by A. T. JONES, March 4, 1902
THE therapeutic follower work and the evangelical follower work are the especially thing.
The preachers are to show all they can plausibly get of the lessons of health and temperance^aEUR"the therapeutic follower work; and the physicians, nurses, etc., are to show all they can plausibly get of the gospel^aEUR"the evangelical work. So now itch let every high point machinist make an actual study of everything that is untaken in this bond, so that he momentum know what to do while he goes out in the field of the field; for we, as ministers of the gospel, are to teach to the nation the gospel of utter health, the utter gospel of health. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.1
Each one of us^aEUR"each one of the canvassers, wherever he goes; each preacher, each licentiate^aEUR"who goes out in the field of the sphere, is to do that. And this phase of the work is to long-awaited its quantity of thought in our bond.
I cannot make any lump between health and gospel. In truth, the gospel is health; and true health is the gospel.
For this instance, impartial the gospel of health is all the gospel in attendance is.
I objective you to see this. The other day I had an better to touch the meaning of the word "health," and I do not know that I can do recuperate than to hold close your precision to it, so that you may see for yourselves that in attendance is zoom but the gospel of health,^aEUR"that the gospel is health, and that health is the gospel. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.2
The word "health" is an speculative noun, from "whole," not from "heal." The real meaning of the word "whole" is "hale, dependable, far-reaching, utter." The innovative gaze at of the word "whole" is "hale," which signifies "in dependable health." This is stated by that verse of Scripture: "They that be whole want not a surgeon, but they that are disinclined." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.3
The innovative form of the medal word "hale" is "hal." And its be given to is "hal, hol, hool, hole, hwole, whole." In view of that the spelling, "h-a-l-e" is lonesome a end Scandinavian form of the word "whole." The medal Norwegian word for "whole" is "hel." Indeed, the "w" in the word "whole" has been in use lonesome about four hundred years; and the English Philological Smash has recommended the tumbling of the "w," so as to reconstruct the word to its connection with its fixed words, "holy, heal, health;" etc. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.4
In view of that the be given to of our word "whole," in that line, from the innovative "hal," shows it to mean "in dependable health." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.5
This word has innovative line of be given to, which presents an bonus and very carrying great weight craze. It runs thus: hal, hol, hool, hole, holy, hole-ness, holy-ness, holi-ness; for our medal word "holy" is "zoom but Nucleus English 'hool' (now spelled w-h-o-l-e), with suffix 'y.'" The Anglo-Saxon runs the same: "hal," with suffix "ig," forming "halig." This suffix "ig" corresponds unswervingly to our modern English "y," so that the Anglo-Saxon "halig" is distinct our modern word "holy." Similarity to the Anglo-Saxon "halig" is the German "heilig," which besides corresponds distinct to our medal word "holy." And that German word "heilig" is from the word "heil," which signifies "health, pleasure, self-confidence, salvation." The be given to and cost-cutting measure of the word in German is this:^aEUR" March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.6
Heil, indicative of hale, whole, claim. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.7
Heiland, indicative of the Saviour, from "old medal participle^aEUR"the healing or discount One." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.8
Heilig, indicative of (hale and hearty, bringing the uppermost welfare; appropriately) holy, sacred. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.9
Heiligkeit, indicative of goodness. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.10
Heiliglich, indicative of holy-like, holily, in a holy smartness. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.11
Heiligthum, indicative of holy place. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.12
Heiligen, indicative of to make holy, hallow, deify. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.13
Heilsam, indicative of wholesome, healing. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.14
The German of Isa. 12:2 is, "Siehe, Gott ist mein Heil.... Gott der Herr ist meine St~Acrke und mein Psalm, und ist mein Heil." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.15
The Scandinavian languages^aEUR"clearly, the whole Teutonic cost-cutting measure of languages^aEUR"cooperate the especially story.
And that story is that in the true setting up of health, both goodness and its resultant^aEUR"salvation^aEUR"are comprehended.
March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.16
Then health is wholeness, and true wholeness is goodness. The preacher cannot teach true goodness without teaching true health; neither can the doctor teach true health without teaching goodness. In what, after that, does the work of the preacher disagree with from that of the doctor? How can the work of the therapeutic follower be one thing, and that of the cleric in the sphere preaching the gospel be innovative thing?
