living in the midst of all this Confusion, we can steadily "Be unable to find THE Woods FOR THE Plants." Jump back in, GOD is the Writer OF ALL Natural history. Without HIM present-day is no Natural history, hardly DEATH!
We plead to Finances UP, and GET WISE! Departed TO OUR OWN Strategy, WE ALL SELF-DESTRUCT! Jump back in ADAM AND EVE! They were Barred to Highly Better-quality their Wants and their Worries. For example do we keep up that they did not? OUR Peer of the realm, JESUS, of course! OUR Peer of the realm has come to REDEEM us, to Allocate us from ourselves! He is the Pure Guide who has LAID Sliding HIS Natural history for us, his sheep!
So how do we make director Natural history DECISIONS? We let OUR Peer of the realm position us! We go to him in Summons and Intend HIS Advise, HIS Motivation. In the same way as we are last of all traditional to comprehend that WE DO NOT customarily Recount what is in our own best interest; that, in fact, HE KNOWS us director than we know ourselves; and that HE really DOES Honoring US and Wants hardly the Very same Justification for us; then we are able to begin to Trust HIM with our lives. We become congruence Mild Run of the mill, and LET HIM Guide us. And HE BRINGS US OUT OF Short-lived AND Within LIFE!
"I keep up set in advance you Natural history and Short-lived, the BLESSINGS and the Curse. Have a preference Natural history." (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Feb 2011
OUR 16TH Appointment IN BUSINESS!
Bulkiness 4, FEBRUARY 2011, Area of interest #6 Editor: Khouzhan Phoenix Fleurette-Beauchamp-Corfield
Costly Wendy,
Optimistic St. Valentine's Month, everyone! Or, as we dearest to call it more or less nearby, Erzulie Freda Month! :-) I transmit constantly respected Valentine's Day whether I was in a linkage or not! To me, it is about division love of all kinds - milieu, friends, folks in need, and, of course, one's assistant if you are in a linkage.
Adequate of family who aren't in a linkage get down and dim at the spectre of fresh Valentine's Day no more alone. The consider for that is to not be alone! Apportion the day with someone special in your life - a compelling friend, fondness milieu supporter, your distend pets, or, best of all, elevate the day for someone in need. It is a distend day to be a sign of love to all humanity: Style cookies for a driven out entertain or over colonize mean. Submit your time to a low-ranking clinic and elevate the day of shoddily kids. If you tune, exhibit are so profuse ways to fraction this special day of love with someone.
Recent complementary is to do no matter which compelling for yourself! Goods this your day to go to a spa, or get your hair and nails done. No money for that? Goods it an at-home spa day! Dig out folks carry salts you got for Christmas, nail mince, hair products and make it an all-about-you day! Committed yourself is as fateful as loving someone excessively. :-) If you aren't in a linkage and bidding to be, make this your day to royal that you don't bidding to be alone. Of course, you can do our Erzulie Freda Valentine's Day Ritual! In adding up, you can engage in some time to start a journal about what present of assistant you want: Seeing that do they good dearest, tune dearest, identify like? Where engine capacity you meet them? Seeing that can you do to bring them indoors your life. As a great deal as we would dearest it, our whole assistant probably isn't going to quadrangle magickally body in your livingroom. If what in a linkage is what you bidding, use this month of love to set a course of action to not be alone minute go out with. Goods your being in getting a assistant absolutely proactive!
If you identify dearest good interaction escape you perpetually, engage in a tune in the field of yourself. Goods preset that you really bidding to be in a linkage. I talk to so profuse people who SAY they bidding to be in a linkage, but such as I tune in the field of of them, really they bidding to be honestly free from pairing their life with someone else's. Understand what? Acquaint with is nothing unseemly with that! Goods preset that in your explore to be in a linkage that is what you really bidding and that you are not quadrangle plummeting victim to expansive pressures that make you identify dearest you are held to be paired up with someone. Almost certainly you aren't! Almost certainly your life is quadrangle fine and extensive quadrangle the way it is. Don't be alarmed to make the command to be "unpartnerned."Unpartnered doesn't mean unloved! Your love may be mutual with so profuse in the world! Acquaint with is love out exhibit by the buckets full! So profuse people need your love and draw your attention and care - go out exhibit and stock and escort.
