I felt on cloud nine by the intelligence that summer has begun in the Northern hemisphere of Saturn. This intelligence gives some understanding about why unmistaken basic principles of astrology support been theoretical as they are by our sages. Enhanced importantly this intelligence offers an answer for the way the Jupiter based calendar, called as Brihaspathya-maana has been formed which in turn gives some clues on how the Venus based calendar could support been framed. The Venus based calendar predictable as Shukra-maana or Asura-maana is what the Mayans had followed. The end of a pass in their calendar in the go out with 2012 can be analyzed from unconventional slope - from what we return from our astrological texts, buttressed with a new understanding by the discovery of Saturn's summer that began this go out with. Let me performance this. Saturn's revolution as regards the sun takes nearly 30 being. This is the repute of a go out with in Saturn. Saturn is peep acceptable that the light (or seasons) shifts repeatedly from south to north and from north to south. In other words, Saturn is correspondingly experiencing seasons care for the earth. The repute of light in each hemisphere lasts for 15 being each. On Grand 11th this go out with (2009), the sun was happy on the equator of Saturn. From that time forward the northern stay of the light has begun. North has a special place in our practice (Hinduism and Hindu astrology). North actually assets the lifeless elder our path of revolution. The vast expanses elder our lifeless of time or elder the Milkyway are predictable as North. This can be voluntarily said by looking at the fit created Horoscope stratagem we make. The North regularly stands for Devayaana or the path of Gods or the path of transcendence to Advanced realms. The South stands for Pithruyaana, or new beginning or in receipt of back dressed in the repeated unavoidability. It is no joyfulness that Saturn correspondingly exhibits uniqueness in its Northern realms by some swelling employment in for of hexagonal patterns. Having the status of is of inquisitiveness to us in astrology is that the Saturn's summer is departure to mark with High regard of Saturn as per our astrological principles. Fair-minded in divergence was in the 80s on every occasion Saturn's north was depression and the south was happy. That coincided with the debility sample of Saturn. Departure by the properly aim of Saturn's series (27th aim Leo) on the day of sun sail its equator (11-08-2009), this honoring sample shifts to Scorpio and not in Libra. But what can not be dismissed is that the honoring bring coincides with its peak summer in north! Astrologically dialect, honoring time of Saturn is the best time for the accepted of seers and pungent and dharmic people. In commonplace astrology, debility time of Saturn comes with lot of bad intelligence for mankind. Nonetheless Aries is the sign of debility, its transit in Taurus (which preference be Formal Suitable in north ray according to Cassini's effect) comes with a lot of predicament. To say the prime ones, on every occasion Saturn transits Krittika, it necessitate not be opposed by Jupiter in Vishaka. That preference spell lot on mankind. Acquaint with preference be wars and fighting on earth. Retrogression in Krittika (as seen from earth) - that is departure back towards full of meaning winter - is correspondingly a bad time for mankind. Acquaint with preference be intend and aridness. Acquaint with preference be campaign amid people. Subsequent to Saturn cuts on both sides of Rohini in Taurus, that is once more a time of wars and hatred. In its hitch transit on these stars, we witnessed terrorism raising its horrid hint. WTC and Indian Senate were attacked on every occasion Saturn was in its full of meaning winter in Taurus. In the in the past segment on every occasion Saturn was transiting Taurus the world was ruined by the 2nd world war and tiny ammo. In a considerably ancient external, King Dasharatha (twitch of Rama) appeased the Saturn with Shani sthuthi to renew the people from intend requisites on every occasion Saturn was sail Taurus as a result of Rohini. That's why we see a affiliation surrounded by Saturn's winter in its Northern hemisphere and bad undertakings to mankind. But this is not the intelligence I am on cloud nine about. The knowledge of what it assets by honoring or debility of a earth, said from this specialized leak is what makes me tad on cloud nine that I support hit upon a ground-breaking. The 2 planets of inquisitiveness in this context are Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is the preceptor for Devas or for people living in the northern hemisphere of the earth and Venus is for Asuras, people living in the southern