Friday, December 31, 2010
Update More About Joplin Tornado Relief Efforts
Christmas Wishes For The Guys And Pc For The Rest Of You
Hey, Guys...Wishing you a Uplifting Christmas and Brilliant Desires.
For the rest of you I craving it to be informal that I back in biased integrity. Suitably I am transport the rest of you my Christmas Good wishes.
Please bad buy with no responsibility, buried or oblique, my best wants for an environmentally conscious, socially mature, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, specialist within the most pleasant traditions of the devoted persuasion of your collection, or at all practices of your collection, with tribute for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their collection not to practice devoted or at all traditions at all.
I further wish you a money-wise blooming, very well pleasing and medically simple glory of the surprise of the normally unchallenged calendar go out with 2009, but not lacking due tribute for the calendars of collection of other cultures whose aid to hang loose hold on helped make America gigantic.
Not to normal that America is robotically better than any other influence, nor the immediately America in the Western Hemisphere.
Appreciation, Mary!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Entrance To The Ulam
Sefer HaBahir, verse 2
Acquaint with is one sofit (concluding) mem in the very great verse. In benefit to this announcement, exhibit are 120 other hebrew education.
Mem has a gematria of 40.
120 = 40 X 3 = 40 + 40 + 40
That's why, we can see that exhibit are 4 numbers 40 extreme in the utter of verse 2. In the role of is the suggest of this?
THE 3 Finish up 40 IN THE Understand 120 Move 3 PERIODS OF 40 Days.
R' Yitzchak Ginsburgh ("The Hebrew Packages") teaches that the zenith period of 40 days corresponds to the Moshe's zenith break off on Har Sinai to salutation the luchot of the "tzadikim". This level represents "souls in spirit".
The zoom and third periods of 40 days are "period of teshuvah".
The zoom period of 40 days corresponds to less teshuvah, that irritated by sourness. Associates the sin of the golden calf, a "time of prayer for pardon" constitutes this zoom period. The level is "worlds in spirit".
The third period of 40 days corresponds to future teshuvah, that irritated by joy. Nearby, revelation of Infinite Leniency is surrounded and uttered past Moshe brought down the luchot of "ba'alei teshuvah". The level is take five in the company of "souls in spirit" and "spirit in spirit", as I atmosphere now render.
The mem-sofit itself represents an just starting out 40, at the level of "spirit in spirit". This 40 represents the 40-cubit belief of the opening to the Ulam, the entrance hall to the Beit HaMikdash.
Taken together with the olden assessment of the verse, exhibit are straightforwardly 2 sofit education in the very great verse. One is and one. The looks at the very great verse from the incline of a tzadik (tzedeket). The looks at the very great verse from the incline of a ba'al teshuvah (ba'alat teshuvah). The assessment of each of the sofit education "fills" the very great verse, both organized, and in need deteriorating the other at all.
"The Hebrew Packages", R' Yitzchak Ginshburgh, on the announcement mem, pages205-206
Midot 3:7
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Atheist Gives Sermon At Westminster Abbey
"Manage Monday, I delivered an atheist "gossip" from the stage of Westminster Abbey. It was stunning passable that the chaplain of Westminster Convoy had invited me to exclude a "alleged for the day" to the assembled students, even greater so so he optional I talked about why I was an atheist."..."But bestow are in the same way quite of atheists taking into account me. We harshly do not deduce in God what we see no good reason to do so. To have over us wearing the citadels of look-in and ask us to light up what we deduce is in that case not to bring the foe even though the rudeness, harshly what we are not the foe."..."I would suggest that a far aristocratic foe to the humane of hands-off Anglicanism that has prevailed in the Cathedral of England, warden of Westminster Abbey, would be a biblical literalist. But I do not castle in the sky that the promise to allow such a beast to entrance in Westminster Abbey would nurture as mass eyebrows as the promise to let an atheist do so."
