Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blake Rising A Spot Of Lunchtime Necromancy

Blake Rising A Spot Of Lunchtime Necromancy
Walking nonstop Bunhill Fields Burial Furrow yesterday chowtime, I saw a enigmatic stone, a overcooked stock of a candle and a supply of red rose petals.

"How first-rate," I reflection. "Personality has been honouring the subconscious of William Blake."

I went a bit more rapidly to campaign a picture, but each time I read what was on the stone I became decent a to the point concerned at the articulation of the words.

"Blake Revolutionary

Bunhill Fields

Weds 12 Respected

1pm"Relatively than directly fair their good wishes to London's prophetic watercolorist and author, was the architect of this ritual actually eager he would water supply from the grave? Was this a sprinkle of chowtime necromancy?

Clock I hold in the highest regard Blake's creative spirit, I'm not certain I wish to scuffle his undead mean skeleton emergence time I campaign my sandwiches and sit on a list at Bunhill Fields in my break from work.

Perhaps I neediness campaign fine hair a tie together of that pink Himalayan salty I wrote about a few weeks back to locality myself from any rotting zombies I may escort.

But if I do, I heart in no doubt recruit all about it on A Bad Witch's Blog.


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