hemisphere. Vedic seers support devised 10 types of measurement of time or calendars of which the Suryamaana, Chandramaana and Brihaspatya maana (based on Jupiter's revolution) are prime for us. The Brihaspatya maana was in trend for a yearn for time in the external. Shukra maana is based on the revolution of Venus but not considerably is predictable about it as our ancients support ignored it as not justified for people in Northern hemisphere. Several event is that it was followed by Asuras. For yearn for I could not substantiate the principles of Brihaptaya maana of Jupiter as given by our ancient sages. But now a long time ago understanding how honoring and debility signs go nominated with the summer and winter in the north of Saturn, I am skillful to get an answer. Let us begin with honoring and debility of Jupiter. Jupiter has exhibition encouraged out is its debility now, which assets that it is winter in the north of Jupiter now. Subsequent to Jupiter exalts it assets peak summer in Jupiter's north. Now the neighboring understanding is how the beginning of a pass is allotted to the planets in astrology. The basic admiration is on every occasion the earth disappears at the rear the sun and reappears once more. In other words the pass begins a long time ago the conjunction with the sun. For moon, its new pass begins a long time ago it conjoins the sun. That is, a long time ago the New moon or amavasya, (on every occasion the moon joins the sun), the new pass of revolution as regards the zodiac starts for the moon. In the same way the new pass of revolution as regards the zodiac starts for Jupiter a long time ago it conjoins the Sun in the star Dhanishta! It is imaginary in Brihat Samhita ( part 8 -27) " Subsequent to Jupiter reappears at the beginning of the constellation of Dhansihta in the month of Maagha, the highest go out with of the pass of 60 being of Jupiter predictable as Prabhava commences." Jupiter completes one revolution as regards the zodiac in 12 being. But that is not hard-working as a pass. The Jupiter-maana had 12 yugas of 5 being each. Subsequent to all the 12 yugas starting from Vishnu yuga gets over and done with by 60 being, it is imaginary that Jupiter has concluded one pass. The repute of the pass is 60 being. The origin of a new pass starts a long time ago Sun conjoins Jupiter in Dhansihta. Such a conjunction happens this go out with on every occasion Sun moves to Aquarius. Subsequent to that happens it assets Jupiter has exhibition crossed its full of meaning winter in its north (debility). By this admiration, we can say that a new pass for a earth begins a long time ago conjunction with the sun that happens a long time ago it crosses its sign of debility or full of meaning winter in its northern ray. We may joyfulness if such a admiration is not applicable to Moon. Destitution not a new pass of moon begin a long time ago it crosses debility in Scorpio? Destitution not the Solar new go out with (new pass) begin a long time ago moon crosses debility and conjoins the sun? Yes. Vikrama calendar begins the lunar go out with from Kaarthigai a long time ago moon conjoins the sun afterward a long time ago its debility! But that calendar is not in trend today. A consideration necessitate support happened amid the sages about the logic of having a calendar care for that for moon. The Sun and the moon are exceptions as they are not treated nominated with other planets. In addition moon's debility is not legally truthful when it attains neecha bhanga - by years in Kendra to itself. The awfully need if feasible to Sun and its debility has a novel keep fit in astrology. Sun debilitates in Libra. Promptly a long time ago it moves out of Libra, that is, on every occasion it enters Scorpio, that marks an prime time. All facets of vegetable horoscopy are assessed from the day the sun enters Scorpio. The mental picture of the crops and harvest topic to be raised in the ensuing jazz up is judged from the sun's impertinence dressed in Scorpio, a long time ago leaving its sign of debility. If astronomical pass is observed for unindustrialized purposes, the lunar pass is observed for festivals and vrathas that form by itself unconventional type of maana called Saavana maana. From all this we supposing that sun and the moon are excluded from the time-honored topic of how the new pass begins for a earth. From the Jupiter's pass we know that the new pass begins a long time ago the earth foliage its debility (full of meaning winter in its northern ray) and repapers a long time ago a conjunction with the sun. Let us assign this admiration to Venus. We don't assign this to other planets such as Mars or Mercury, when the 10 types of measurement of time as given by Vedic seers do not pick up the tab them. The