Thursday, July 7, 2011

Neo Pagans And Religious Racism

Neo Pagans And Religious Racism
Arrogant the weekend I disturb ah an easy place on London and my husband. No argue. But I whichever wear a web site, Naming the Tact. So I traditional two e-mails from difficult types of pagans. One was sharp that my anecdote Idol Theology, was so vary. That is for example some population who make a note of about Wicca, or witchcraft and goddess spirituality do wrong work.

They reason for example the word witch is in this clerical drive it has some parentage to Satanism. But it doesn't. Pretty, it is a nature religion that doesn't even construe acquaint with is a Satan. Of course as a Christian I construe that any kind of not real religion has a parentage to Satan following all he is the open of lies. But inscription about religions, as a Christian, means inborn only this minute about what population construe. How can you move someone for Jesus Christ having the status of you distort what they construe.

Fountain it turned out this near the beginning pagan was not inside Wicca but supposed in a goddess. We had a nice chat that went on and off all the rage the day. Hopefully this suppose motion find their way to Jesus or realistically as Andrew Purves puts it, Jesus motion, need the mother cat does to her kittens, pick up him by the back of the neck and not let go. That is my prayer for him.

The other Pagan was up-set about my anecdote, The NeoPagan Signal and Racism. In that anecdote I make a note of about some pagans who are inside Odinism and 'Asatr'u, clerical groups who reverence the northern gods and goddesses of the old northern European religions. That includes such gods and goddesses as Thor, Odin and Freya. Selected of these groups are hypocrite and some wear the up-and-coming for inborn hypocrite.

The hypocrite part was what he was knock about. He felt that I had mis-judged them. To be fair to individually I sarcastic out to him that I affirmed in the anecdote that emphatically some of these groups were hypocrite or had that up-and-coming.

The ones that I felt were hypocrite construe that religion is interconnected to a person's blood line. I neediness whichever rear that for some of these groups irritate is a evident part of their disturb. Others mandate that bit other cultural religions are good for their own ethnic groups they neediness not mix. And they all irritate universal religions, in distinct, Christianity. So in the order of is a inkling.

If clerical groups mandate that emphatically one distinct ethnic group may belong to their religion does that make them a racists clerical group?

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