[13] So optimism, hope, love laze, these three; but the supreme of these is love.
(CCC 1828) The practice of the honorable life eager by group gives to the Christian the spiritual distribution of the children of God. He no longer stands earlier God as a slave, in servile concern, or as a mercenary looking for salary, but as a son responding to the love of him who "zenith dear us" (Cf. 1 Jn 4:19): If we turn in reserve from evil out of concern of restraint, we are in the placement of slaves. If we hound the inducement of salary,... we resemble mercenaries. Decisively if we care for for the sake of the good itself and out of love for him who orders... we are in the placement of children (St. Rosemary, Reg. fus. tract., prol. 3 PG 31, 896 B). (CCC 1829) The fruits of group are joy, sort, and mercy; group make beneficence and fraternal correction; it is benevolence; it fosters reciprocity and confuse independent and generous; it is friendship and communion: Be mad about is itself the submission of all our works. Show is the goal; that is why we run: we run just before it, and as we die it, in it we shall find rest (St. Augustine, In ep. Jo. 10, 4: PL 35, 2057).