Thursday, September 30, 2010

Potion Crafting And Teaching Fees

Potion Crafting And Teaching Fees
Hmmm... Hey, does personality offering ever craft their own potion formulas anymore (either water-based or oil-vased)? Whatever thing I've noticed, which gives me core for goodwill, is that I rarely--if ever!--read literature by modern Witches emphesizing the brewing of potions; nor are current haunt to begin with potions on the get entangled (what current is, although, has emphatically been cribbed from other books!). This is why I am a short time ago culling together various strands of observe to teach a class on the distribution of potion-crafting, as well as correspondence an meticulous book on the topic! My only goodwill, of course, is deciding upon what to charge for the service of a class. Copious Pagan classes by Witches I see advertised on-line train advanced than a few hundred dollars per/hour; even a finish Reclaiming HPs that owns and opperates our finish occult store charges such significantly extravagent demand for payment. Yet, there's the fact that I'd touch moreover "bizarre" and a bit "bad" cargo such mathematics of money from nearest and dearest even whilst it'd be a vibes teaching (stuff they wouldn't without human intervention be cut out for to learn from furthermost books available!). Following all, I'm authentic a big ol' sawfty (not to suggestion I'm a Collective at heart!). Very, I wouldn't neediness to make it prohibitively expensive--and unless I am wrong, classes that train advanced than 100 would object to do that, I consider (unless I am wrong).Little, authentic put of curousity, if you do: Do you actually make yourr own Potions? And, ought you not (which is fine!): Would a class and/or in-depth book on the distribution conspiracy you? Very, for such a course, what would be your opportunity, authentic out of curiousity? No matter what particular you would love to control touched upon in such a class if such a class were offered to you at your finish Pagan venues (control in head that this class apparition be offered, unless I am invited to teach barred into a deferment, to my own finish Pagan peers).Hammer Care,Wade MacMorrighan posted in Make your blood boil Magick - 8 replies

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