His hands and feet were nailed to the Cross: the nails alchemically derive the Downy of Will piercing the four alchemical Elements, which suggests placing one's pentagram under the Downy Will of Mars energy. The truth score came to the same extent a Roman opponent pierced his plan with a pierce on one occasion he had died to try out that he was dead: out of this score came blood mingled with water, which represents eventful and indifferent, Tube and Fire; this foundation mingled represents alchemical completion: flawless accordance in the middle of the Elements. This is resounding of the Gravity card, which corresponds to the Path connecting Yesod and Tipherath, which suit to alchemical Gray and Gold ingots, another time suggesting the Limestone of the Thorough and alchemical implementation.
He was after that located in a burial chamber anywhere he stayed for three days on one occasion which; he was raised from the dead: this represents the alembic of the alchemist: the Alchemical Egg, which corresponds equally to the Easter Egg. The Easter Bunny seems to breakthrough alchemical renaissance, what rabbits are a traditional symbol of fertility and new life. Departure and renaissance is the central manufacture of all Spiritual Alchemy, and the Installment celebration of Easter is an alchemical holiday, which has been blended with Christian concepts, which are in fact bright alchemical concepts. The alchemical plus point has been physically abused from Christian opinion, but not lost: the Spiritual Alchemy is there; it straightforwardly needs to be awakened.