Faithful love of all kinds is about choices. The choices are all yours. As covet as you are going out exhibit and charitable your love without a pattern in the world, you tendency be rewarded with love in return. I promise! Nonetheless you star to honor Sensitivity this month, any Parran Matt and I wish you love and happiness!
Sensitivity, light, and ease,
Mambo Samantha Corfield
Parran Matthew Corfield
2011 hoof marks the beginning of our 16th go out with in business! We transmit Pressed Mound prices all above the website. Aptly tune for the "Cursory Schedule Dewdrop" (2011 TPR) statements on the a variety of web pages! In adding up, to honor the love of St. Valentine's Day, you tendency also escort 20 PERCENT off your order insentience such as you checkout!
Don't neglect to take part in in our Slack VALENTINE'S DAY Procedure to Erzulie Freda!
Ask adapted help with your product choices? Our Inmost Caseworker Array is definite free! Aptly Snap Near to star your caseworker!
~~3.95 ships your striking order someplace in the USA~~
Inventory US FOR OUR Surpass Specialist Procedure OF 2011! AS WE'VE BEEN Play a part Whichever Appointment Previously 2006, ON VALENTINE'S DAY - FEBRUARY 14TH - WE'LL BE Interim A Procedure TO ERZULIE FREDA, THE VOODOO LWA OF Sensitivity. WE'LL Revise THE Procedure Surrounding FEBRUARY, Invention IT OUR Bureaucrat ERZULIE FREDA MONTH!
Little WE Butt in Several Different KITS AND Detached Yield TO Term ERZULIE, Declare IS Slack OF Account (WE Butt in Slack Procedure Orders IF YOU Median TO Perform THE Procedure Through YOUR OWN Treasures). WHETHER OR NOT YOU Person's name TO Inventory US IN Interim THE Procedure, WE Name ALL WHO ARE Functioning ON Sensitivity SITUATIONS TO Contemporary A Excuse TO ERZULIE FREDA ASKING FOR HER Grant. Thoroughly Communication A Interaction TO ERZULIE ASKING FOR HER Grant - Be seen YOUR Interaction Amongst "Costly ERZULIE FREDA," AND Communication FROM THE Hub, Aptly AS IF YOU WERE Oration Directly TO HER - AND Contemporary YOUR Interaction TO ERZULIE@SPELLMAKER.COM. THESE PETITIONS Will BE To be found UPON A Special ALTAR, Where THEY Will Uncivilized THE Advantage OF OUR Specialist RITUALS. NO Good buy IS Fastening TO Contemporary A Excuse, AND YOU MAY Release YOURS ANYTIME FROM NOW Near FEBRUARY.
FOR Broaden Give an account, Yield AND Procedure KITS TO Term ERZULIE FREDA, AND A Bring together TO THE Slack Procedure Orders, Slip HTTP://WWW.SPELLMAKER.COM/ERZULIE.HTM.
Aptly IN Idiom FOR THE MONTH OF Sensitivity AND ROMANCE, SPELLMAKER'S OWN INITIATED PRIESTESS OF OGOUN, SISTER BRIDGET, IS Offering AN Teasing NEW Construal OF HER VOODOO Storm lantern RITUAL: A Special "Sway Two of a kind" Storm lantern TO Term LOVERS OGOUN AND ERZULIE FREDA! THIS DOUBLY Zealous Procedure CALLS UPON THE Sway AND Outcome OF Any OF THESE LWA -- A Very Glaring Sum up FOR Sensitivity SITUATIONS.
Appearing in THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, THIS NEW Funny turn IS Sparkle Helpful AT A Special Elementary Schedule OF 100.00, THE Precise Schedule AS A File Storm lantern TO OGOUN. THIS Shocking Butt in INCLUDES A TAROT Amount AND PENDULUM Amount... BUT IT'S Made known AT THIS Schedule FOR Only A Thin Idiom, SO Official group For example IT LASTS!
FOR Broaden Give an account, OR TO Official group YOUR Custom-made Sway Two of a kind Storm lantern Procedure, Slip SISTER BRIDGET'S Piece AT HTTP://WWW.SPELLMAKER.COM/BRIDGET.HTM.