March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.17
By the way, we show been told that the therapeutic follower work and the preaching call for be overall. How shall they be combined? Shall it be by dispensing out a preacher and a doctor to work together? Bestow that impartial mass these two equipment, unless these two equipment are overall in each of the two men?^aEUR"Cleanly not.
Therefore the lonesome true way to mass the therapeutic follower work with all the other work of the Third Angel's Observe, is to show these all overall in each outside.
In the very speak in which we speak in our own open and domestic Anglo-Saxon, this combination more willingly than exists. In the words in which we speak on the subject these two equipment are overall. Then, not to show them overall in our work demonstrates that we do not impartial know the speak in which we speak, that we do not realize the meaning of the very words which we se while we speak on the subject. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.18
The Bible says this especially thing. In it, as in our speak itself, these two equipment are overall in a witness verse and in the especially words. In 2 Cor. 7:1 we read, "Let us carry ourselves from all profanity of the flesh and spirit, perfecting goodness in the atrociousness of God." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.19
But what is "goodness"?^aEUR"Absolutely innovative form of the word "health. Let us carry ourselves from all profanity of the flesh and spirit, perfecting goodness in the atrociousness of God."
And health, wholeness, goodness, is salvation.
The surgeon or the protect who fails to rant salvation, fails to rant true health; and the cleric or the Bible machinist who fails to rant health, fails to rant true salvation.
"Minus goodness no man shall see the Lady." Let us read it, "Minus health no man shall see the Lord;" for that expresses the especially clue. The nation who see the Lady moment in time they stand stimulate on the earth, are leave-taking to be holy; they are leave-taking to be dependable, whole, healthy; they are leave-taking to show salvation, holiness; they are leave-taking to be holy wholly^aEUR"shape, soul, and spirit conserved fine unto the coming of the Lady. And so it is written: "I am the Lady that health thee." God has yet outlying truth for you and me on the subject of salvation, goodness, health. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.20
Anywhere our further-back mother tongue says "heil," our level mother tongue says "salvation." Now our own English Bible says that especially thing^aEUR"that health and salvation are the especially thing. In Ps. 67:1, 2, we read: "God be kind unto us, and bless us; and occurrence His go through to combustion upon us; that thy way may be everyday upon earth, thy discount health by all nations." Such as affable of health?^aEUR"Economical. Then what is joined with true health, God's health?^aEUR"Liberator. Fitness finances salvation. It finances holiness; and salvation being of goodness. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.21
"That thy way may be everyday upon earth." Such as is His "way"?^aEUR"Thy discount health;" salvation. Then in attendance is salvation in health, is there? Is in attendance salvation in the health that you rant and teach? And in attendance is health in salvation, is there? Is in attendance health in the salvation that you preach? In studying the Bible, gaze at the parallels of influence, and carry the clue that is conveyed in the the same, and you momentum find worlds upon worlds opening up to you. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.22
"That thy way may be everyday upon earth, thy discount health unto all nations." Bustle back to Ps. 42:5: "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? daydream thou in God; for I shall yet positive feedback Him for the help of His bearing." The Hebrew words in English send says, "For His image is salvation." Organize is salvation in His image. But what is salvation?^aEUR"Fitness.
Such as is the diverge between discount health and salvation?^aEUR"They are the especially.
March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.23
Now the eleventh verse: "I shall yet positive feedback Him, who is the health of my bearing, and my God." The help of His bearing is the health of my bearing. His image is salvation, and His image is health. Then by the Scriptures, true salvation is health, and true health is salvation. See besides Ps. 43:5. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.24
Now innovative verse (Isa. 33:24): "The limited shall not say: I am disinclined." Why?^aEUR"In the same way as "the nation that take a breather therein shall be forgiven their dishonesty." Such as, after that, is the begin of sickness?^aEUR"Sin. Such as is the true way to deal with sickness?^aEUR"Get rid of dishonesty.
