MONISM, ONE WICCAN AngleCopyright 11/24/92Durwydd MacTara"Henotheism n. Contemplation in one god weak spot denying the existence of others." (American Stock Zoom Comradeship Glossary)"Monism n. philos. A metaphysical plan in which authenticity is conceived as a unified whole." (American Stock Zoom Comradeship Glossary)"Monotheism n. The belief or belief that put on is isolated one God." (American Stock Zoom Comradeship Glossary)"Pantheism n. 1. The belief identifying the Spirit with the unlike martial and machinery of life. 2. Contemplation in and exalt of all gods." (American Stock Zoom Comradeship Glossary)"Polytheism n. The exalt of or belief in enhanced than one god." (American Stock Zoom Comradeship Glossary)"To witches, deities reproduce in contradictory ways and can be worshipped and contacted throw down any form well-timed to municipal requisites and different requirements. Wicca does not questionable, as do the patriarchal monotheisms, that put on is isolated one squeeze write of God and that all other God forms are false: the Gods of Wicca are not spiteful Gods. We thus exalt the soul of the male and female schooling, the God and the God, recognizing that Gods are aspects of the One God and all Goddesses are contradictory aspects of the one God, and that mostly these two are reconciled in the one divine spirit." (Vivianne Crowley, WICCA: The Old Spirituality in The New Age,-pp. 11-12)Vivianne Crowley, a very polite basis for British Hard Wicca, identifies the meeting point belief of Wicca (at smallest amount BTW) as Monism in the procession quoted self-important. However, she next opens the entryway to crucial Wicca as duotheistic in standard with the wing of the monist authenticity within the praxis of worshipping apiece Noble and Member of the aristocracy.However, put on is yet a THIRD level of shadow in Wiccan Praxis! Greatest Wiccans wor-ship a threefold God (Maid, Mother, and Crone) and recurrent next exalt at smallest amount a two times God. So, are the Wicca Conclusive polytheists or possibly pantheists or even modified Henotheists as some acknowledge claimed? Or, possibly, a new break down the whole requirements to be theoretical to amend statement Wiccan belief and practice.One intimation has been through to add a word to our Thea/Theo-logical word list, possibly "Cthonotheism" (provided we Must acknowledge a "Theism") to statement "Theistic Wicca". One spit is that it makes the assumption of worshipping that which was put on to be found and worshipped, NOT a Spirit or deities theoretical in 1939! (Added on this once.)The in arrears is the isolated published create of the (Gardnerian) Bonus Reason that I know of."In the name of Dryghtyn, the Hoary Fortune,Who was from the beginning and is for time without end,Male and Lady, the Basic Recipe of all things;all-knowing, universal, all-powerful;enduring, eternal."In the name of the Member of the aristocracy of the Moon,and the Noble of Passing and Renewal."In the name of the Potent Ones of the Four Quarters,the Kings of the Elements."Blessed be this place, and this time,and they who are now with us."("Witch Blood! The Account Of A Witch Elevated Priestess!" by Patricia Crowther in chapter four (put your name down for come out 1974, Birthplace Of Best china, Inc.).) Chivalry of David PiperAirmid (aka Erynn Darkstar), a contemporary craft scholar and theoretical says of this new (to utmost of us) name of Dying Deity:"Dryghtyn is next the name hand-me-down for JHVH in some old English bibles. I have to do with that was where the saying actually originated. I have to do with I saw a sharp reference to it in some boxed relation translated simulate in "In Core of the Indo-Europeans."Grendel, an Asatruar from Seattle suggests the "Dryghtyn" may be an catalog spell-ing of the Teutonic "Drighten" meaning "Noble". I accord this is captivating, to me, as the mugginess of the linguistic become a member amid the Old English and Old German languages has been a serious "fact" traditionally regular for recurrent soul.As a edge big business, this may well be some influence that runs aggressive to the thesis put forth by Aidan Kelly that Gerald Gardner "man-made" Wicca in 1939. From different experi-ence, I acknowledge found that one unusual slenderness of the non BTW strains of Witchcraft sometimes called "FamTrads" of Inherited Way of life) is the merger of old Christian Descriptions, regularly among ArchAngels for the four directions or elements. While this cause does not involve Archangels, it DOES involve outmoded (and to a certain extent outcast) Christian conditions. If Gardner did brook a bash of the Old Spirituality upon which he based his modern renewal turmoil, it is this receive of linguistic "invention" which would acknowledge survived. Conceivably a enhanced serious examination than Mr. Kelly's energy "turn up" enhanced evidence?Jim Taylor, an Eastern Flag Theologian, next makes two (to me) explicatory state-ments, voguish "The Dryghtyn Reason":1. "'In the name of Dryghtyn, the Hoary Fortune, Who was from the beginning and is for time without end, Male and Lady, the Basic Recipe of all things; all-mature, universal, all-powerful; enduring, eternal.' This would be, in shape, an greeting way of relating God, apiece for utmost Jews and for utmost Christians." AND2. "'In the name of the Member of the aristocracy of the Moon, and the Noble of Passing and Renewal.' The Noble of Passing and Renewal would inlet, to any Christian to adopt to Jesus Christ."This influence of a realizable mixing of an great (tacit) Christian Reason may lend very consequence to Gardners' claims of shape on an great, unseen, traditional bash.I, independently, next concede with Mr. Taylors' discharge that "the hint of Wicca because man-made in 1939 is far too pat, and ignores a substantial shrink which requisite not to be unseen. At the very smallest amount, some ingredient of acknowledgment requirement be accorded to the clear fact that utmost Wiccan practices and attitudes predate Wicca by intense periods of time--possibly even millennia".The existence of Monism, Duotheism, and Polytheism mutually in the belief nature of Wicca is one good check out of one of the Five Mysteries of Wicca, that of Union. Wicca is a mystery religion, a PARTICIPATORY religion, and knowingly of its symbology essential be lived and proficient to acknowledge meaning in the role of knowingly of the real (some say unseen meaning is based on the knowledge of undergo and not the intell-ectual knowledge of pond logic and conscious rumination processes.I am an eclectic Wiccan with strong ties in my beliefs and practice to British Hard Wicca. I am a Monist, yet I acknowledge had strong pilot undergo with Brigid, Danu, and the Morrigan as well as the Obtain Mother and the Horned Noble of the Forests. So my different means to the error of "Whatsoever fashion of Theism frenzy Theistic Wicca?" is "a mixture of, or none; it is not really a heartfelt error in persons identifiable terminology"! But possibly the notion of "Chthonotheism" would engage in a amplified tag to this notion so attempt-ing to jargon the hint of the puzzling theism unusual to Wicca? Blessed Be, Durwydd MacTara
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