Still looking for Rapture in 2008 ! Signs are still RED HOT ! So many things happening in the world are lining up with JUDGMENT FOR THE WORLD IN 2008 AND RAPTURE FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST. "MORE PIECES! " Pastor F. M. Riley THE 2300 DAYS "THEN I HEARD ONE SAINT SPEAKING, AND ANOTHER SAINT SAID UNTO THAT CERTAIN "saint WHICH SPAKE, HOW LONG shall be THE VISION concerning THE DAILY sacrifice, AND THE TRANSGRESSION OF DESOLATION, TO GIVE BOTH THE SANCTUARY AND THE HOST TO BE TRODDEN UNDER FOOT? " " AND HE SAID UNTO ME, UNTO TWO THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED DAYS; THEN SHALL THE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED. " DANIEL 8:13-14 "KJV THEN I HEARD A CERTAIN HOLY ONE SPEAKING, AND SAID ANOTHER HOLY ONE TO THAT ONE WHO SPOKE, UNTIL WHEN "is THE VISION, THE REGULAR sacrifice AND THE TRESPASS DESOLATING, TO GIVE BOTH THE SANCTUARY AND THE HOST TO BE TRAMPLED? " " AND HE SAID TO ME, FOR EVENINGS "and MORNINGS TWO THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED; THEN WILL BE VINDICATED the SANCTUARY. " DANIEL 8:13-14 " Hendrickson Hebrew Greek English Interlinear Bible FOLKS, I'M NOT THE "BRIGHTEST BULB" IN GOD'S STOREHOUSE, BUT I HAVE WONDERED FOR MANY YEARS HOW SO MANY OF GOD'S PEOPLE COULD MAKE SUCH A TOTAL MESS OUT OF "INTERPRETING" THESE TWO VERSES? DO THESE TWO VERSES SAY, IN BOTH THE HEBREW TEXT AND THE KJV ENGLISH, THAT THIS VISION CONCERNS "THE DAILY "sacrifice, AND THE TRANSGRESSION OF DESOLATION or do they not? Well...? If that is what these two verses actually and literally say, then do they not also limit the 2,300 days to the amount of time that the daily sacrifice is being offered plus the amount of time after the daily sacrifice is stopped and the land is desolated by the transgression? Well...? Is this correct or not? Come on, speak up! I'm just trying to learn too. While some of you are trying to figure out how to answer this, let me point out a few related facts. THE REINSTITUTION OF THE DAILY SACRIFICE FOLKS, THE DAILY SACRIFICE DOES NOT BEGIN THE DAY THE TRIBULATION PERIOD BEGINS. HOW DO I KNOW? BECAUSE THE JEWISH ["TRIBULATION"] TEMPLE HAS TO BE REBUILT AND THE ALTAR SET IN THE COURTYARD OF THE TEMPLE BEFORE ANY DAILY SACRIFICE CAN BEGIN, "REVELATION 11:1-2. "The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple will be supervised by God's Two Witnesses, as explicitly stated and taught in "REVELATION 11:1-2, MATTHEW 17:11, "and "MALACHI 4:5-6. " I have a Bible study in print entitled "The Future Ministry of God's Two Witnesses," which gives book, chapter, and verse proving this statement, which I will be glad to email to any reader who requests it. There quite obviously is a period of time between the beginning of the Tribulation and the time when the daily sacrifices are reinstituted. THE QUESTION IN "DANIEL 8:13-14 "was not concerning when the Tribulation begins, but when the daily sacrifice starts. Hello! Is everyone listening? THE LENGTH OF THE TRIBULATION FOLKS, FROM "GENESIS "clear through "REVELATION "the coming Tribulation period is typified, taught, and can be directly calculated to be seven years of 360 days to the year. The last time I calculated that, it amounted to 2,520 days. That is the length of the whole Tribulation; 2,520 days. THE "MIGHTY ANGEL ["Messenger"] in "REVELATION 10:1 - 11:1-2 "explicitly told John that there would be two periods of time connected with the Tribulation Temple. The first period is set forth in "REVELATION 11:1 "where John is told to "...MEASURE THE TEMPLE "["as an architect lays out a design"] "OF GOD, AND THE ALTAR... for "THEM THAT WORSHIP THEREIN. So here is a period of time when the Jews are once again worshipping in their rebuilt Temple. THEN JOHN WAS ALSO TOLD NOT TO MEASURE THE COURT OF THE TEMPLE, BECAUSE "...IT IS GIVEN UNTO THE GENTILES: AND THE HOLY CITY SHALL THEY TREAD UNDER FOOT FORTY "and TWO MONTHS. Now here is a second period of time, the length of which is explicitly stated to be "forty two months. The last time I calculated 42 months, it amounted to 3 1/2 years or 1,260 days. This appears to be the last half of the Tribulation, which follows the Jews worshipping during part of the first half of the Tribulation. Is there any further proof of this? I'm glad you asked..... IN "REVELATION 11:3 "the "MIGHTY ANGEL explicitly told John, "AND I WILL GIVE "power UNTO MY TWO