calendar of sun and the moon are for commonplace life. Jupiter is for people living in the north (Devas) and Venus is for people living in the south (Asuras). Venus debilitates in Virgo. That necessitate be the time of peak winter in its northern ray. But it is not so. In the function of Venus is peep very not many, say by 3 degrees honorable. The drifter changes are unevenly nil, but it is a thought of exploration if some prod in muted of the poles happens in Venus. The Mayan pass of 5,125 being is maybe to do with such a pass that is possible as in frequent 1000 s of being. If we peer at the sky map of 21-12-2012, we find that Venus has emerged from its sign of debility and traveled the neighboring sign. The conjunction with the sun would not yet support hard-working place. But I noticed some other thing. Venus, a long time ago growing form the sign of debility becomes conjunct with Saturn in Libra and emerges from that in Scorpio. A strict taking part in can be noted on Grand 11, 3114 BC on every occasion the widespread pass of the Mayans was imaginary to support started. Then correspondingly Venus had emerged from debility sign, consequently conjoined with Saturn and re emerged at Scorpio. Its series in degrees on both occasions is very wadding - within 6 degrees. That sign (Scorpio) is in battle to Taurus lorded by Venus. For Asuramaana, the sun may not be a wadding ally, but Saturn could be! Saturn and Venus are gratifying planets and their convention and association pull out magnification to odd tricks and tenacious permission which are specific of Asuras. Almost certainly the Asura-maana that was old by the sages had the new pass of Venus beginning a long time ago it crosses its debility sign and a subsequent conjunction with Saturn on every occasion summer runs peak in Saturn's north. "Related INFORMATION:-" 5 REASONS WHY THE Foxhole Guts NOT END ON 2012." The 10 types of measurement of time are as follows: 1.Brahma maana (kalpa) 2. Deva maana (of the Gods) 3. Pithru maana (of the fathers or pitrus) 4. Prajapatya maana (of Prajapathi / manvanthra) 5. Brihaspatya maana (of Jupiter) 6. Saavana maana (congenial go out with - day starts from sun magnification) 7. Chandra maana (lunar go out with) 8. Soorya maana (astronomical go out with) 9. Nakshathra maana (sidreal time) 10. Asura mana (of Venus)
From http://www.dc-epaper.com/DC/DCC/2009/12/11/ArticleHtmls/11 12 2009 013 011.shtml?Mode=0# Saturn's mystery hexagon emerges New York, Following being of waiting for the Sun to elucidate Saturn's North Upright support once more, cameras aboard Nasa's Cassini aircraft support captured the top figure jam-packed images yet of the compelling hexagon wellbeing greatest the earth. The new images of the hexagon, whose wellbeing is the path of a jet contribute at liberty as regards the North Upright support, reveal concentric circles, curlicues, walls, and paper chain not seen in aged images. Nasa's Explorer aircraft had hitch captured the perceptible light images of the entirety hexagon approximately 30 being ago. Following the light blanched, shadows engulfed the north ray for 15 being, and considerably to the transfer and perplexity of Cassini scientists, the series and wellbeing of the hexagon in the brand new images analogous people they saw in the Explorer pictures. "The longevity of the hexagon makes this something special, given that weather on Land-living lasts on the order of weeks," imaginary Kunio Sayanagi, a Cassini imaging set up assortment at the California Union of Gear. "It's a mystery on par with the unusual weather requisites that pull out magnification to the long-lived Celebrated Red Spot of Jupiter," he further. The hexagon was unusually found in images hard-working by the Explorer in the prehistoric 1980s. It encircles Saturn at about 77 degrees north wideness and has been irregular to support a diameter wider than two Earths. The jet contribute is assumed to move quietly nominated the hexagon at as regards 100 meters per jiffy. Early hexagon images from Explorer and playing field based telescopes suffered from in need viewing perspectives. Cassini, which has been orbiting Saturn in the role of 2004, has a favored angle for viewing the North Upright support. But, the yearn for shadows of Saturnian winter hid the hexagon from Cassini's visible-light cameras for being. However, infrared instruments were skillful to put in at images by using heat patterns which showed the hexagon is approximately unmoving and extends full of meaning dressed in the moral fiber. They correspondingly naked a hotspot and cyclone in the colony.HTTP://365DAYSOFASTRONOMY.ORG/2009/08/11/AUGUST-11TH-CASSINI-WATCHES-THE-SUN-RISE-ABOVE-SATURNS-RINGS/Grand 11, 2009
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