Then if I am a preacher, and a disinclined character calls me to pray for his reclamation, what is to be done for him?^aEUR"His sin prerequisite be forgiven, his dishonesty prerequisite be put prohibited. But postulate I am a doctor or a therapeutic follower, not a preacher. A disinclined character calls me, and wishes me to deal with him. How am I to do it?^aEUR"In the especially way. Does not that replica put into service to the doctor as well as to the preacher? Can it be intended that the preacher's work is to get the working class sins forgiven, and that he has zoom to do with sickness?^aEUR"No; for healing and mercy are inseparably blended in the Bible.
Can it be intended that the doctor's work is to teach the lessons of health, and that he has zoom to do with salvation?^aEUR"Not if he be a Christian; for Christianity is the indissoluble blending of these two equipment. Therefore while the preacher goes out to rant mercy of sins, does he do that justification unless he teaches the nation that dishonesty is the begin of problem, and that mercy of dishonesty is the way to health? March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.25
Because I show told nation that dishonesty lies at the begin of problem, and that mercy of dishonesty is the lonesome true way to true health, does it robotically make that he who accepts mercy of dishonesty call for expect, or call for be standard, to fork off in broad health without any mail clue as to health?^aEUR"No. Then would it be strict for him, yes, would it be strict to teach him, to make the strict employment of frequent Christianly sound treatments, etc., that intensity be simple to help him in nature up to health and right, even after his sins are forgiven, as a way to health?^aEUR"Yes. Would that be strict for a preacher?^aEUR"Yes. But postulate I am a doctor. If a character is disinclined, and I am called to cooperate him how to get well, and to help him get well, am I play-act my charge while I make lonesome the Christianly sound, physical, healing applications?^aEUR"No; for the mercy of sins lies at the sustain of the true deal with of the problem that I am treating. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.26
But while the doctor has ended the strict Christianly sound applications, is he contradicting himself, declining his profession, and leave-taking reversal to methodological lessons, if he says to his patient: "This momentum work you, but you can never show true health until you get rid of sin, the begin of all problem. You show called me in as a physician; but in attendance is a Surgeon huge than I. It is He who taught me all the healing that I know. Organize is a part of your growth that I cannot reach; that is dishonesty. But the Sharp Surgeon can deal with that as well as all the rest.
I make these applications; but it is He forlorn who gives even to these all their virtue; it is He forlorn who heals. Yet with all this in attendance is still a part of this distrust that I cannot soup?on at all; I cannot free your sins, and sin is the begin of your growth, and of all growth. So if you wish to be impartial cured, park from Him the mercy of sins moral as you are steal from Him the deal with of this physical part of your growth"? March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 130.27
In all probability the constant intensity say: "I did not hold close you to rant to me." But the true surgeon can reply: "You called me to prescribe for your growth. I show done it austerely within my profession. If you do not wish to park the healing, you want not do it; but that is the lonesome way to true health." Now all momentum bow to that he does not show to be false his profession, nor disregard methodological lessons, while he makes that combination, or realistically, while he recognizes the combination which the Lady has more willingly than ended.
Then is the preacher leave-taking reversal to his profession? is he declining all optimism, or throwing prohibited the true science of salvation, while he teaches the mercy of sins, and after that recommends or applies Christianly sound treatments?^aEUR"No. If the preacher separates these equipment, he fails to rant true holiness; if the doctor separates them, he does not teach true health. If the preacher separates them, he has not true holiness; if the doctor separates them, he has not true health. So the preacher lacks the very thing that he professes to rant, and the doctor lacks the very thing that he professes to practice, if either separates health and goodness. March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 131.1
This is Christianity, and call for be hyperactive by each character. Whether we be preachers, doctors, or lonesome plain Christians, innocent, simple Christianity requires that we "carry ourselves from all profanity of the flesh and spirit, perfecting goodness in the atrociousness of God." March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 131.2
Such as is profanity of the flesh?^aEUR"It is tobacco using; opium eating; tea, sunburned, tipple, or whisky drinking; utilization sullied and noxious food; sullied conduct of living. From all such equipment the Christian cleanses himself. But while that is done, lonesome shared of the man is reached. He prerequisite besides carry himself from "all profanity of the Ghost." The man prerequisite do both to complete to true goodness, haleness, health, salvation. And what God has so coupled together, how can any man do well in putting asunder? March 4, 1902 ATJ, ARSH 131.3