Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Catholics For Renewal Petition

Catholics For Renewal Petition
At the moment in Australia there is a group calling itself 'Catholics For Renewal' that are circulating a petition to the Pope and Bishops. This petition is full of the typical ideas of the hippy generation of priests and laity that want to drag us back kicking and screaming to the 'good old days' of the 1970's. This group's supporters are not truly Catholic as they deny the infallible teachings of the church and they certainly have brought nothing but destruction and death to the Church over the last 40 years and have no new plans for renewal. They just want more of the same policies they have gotten away with in the past that has emptied the seminaries and driven the under 50's out of the Church due to a lack of any authentic teaching or renewal.They are supporting the modernist Bishop Morris of Toowoomba and his heretical ideas which has seen a flourishing diocese turned into a desert and driven many people to other dioceses. The modernists criticise Rome for its autocratic nature but there are none so autocratic as the Modernists in the Church. It is time these aging social justice hippies realise that those Catholics under 50 who are still practicing have no desire to return to the Church of the last 40 years. We love what Pope John paul II and Pope Benedict have done for the Church. We don't want women priests as it is impossible for women to be priests. Any true Catholic would know that if the church started ordaining women that it would no longer be the Catholic Church but a false Church. We don't want the Church to change its teachings on sexuality, we love the 'theology of the Body' teachings of Pope John Paul II. We don't want to have hippy and new age rituals masquerading as Catholic rituals. We also hate having old has been nuns and priests speaking on the behalf of the Catholic laity. We love the Pope and we love those Bishops and priests and nuns who are in total unity of spirit with the Pope and his teachings. We pray for the conversion of those so-called Catholics whether on the right or left who are not in loving spiritual union with the Pope and the infallible teachings of the Church on faith and morals.We also don't like pompous and controlling beauocrats and elitism. We don't like arrogant priests and bishops whether modernist or orthodox or traditional. We loathe the new clericalism as much as we loathe the modernist clericalism. We love Jesus and Mary, we love Mass, Adoration and Benediction. We love the saints, we love the mystical writings and we believe in miracles, healing and relics. We see where the ideas of priests like Peter Kennedy of Brisbane lead. He is just as autocratic as any other priest and more so if the programme on Compass on St Mary's was anything to go by. Where did it all lead? He doesn't even believe in the existence of Jesus, let alone the Catholic Faith any more. Here is where the darling of the social justice crowd ended up. Don't get me wrong- we care for the poor and the downtrodden and believe in the social teachings of the Church. However we don't confuse them with some kind of liberal socialism or marxist liberation theology. I personally spent many years in a lay Catholic community working with the poor, street kids and prostitutes in Melbourne and Perth. I have ministered as a lay person in Third world countries to the poor and struggling. I have seen the faults and failings of the Catholic Bishops and priests who act more like lords and not the servants they should be. However that is human sin that defaces the image of the earthly face of the Church but I believe in the holiness of the bride of Christ who is without spot or wrinkle in the mystical spiritual realm. We want true renewal in the Holy spirit which is faithful to the Scriptures, Apostolic Tradition and the Magisterium built on the Rock of Peter. No more hippies please- and yes a bit more of the Gothic as it is obvious by the popularity of the Gothic genre among the youth that the Church would draw the young with a more Gothic style renewal of the Faith. This worked in the Romantic era when many were drawn to the Catholic church initially because of its Gothic elements. This 'Catholics for Renewal' crowd are against the new translations of the English Mass- for the rest of us we love them and wish they were more comprehensive giving back to the liturgy some of the beauty it has lost in a dumbed down English version. I hope someone starts a petition against the Catholics for Renewal petition to let the Pope and the Bishops know that these hippy cranks do not speak for those of us who are loyal to the Pope and the teachings of Jesus entrusted to the Church. Its time for these out-dated old wanna be hippies calling themselves Catholics to retire to the Old people's home and keep quiet or take off with Judith Lucy in an orgy of new age self-centredness somewhere else. NO MORE HIPPIES IN THE CHURCH-PLEASEEEEEEEE!Note: Just found this petition in support of the Pope against Bishop Morris and his cronies. Do sign it and show your support for Pope Benedict XVI.


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