The corrupt also manner "to learn", and from clothed in we get the word Gemara (also )... Chatimah is also talmudic and can mean a name or a sealing (Pessachim 104)... Of course "tova" manner good.
Compelling. This has played out for real in my life this New Engagement.
. I started my study of Sefer HaBahir 10 days before to Rosh Hashanah (for 10 days of selichot). As of this jiffy, I plague 11 "entries" earlier on the leading verse alone! => my Oral Torah (Gemara), so to speak!
. Erev Rosh Hashanah, my provide with leg flowed meticulously (such that I became "on purpose shrewd" of it) with a velvety energy all night yearn for. It felt "so good". A few days subsequent to, I found out via two sources (one the same as R' Aryeh Kaplan's bang on Sefer HaBahir) that the word "shechakim" ( in verse 1 of Sefer HaBahir) pertains kabbalistically to Netzach and Hod, the sefirot signifcant to image and mystical originality. Thus, the mind of the energy at liberty by my provide with leg was a extrapolative mind and a Genuine "chatimah tova" for the New Engagement.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish mysticism mysticism jewish meditation meditation kabbalah iyunit jewitchery jewitch jewish man sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith sefer hahabir bahir gmar chatimah tova selichot rosh hashanah yom kippur hoshana rabba teshuvah chosimah nevuah image Oral Torah Torah she-be'al pe