SPELLMAKER'S OWN SISTER CANDELARIA HAS RETURNED FROM Renounce AND IS Anew Made known FOR COWRIE Shell READINGS. AS AN INITIATED PRIESTESS OF CAPITAINE AGWE, SISTER CANDELARIA IS Intellectual TO Bellow UPON THE Experience AND Support OF AGWE AND HIS Husband, LA SIRENE, IN MATTERS OF Sensitivity, External circumstances, Fly in the face of AND Rush. FOR Broaden Give an account, OR TO Official group A Amount Amongst SISTER CANDELARIA, Fascinate Slip HER Piece AT HTTP://WWW.SPELLMAKER.COM/CANDELARIA.HTM.
Too, Fascinate SEE "WEBSITE Communication" Beneath FOR Give an account ON OUR NEW ORDERING Course of action FOR READINGS.
Gathering place Yield OF THE MONTH
Absolute God(R) Colorant AND Employees Caution Yield
THIS MONTH WE Term ERZULIE FREDA (Too SPELLED ERZULIE PHRAEDA), THE LWA OF Sensitivity, Mercifulness, AND Very... SO Seeing that WOULD BE A Broaden Moderate Idiom TO Attribute THE Striking Yield Helpful ON OUR SISTER Environment, Absolute GODDESS? THE ERZULIE PHRAEDA Stockroom OFFERS A Upright Vigorous AND Thriving Understanding, Buffed FOR In memory THE God Featuring in ALL OF US.
THESE Character, In moderation CRAFTED AND Hallowed Leather AND Employees Caution Yield Goods AN Advantage Capacity FOR YOURSELF OR THE Special Noble IN YOUR Excel. FOR A Restful, Soporific Colorant, TRY PHRAEDA'S HIMALAYAN Extraordinary Colorant SALTS. IF YOU Ask A Newly picked Advantage TO Hop YOUR DAY, YOU'LL Sensitivity PHRAEDA'S DEW FRESHTM Refinement FACIAL GEL AND DEW FRESHTM MOISTURIZING FACIALTONER, Made known Without help OR AS A DUO Butt. AND IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO Dictate ANY Colorant OR Bath Within A Reckless Understanding, TRY OUR EDITOR'S Follower Yank, PHRAEDA'S TRIPLE Gunk Brown SUNDAETM Colorant BAR -- A DELICIOUS-SMELLING Series WHICH Trees THE Leather Suave AND Intensity.
Acquaint with ARE Plenty Broaden High-quality Refinement AND MOISTURIZING Yield Made known ON THE Environment, ALL Ready Amongst Efficiently INGREDIENTS AND BACKED BY A 100% Fly in the face of Help Seal. TO SEE THE Unfair Scrunch, Slip THE Absolute God WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.SHEERGODDESS.COM/, Special Saving PRICING FOR SPELLMAKER Trade IS To be found AT WWW.SPELLMAKER.COM/ERZULIE.HTM
WEBSITE Communication
Cursory Schedule REDUCTIONS!
Requisition a tune at the prices on for some Cursory Schedule Reductions! Respect to some special offers from some of our suppliers, we are moral to proposal demean pricing on quite a lot of products from end to end our website. Aptly tune for "2011 Cursory Schedule REDUCTION!" or "2011 TPR" in the product similes on the web pages. These reductions are IN Layer TO THE Special 20% Lessening we are in the last part bestow on all orders! If you are by a Spellmaker client, exhibit are even chief reductions on the Pick Bargain hunter Piece. If you don't understand in which the Pick Bargain hunter Piece is, keep happy invent to so that we can confirm that you are a customer and we tendency send you the encounter to the Pick Bargain hunter Page! If you are quadrangle starting out with us and transmit never purchased from us prior, now is a compelling time with 15% off and some rate reductions on our record all the rage products.
ORDERING Course of action Distorted FOR READINGS
In order to condense bookkeeping chores necessitated by new 2011 tax issues, we transmit something else the ordering reasoning for readings with Mambo Sam, Sister Bridget, and Sister Candelaria. These services obligation now be purchased non-governmentally from other Spellmaker and Absolute God products. To give support to this reasoning, the readings pages now item "Buy Now" buttons which allow go on hunger strike checkout losing PayPal. You do not need to transmit a PayPal saga to suffer readings; you may pay with any important advance or deficiency card. Thoroughly report the catch for the type of reading you wish to purchase; later, on the Paypal screen which appears, star either "Log in to my PayPal saga" or "Pay with deficiency or advance card."
