* ABALONE: The abalone get out is smoothly featured on an altar as a fundamental blot. It can be used to chock minor items, to zoom personal property, or impartial to add extra power to a spell.
* CLAM: Clam bullets are used for refinement and love spells. They can be to be found in charm bags.
* CONCH: Conch bullets work best in love spells.
* CORAL: Coral works well in matters of health and healing.
* COWRIES: Blessed to the Orisha Oya, the cowrie get out has a stunning magical family tree. Due to its vulva-like clang, this get out is constantly used upon altars as a emblem of the Divinity. COWRIES work well in matters involving money and prosperity.
* OYSTERS: Oyster bullets work best in matters pertaining to luck. They are understood to adopt good fortune. They make exacting added extras to charm bags.
From: The Ancient Witch
Origin: 33witches.blogspot.com