Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beyond Spacetime A Brief Explanation Of Holographic Subquantum Mind Theory

Beyond Spacetime A Brief Explanation Of Holographic Subquantum Mind Theory
Past Spacetime"A Stunted Explanation of Holographic Subquantum-Mind Speculate (c) by Louis MalklakaIn light of the myo-electric poll open that cognition takes place top of the human being (placing the physical human being and awareness squarely in the persona of "radio cellular phone"), I use the equivalent of a "thin client" computing plan to make obvious how the Holographic Quantum-Mind (actually a misnomer, as the anxiety actually exists at the sub-quantum level...but once more, for laypeople, the major suffices) functions:.

The body/brain acts as the "dumb permanent" (diverse equivalent here, as I make obvious that, favor than seeing that stretched tight at home an ethernet ecology, as is a thin-client computing plan, the brain/body acts as a very tender "radio cellular phone", with each seeing that "tuned" to its own "sub-quantum holographic vicious point", the DNA plateful in a equivalent talent to a radio's modification capacitor, though incredibly especially forward-thinking), the body's bio-energy event ("Corona", Orgone, Chi, Kundalini, Prana - anything they improve to think it, depending upon their certain backgrounds and predispositions) acts as the "antenna" (a canal to the sub-quantum realm, wherever their "vicious point" is actually stored - so here, you claim your "medium", so to speak ), and, of course, the "Holographic Sub-Quantum Under the weather Remit" storing, not in a minute your nostalgia ("information"), but the "programs" that be relevant to your individualistic.

I go on from this entity to make obvious that, since the equivalent of a "vicious point" is accessible, we are not conglomerate with an actual physical aim, as the sub-quantum realm exists top of space-time. I ask them to deliberate of their plain "believe space" as "whirlpools in the torrent"; i.e., they claim their own plain personality, but are "composed" of the actual "substance" (once more, I make certified that we are using equivalent, and not talking literally - profuse of these nearest and dearest intelligence to be Fondly squeeze, as you ability presumption from their professions!) as the rest of the sub-quantum realm. In other words, their own "children" holographic believe space, favor than seeing that "partitioned off" from the rest of the sub-quantum realm, is actually part-and-parcel of the holographic "drapes" of the sub-quantum realm.

They are suitable to get a message to their "information" and "programs" actually by incorruptibility of their physical/energetic luxuriant inscription (I do NOT go at home the pcar (phase-conjugate-adaptive-resonance) pattern, as their eyes would piece self-important, and I would lose them: but they can authority normal, and thoroughly fill redirect with harbinger course-plotting supervise fiber-optic networks understand the understanding of multiplexing, which builds a mental canal for them to authority this understanding as applied to consciousness), which is in step to their "vicious point".

This explains Jung's "Public Unintentional", and the "Akashic Documents" of the ancient Tibetans. Look after, we can see how understood "revival" functions: I make the equivalent to cordless phones/cell phones and "crossed signals", due to a strict occurrence spectrum - something with which they are all redirect. But everyone's physical/energetic inscription is new, display are recoil to be definite "overlaps", which allow a personage living NOW to "tap at home" the "quantum vicious point" of someone who is "dead". i.e., that person's "information" and "programs" soothe halt in the sub-quantum realm, and are as a result throughout to be "tapped", manner of speaking that one can "get at home normal", or "tune" to that person's inscription.

Mediums do this with no trouble (the trend seems to be to think such nearest and dearest "channelers" these days), since in bags of revival (and, at the mysterious end, "habitation"), display is a definite deal in of normal in a relaxed manner by become. By the way, this correspondingly explains "genetic cushion": as the DNA is so instrumental in the "modification" list, it can be tacit how nearest and dearest of next genetic report, as a result type elements of their DNA, may "tap at home" children nostalgia.

Telepathy can be as well understood: like two nearest and dearest come to a next correlation, a "normal" amid themselves, their luxuriant signatures "cross" to a definite get hold of, allowing for the "type" of "information", and, in some bags, even their "programs" (individualistic traits, etc.).

By means of the addressees having "followed the lively shot" as a result far, and grasped via these analogies the basic concepts I am tricky to take, I repeatedly get a blunder regarding "Planetary Flange"/"Unconcerned Broadcast" and/or the "Sultry death Assemble" (NDE). Generally, a swiftly review of the non-local life of any realm top of space-time is thin to response questions about abandoned sensing: as space and time are illusory constructs trapped to "space-time", and the "anxiety" exists in the sub-quantum realm, Shell of space-time... (display is habitually some "crest slapping" at this entity - in peak bags I don't claim to go far away go forward on that pattern...).

By means of NDE, save for, I claim to get a bit especially in-depth. So the physical human being is a modification logo, and does not at once mustiness upon physical death, the modification tackle corpse entirely unhurt for a house of time. And, if we stand in front of at the work of Wilhelm Reich, explaining the energy dynamics of "Orgone" (Chi, Prana, etc.), we can see that the Bio-energy event ("Corona", etc.) determination tall tale plausible and linked to the physical human being for a house of time as well. As a result, our cellular phone, antenna, and of course, the "sub-quantum vicious point", are all unhurt for fairly a since as soon as death. Appearing in this time, the consciousness may de-focus from space-time, as can correspondingly jog in the field of "Planetary Take precedence" and/or "Unconcerned Broadcast"...and if the human being is revivified, these nostalgia may be retained, and a NDE is moreover reported.

At this entity, questions habitually lean toward the especially esoteric aspect of Planetary Travel/NDE, and the fact that definite constructs glance to be reported by certain people: "Christians" may see "Jesus", or other proper pastoral facts, since Buddhists see Buddha, etc., etc. I make obvious the "form follows energy" mark of distinction, and divider that the especially mental energy is truth to a aim, whether in THIS "space-time" realm, or any other, the especially "real" it becomes.

As a result, with BILLIONS of worldly minds lending energy to their certain belief systems, it have got to come as no beginning that nearest and dearest find what they Deduce to find in the NDE wag. I even posit that space-time itself may be the consequences of a group of entities in the sub-quantum realm having "concocted" space-time, in far away the actual way that programmers of Family member Information systems earn "worlds", either for departure, or for university circles pedagogic programs.

As soon as some metaphysical meanderings put down this line, I habitually re-cap the superior points of the "Holographic Quantum-Mind" suggestion, and send them on their way. All in all, I claim found that nearest and dearest obtain to this Fondly well...thereabouts as if, on some level, they know it to be true...and since peak cannot fancy to ever scan the shot of the high-end calculation and physics full of life, they authority it very well at the intuitive level.

(c) by Louis Malklaka from

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