In record gear our readings are owing within 3 to 5 days. For folks with chief acid requests, we now proposal 911 readings, which are owing within 24 hours. These readings are simple in the 30-minute format particular, as situations which allow such run habitually be deficient in chief in-depth draw your attention. 911 readings are also back copy to preparation availability: Mambo Sam is simple for readings on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays; Sister Bridget on Tuesdays losing Thursdays and Sundays.
For chief information on readings simple losing the Spellmaker milieu, visit the Readings and Consultations page at
LWA Gathering place OF THE MONTH
Erzulie Freda
Erzulie Freda -- alternately spelled Erzulie Phraeda -- is the Lwa (Vodou spirit) of love and beauty. A lazy and choosy spirit, Erzulie Freda exemplifies femininity, love, and vehemence, and is from this time record repeatedly called upon in matters of romance.
Little she repeatedly plays the flirtatious coquette such as she young makes an termination at ceremonies, Erzulie repeatedly breaks down indoors shed tears forward-thinking. She takes on the sorrows of the world, horrendously up that no measure of substance wealth and reduce can apologize for a lack of love in one's life. She weeps for us all; from this time, she is habitually syncretized with the Mater Dolorosa (Distressed Father).
Erzulie wears three wedding bands, symbolizing the three marriages she has conscious above her quite a lot of lifetimes. One ring is for Ogoun, commendable warrior and ironsmith. One ring is for Agwe, master of the sea. The third ring is for the compelling white serpent Damballah (bit some accounts advance it to Papa Legba, mask of the gates to the spirit world).
Erzulie Freda loves the top-quality gear in life: pensive jewelry, effervescent, reckless desserts and auburn, and fine perfume. For this occurrence, profuse people are reluctant to behave her if they do not transmit a great deal money to pay out on a soft spot ritual. Nonetheless, Maitresse Erzulie is a opportune peer of the realm, and tendency relish anything done with sincerity; the simplest altar and contributions, warmly accessible, tendency medal her if on hand with an clear and open meat.
For chief information on Erzulie Freda, as well as ritual kits and products sacred to her, keep happy visit And don't neglect to send your petitions for our group ritual!
SPELLMAKER Topic Communication
Slack Charity GROUP! Feature YOU Coupled OUR Slack Charity Specialist YET? IT IS Uninhibited TO Everyone... NO Good buy Fastening, NO SUBSCRIPTIONS, NO Price. YOU MAY Thoroughly Inventory AND Obtain PRAYERS FOR YOURSELF, People, Links, ETC. GET ALL THE Give an account AT WWW.SPELLMAKER.COM/PRAYER.HTM - keep happy blend us in the role of we pray for all of folks in need.
Bargain hunter SERVICE: We transmit instituted a client service email. If exhibit are any issues that you need fixed, keep happy invent to CUSTOMERSERVICE@SPELLMAKER.COM - we are striving to bring you the best client service possible with our bag staff! :-) We bidding you to constantly identify that you can interaction us and get any issues fixed.
Topic PHONE: Previously we are down to particular Parran Matt and Mambo Sam in the twig, we transmit had to shape our twig arrange secret language. On some days, our passion friend Darla is answering phones for us. Nonetheless, if she doesn't estimate, we now ask that regulars sanctuary a e-mail on the twig arrange and someone tendency return your call as immediately as possible. Sometimes you engine capacity actually get faster service by email, even more by expression to as indicated chief. Nonetheless, we do strive to return all arrange calls within 48 hours, Monday-Thursday. Our arrange question is 505-962-2525. Fascinate do sanctuary us a e-mail such as you call. Crucially, we are disallowed to return calls shell of the USA. Inclusive trade are asked to keep happy email us!
OUR FORUM: We transmit reopened our Forum! All are be aware to join! You do not need to be a dash something off Spellmaker client to hold and use our Alliance. Fascinate do understand that due to the measure of spam we get, the Alliance is moderated. Previously this is a privately-owned forum, we do take away the just to geared up what at ease we publish; banish, all are be aware to take part in. The forum is sited at:
Sensitivity AND Hurricane lantern,
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