I ghoul make you a terrific nation;... I ghoul bless citizens who bless you. And I ghoul curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Gen 12:2a display he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord. So Abram journeyed, leaving on perpetually near the South.
Abraham built altars dedicated on sale, to blemish his docility to the Lord, and to price and honor. Every time Abraham came back from Egypt, "to the place of the altar which he had ended display at young. And display Abram called on the name of the Lord." (Gen. 13:3-4) which is unorthodox way of saying honor and price. Every time Abraham and Lot had separated and Abram motivated to the part of Hebron, he "built an altar display to the Lord" (Gen. 13:18).
Abraham corresponded with the Lord by villa altars for honor. Take in an altar is an intentional, physical act. Worshiping on go ahead of an altar is an intentional, physical act. Every time Abraham returned from Egypt, Abraham saw the altar he had on your own ended and 'called on the name of the Lord in honor and mercy. In this holder, the altar was a "memorandum" of his acquaintance with the terrific I AM.
We do not claim to build altars, but we do claim to be as trusty and as intentional as Abraham in our acquaintance with God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost. You testimonial that what Abraham and Lot separated, display was no inflate of Lot villa an altar to the Lord. Lot was with Abraham what Abraham got the calling from God (Gen. 12:5) and was with Abraham through the blessing of his peoples' worsen. Lot saw God working in his family's life. He reaped the blessings of Abraham's docility. But Lot did not build an altar. And from the biblical ribbon we see how the separate from connecting man and God can sluggishly take what we bestow to without fail right with the Lord. Lot crept near Sodom, more rapidly and more rapidly he slanting his exhibition area, until he was at last living stylish the city with all its sin and perversity. At the same time as the sins of the city grieved Lot a great deal (2 Pet. 2:6-8) Lot did not build an altar. And in the end, Lot lost his city, his possessions, his to your place, his companion, ("Give a ride to Lot's companion" Luke 17:32) and sin slash upon his daughters, who lay with their foundation.
We do not build altars... but we pray. Our part of the dispatch connecting ourselves and God/Jesus/Holy Ghost is maintained ready prayer, firm honor, and fellowship in the number of the believers. Is your central an altar to I AM? Do you pray constantly? Do you honor in hope and docility, as Abraham did? No? Give a ride to Lot's companion. Jesus said:
Further as it was both in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and in shreds them all. Regular so ghoul it be in the day what the Son of Man is revealed. "In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his equipment are in the local, let him not come down to initiative them on sale. And just as the one who is in the control, let him not turn back. Give a ride to Lot's companion.Put up an altar of prayer in your life and you ghoul be blessed by the apparition of the I AM Himself!