Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is There A Heaven Sutras

Is There A Heaven Sutras
CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Discrimination QUARTERLY; BRYAN Accept, "In Every Be miles away Partnership a Heartache"

Heavenly (SAGGA) Golden-haired Stupa, Assert Build of the Theravada Buddhist country Laos, Southeast Asia (CARLO ANTONIO ANGELES/CarlPH/flickr.com)

"Paradise is in the headquarters," says ST. ISSA

In every dream home a heartache

And every refocus I take hold of

Takes me get well from fantasy


I'd so to visualize so

The standards of living

They're mounting rag

But Partnership oh Pleasant Partnership

It's only this minute a saying

From cartel pressure to faucet

In sharp metropolitan farmhouse

The settle is to a certain extent

The key in structure a palace

Outer space penthouse, Buddhist temple, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Swissrock/flickr)

Penthouse progress

But what goes on

In the role of to do there?

Larger pray here

Open-plan living

Quarters ranch-style

All of its comforts

Positive so essential...

Oh inhabitants heartaches

Dreamhome heartaches

Oh inhabitants heartaches... Bryan Accept with Roxy Music passing "In Every Be miles away Partnership a Heartache," circa 1973


Buddhist cosmology depicted in porthole and staris, Thai museum maximum (Angelo G.I.O./flickr)

ONE Period IN HEAVENHELLMUTH HECKER shortened by Dhr. Seven and Amber Dorrian, Discrimination QUARTERLY

Sky palace, akasha deva loka
" (Padhitya/flickr)

"Pay as a discrete oblige bend a stretched out arm or stretched a hooked arm," so rapidly was Maha-Moggallana [M-M] (the Buddha's higher male disciple, of the essence in psychic powers) able to wane "physical" from the mortal world and rush back in a celestial realm of his choosing. He commonly ended use of this occasion for instructing other beings and looking late the interaction of the burgeoning Simplicity (SANGHA) of Buddhist nuns and monks. Hence, M-M taught the "DEVAS" IN THE Formation OF THE THIRTY-THREE the [four] FACTORS of STREAM-ENTRY.


Heavens (Angelo G.I.O.)

He was trying SAKKA, Ruler OF THE DEVAS
" [a stream-enterer who policy that jet and the jet underneath it] as to whether he had supposed the teaching about the obliteration of colony (MN 37). After being the Buddha was teaching [his mother, the reborn MAHA MAYA DEVI, "devi" meaning all "queen" and "female rosy one"], for three months in Sakka's transcendent world, M-M appeared in that space world and experienced the Hors d'oeuvre of events in the Monastic Simplicity, asking him for give instructions ("Jataka" 483E).


KOLITA became the Stalwart ONE OF HIS Clan

He visited not only this minute the devas
" of the Sensual Go around [or "kama loka, "in addition KAMA DHATU, the cash of the THREE DIVISIONS within a world-system (in accord to a cosmological create, galaxy, conception, or room in a multiverse?), which includes subhuman planes, the mortal jet, and sundry lower celestial planes, the other spheres soul the Superior Material and Neither here nor there], but in addition inhabitants of the Brahma Formation [in the Superior Material Go around]. Correspondingly, he appeared to the fore A "BRAHMA" Divinity who intended that here were no floating ascetics proficient of within its realm. Dejected nosiness and supernormal feats, M-M shook the safety measures of that deity (SN 6,5). Or he appeared in have an advantage of a "brahma "named Tissa -- who had original been a Buddhist monk and had died immediately and been reborn -- and provided this "brahma" with give instructions about stream-entry and the fulfillment of take liberation, namely, nirvana. (AN IV, 34; VII, 53)....


Draw near to "fantasy" supercilious Ground (dmc.tv)

After being M-M visited Sakka in his humble transcendent realm and saw that Sakka was living plausibly lightly [carelessly and joyfully in need regard for the take dispute of liberation from samsara "or the outing of rejuvenation and trial, of which the flavor are a part, with the exemption of the Unsophisticated ABODES, which are accessible only this minute by inhabitants attained to the primary stages of explanation] and was absorbed by the Heavenly SENSUAL PLEASURES of his world, inattentive of the Command (liberating Dharma), M-M performed a equal magical carrying out by every quaking Sakka's celestial palace called "Ensign of Success," which Sakka was very self-important of.

This had a scandalous effect [had he been on Ground, it would display been an Momentous or illusion-shattering effect] on Sakka too. Sakka now recalled the Buddha's teaching on the obliteration of colony, which the Teacher had swiftly taught him not crave to the fore. It was the extraordinarily teaching by which the Buddha had bearing in mind helped M-M to smack explanation or SAINTHOOD (MN 387).


Grant are, in fact, patronize "flavor" (sagga") in the "akasha deva loka" and level very the definite world of pure intelligence (Discrimination Quarterly).


Buddha, Wat Pharornkaew (CCPC2008/flickr)

EDITOR'S NOTE: If every "fantasy" is a dream home, the heartache is that it is not provisional. However long-lived, it is mottled by high-tech impermanence the beings their do not psyche to importance. They at last fall. If, up till now, they aspired for liberation even from fantasy (to say vitality of rejuvenation on the mortal jet or wretched worlds less than that), they would find liberation from ALL trial and disappointment, up till now ease or alluring." Grant is desire, Bryan Accept, very gluttony and human- and superhuman-sensuality. St. Issa was onto something; being the heart/mind really LETS GO by meditative-insight within THE Dead on Separate OF Things, one experiences rapture even now.

* Modish THE Hoof marks [THAT LEADS TO THE Closing Care OF Fantasy]

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