WITNESSES, AND THEY SHALL PROPHESY A THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED and THREESCORE DAYS, CLOTHED IN SACKCLOTH. This is the first half of the Tribulation, during which these "TWO WITNESSES will direct the rebuilding of the Tribulation Temple, dedicate it to the God of Israel, and join the Jews in worshipping in that Temple from the time the Jews start offering the daily sacrifices on the Temple altar again after the Temple has been rebuilt and dedicated. This is the same period of time spoken of in "11:1." BUT CAREFULLY NOTICE IN "REVELATION 11:7" that when the time of the testimony of these "TWO WITNESSES is finished, "THE BEAST will "OVERCOME THEM, AND KILL THEM. Whoa! Where in "REVELATION", and at what time, do we see this "BEAST coming to power? That specific event is recorded in "REVELATION 13:1-5. "It is explicitly stated in "13:5 "that "...POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM TO CONTINUE FORTY "and "TWO MONTHS. This is the last half of the Tribulation. We know this to be true because it is at the end of the Tribulation when the Lord returns that "...THE BEAST WAS TAKEN, AND WITH HIM THE FALSE PROPHET THAT WROUGHT MIRACLES BEFORE HIM...," REVELATION 19:20. "Then it is quite obvious that the 42 months "THE BEAST continues is the last half of the Tribulation. This is in perfect harmony with "REVELATION 11:2 "and "DANIEL 9:27. "Hello! Are you listening? SO THE "MIGHTY ANGEL gave John instructions about two time periods in "REVELATION 11:1-2, "and then demonstrated those two time periods in "REVELATION 11:3 "and "13:5. "Whoopee! Praise the Lord! Glory to God! Hallelujah! All you "post-tribulationists" ["Preterists"] chew on this for a while. SO WHEN DO THE DAILY SACRIFICES BEGIN? Folks, if the Tribulation is 2,520 days in length, and it is! And the Jews start offering the daily sacrifices 2,300 days before the end of the Tribulation..... Then how much time is there between the beginning of the Tribulation and the time when the Jews start offering the daily sacrifices? D-u-u-h!? Well folks, the last time I calculated, this means that there will be a 220 day period of time between the beginning of the Tribulation, and the reinstitution of the animal sacrifices on the Temple altar. It is during this 220 day period of time that the Jewish Tribulation Temple will be rebuilt and dedicated again to the God of Israel. Glory! Hallelujah! Hey! Don't get excited. I'm not really shouting yet. I'm just getting ready to raise the roof with praises to the Lord. THE 220 DAYS NOW FOLKS, GET OUT YOUR CALENDAR AND START COUNTING. FROM THE LAST DAY OF TABERNACLES, OCTOBER 20, 2008 UNTIL THE EVE OF PENTECOST, MAY 28, 2009, IS EXACTLY 220 DAYS. WHAT BETTER TIME TO REINSTITUTE THE DAILY SACRIFICES TO THE GOD OF ISRAEL THAN ON THE VERY DAY THE "POWER of God's Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Lord's church according to "ACTS 2, "and the very day the "POWER of God's Holy Spirit will be poured out again upon Israel according to "JOEL 2:28-32"? Glory! Folks, the Lord is going to rapture His people to glory on the last day of Tabernacles, October 20, 2008. The Tribulation period is going to start the same day ["didn't I tell you the rapture would be a "cliffhanger"?"], starting a 220 day count to the eve of Pentecost on May 28, 2009, at which time the Tribulation Temple will be dedicated and the daily sacrifices will begin. Glory! Thank you Renee! Thank you Ola! And thank you Doves for being a wonderful family. I love you all. Okay folks! Now you can let it rip! Lift up your voices and shout praises and glory to the God of Heaven and to our Majestic Savior until all the neighbors up and down the street come to see what all the shouting is about. And then you can share Jesus and the way of salvation with them. Here I go! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord! Praise you Jesus! Hallelujah! Glory! Thank you Holy Father! Praise be to the Name of our Great Yeshua! Praise Jehovah! Oh thank you Lord, the Great revealer of secrets. Hallelujah for all of the mercies you have shown to the sons of men. I love you Father. I love you Lord Jesus. I love you blessed Holy Spirit. I can't hardly wait until I can bow before my Savior and cast my crown before His feet. Hallelujah! Glory to God! Praise the Lord! "Even so, come, Lord Jesus," Revelation 22:20."
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