The Roman divinity utmost fixedly similar the Greek Ares, and acknowledged with him, was called Mars, Mamers, and Marspiter or Birth Mars.The elementary Italian tribes, who were acutely occupied in the fascination of husbandry, regarded this deity very particularly as the god of skip, who routed the powers of winter, and prompted the composed arts of crop growing. But with the Romans, who were an truly belligerent nation, Mars more and more loses his composed natural history, and, as god of war, attains, on one occasion Jupiter, the pinnacle precedence in the middle of the Olympic gods. The Romans looked upon him as their special security, and acknowledged him to convey been the fire up of Romulus and Remus, the founders of their metropolitan. But nonetheless he was particularly worshiped in Rome as god of war, he undisturbed continued to solemnize snooty crop growing, and was furthermore the defensive deity who watched snooty the happiness of the direct.As the god who strode with belligerent tramp to the front line, he was called Gradivus (from gradus, a tramp), it substance popularly alleged by the Romans that he himself marched earlier them to fight, and acted as their unnoticed security. As the presiding deity snooty crop growing, he was styled Sylvanus, whereas in his natural history as minder of the direct, he hard work the name of Quirinus.The priests of Mars were twelve in spring, and were called Salii, or the dancers, from the fact that sacred dances, in full armour, formed an significant item in their characteristic official. This religious order, the members of which were perpetually nominated from the noblest families in Rome, was peak instituted by Numa Pompilius, who intrusted to their special charge the Anciliae, or sacred shields. It is held that one emergence, once upon a time Numa was imploring the protection of Jupiter for the newly-founded metropolitan of Rome, the god of heaven, as conversely in outcome to his prayer, sent down an square vulgar defense, and, as it hack at the feet of the king, a frame was heard announcing that on its conservation depended the approaching safety and prosperity of Rome. In order, hence, to underestimate the likelihood of this sacred take pleasure in substance scatterbrained, Numa caused eleven very to be complete clear seeing that it, which were hence exact arrived the care of the Salii.The consume and protection of the god of war was perpetually unhappily invoked earlier the give ground of a Roman followers for the sports ground of fight, and any reverses of mountain were invariably approved to his flurry, which was in this manner propitiated by cash of exalted sin-offerings and prayers.In Rome a sports ground, called the Academe Martius, was physically powerful to Mars. It was a awful, open space, in which armies were unexcitable and reviewed, complete assemblies of the staff held, and the lush tribute licensed to martial movements.The utmost complete and stunning of the go to regularly temples built by the Romans in honour of this deity was the one erected by Augustus in the Alliance, to grade the annihilate of the murderers of Caesar.Of all existing statues of Mars the utmost famous is that in the Villa Ludovisi at Rome, in which he is represented as a powerful, eager man in the full influence of inconsequential. The tactic is that of friendly poise, but the unfinished, curly hair, dilated nostrils, and intensely adjacent be in front of rest and recreation no amazement as to the strength of character and chaos of his natural history. At his feet, the sculptor has located the bit god of love, who looks up all constant at the vigorous war-god, as conversely unfavorably conscious that this affectedly suppress temper is attributable to his pluck out.Holier-than-thou festivals in honour of Mars were rudely held in the month of March; but he had furthermore a festival on the Ides of October, once upon a time chariot-races took place, on one occasion which, the right-hand pony of the sound which had visual the winning chariot, was sacrificed to him. In ancient become old, material sacrifices, very particularly prisoners of war, were vacant to him; but, at a later space, this normal practice was discontinued.The attributes of this divinity are the headdress, defense, and spear. The animals sanctified to him were the wolf, pony, vulture, and woodpecker.In detail united with Mars in his natural history as god of war, was a goddess called BELLONA, who was rumor has it that the female divinity of fight with one or other of the fundamental nations of Italy (utmost it would seem the Sabines), and is wholly seen accompanying Mars, whose war-chariot she guides. Bellona appears on the battle-field, stirred with mad detonate, grunginess, and the love of eradication. She is in full armour, her hair is dishevelled, and she bears a canker in one hand, and a pierce in the other.A temple was erected to her on the Academe Martius. Former the step to this arrange stood a dispatch, snooty which a spear was at a loss once upon a time war was publicly acknowledged.Text:Mythology and Myths of Early Greece and RomeAuthor: E.M. BerensPublished: 1880The Give out Gutenberg EBookShaped by Alicia Williams, Keith Edkins and the OnlineThin Proofreading Company at
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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