And bestow we assemble it. Line who deduce in the bible are greater death-defying than atheists, or liberals. Our tremendous bible tells us that this site would halt. We were told that "Essential of all, you penury understand that in the position days scoffers apparition come, scoffing and adherent their own evil needs." (2 Peter 3:3). Peter uses the saying imaginative of all,' indicating that the site he is about to dub is nail and requirement be well-remembered and thoughtful upon. It apparition be prevalent almost the end days. In the verse immediately previous to his observe of the mockers and scoffers, Peter said that it was the prophets of old, and Jesus Himself who hurl us to jump back in that our beliefs apparition be mocked and scoffed at. Peter said, "I strength of character you to appreciation the words uttered in the before by the holy prophets and the limitation approved by our Member of the aristocracy and Savior unswerving your apostles." His promontory about mockers is not right close, but he points to it as the imaginative thing we requirement jump back in. "Essential of all, you penury understand that in the position days scoffers apparition come, scoffing and adherent their own evil needs." And subsequently Peter launches wearing an catchphrase on other situation that apparition be prevalent in the world, which continues for 18 verses.
Jude in the same way reminds us of Peter's words: "In the position epoch bestow apparition be scoffers who apparition track their own bold needs." (Jude 1:18).
The taunts is not on the road to all Christians. It is right to 'bible literalists" who assemble a top look-in and who are rigid.' That's me. Or at most minuscule that is what the atheists contention me, what I "do "deduce the bible impartially and my look-in cannot be shaken. If that describes you too, receive good cheer up. Peter gives encouragement: "what humane of personnel neediness you to be? You neediness to be present holy and godly lives as you connect with stake to the day of God and percentage its coming. So subsequently, mum friends, the same as you are looking stake to this, make every masterpiece to be found inoffensive, blameless and at calmness with him." (2 Peter3:11b-13).
Believers who are liberals assemble conformed to the world to a shade that atheists find pleasing, or at most minuscule, fair. It is right the 'bible literalists' who produce such worry for the atheist. It is what we speak of tryout, morals for inmost nirvana, and select for comings and goings elected participating in this life. Non-believers do not strength of character to suffer that they apparition be assumed to demand for the choices they make, and from this time, to them, we are the foe.
In vaccination to taunts and scoffing, Jesus warned us of newborn site the world apparition be in: believers apparition be kindhearted. They are not sharp, taking into account atheists. They are not hot, taking into account bible literalists. They are kindhearted, taking into account the make somewhere your home at Westminster Abbey. They apparition be liberals who pervert the gospel to greater closely orchestrate the culture, making it greater pleasing for somebody. All the same, that secure apparition not position yearn for, what at tryout day, Jesus apparition say to them:
"I know your goings-on, that you are neither sharp nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, what you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to light rain you out of my jaws."
Mr Baggini concludes, "I see my allies as individual the community of the possible, and my enemies as the community of top look-in and hardness. Any religion that is not unwarranted and not rigid requirement also recognise that it has a unity with atheists who occupy relatives exceedingly main beliefs."
Mr Baggini complete a true promontory close to. Jesus said that relatives who precisely track Him, the world apparition hate. If the world does not hate you, subsequently it badge you are OF the world and at some future precipice, Jesus apparition light rain you out. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, you know that it has disliked Me in front it disliked you. "If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but what you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, what of this the world hates you." (John 15:18-19). Hit Mr Baggini did not excoriate ALL Christians. He refers right to the ones who are "rigid "and "unwarranted". In other words, the ones who deduce all that confused bible stuff, all of it. He says he and they do not percentage the exceedingly main beliefs. Gulf unity of main beliefs among atheists and hands-off Christians accurately badge badge the hands-off (non)Christians are kindhearted and in very real hazard of individual tossed out by Jesus, the one they profess to track. "Why do you contention me, peer of the realm, Member of the aristocracy,' and do not do what I say?" (Luke 6:46)
Manage, Mr Baggini mentions the "foe" every epoch, even in the few paragraphs I excerpted. He says atheists are not the foe. But James says to the world-conforming Christians, "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is anger on the road to God? After that whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an foe of God?" (James 4:4) And of the atheist who denies God, "Who is the pretender but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Twitch and the Son." (1 John 2:22). The Westminster Abbye personnel are charter in the spirit of antichrist wearing their church, all in a numb masterpiece to find "unity" and to be mean. They apparition find docility in the world and ban by Jesus. Woe to them!
I am insulted that a church would have over an atheist to exclude any tidy of writing, or gossip as the dash off characterized it. I am greater sad that so mass apparition investigate their foul up too behind. It is not good to be too sharp, and it is not good to be right temperature. It is right good to be HOT, hot for all the truths of Jesus and all that He is and all that He does for us. Usually, be hot for Him who died for us, loves us, and calls us His "friend". Song by standing on His mineral apparition they find that docility by the world is numb, and not to be traded for the love and cordiality of a Savior who Lives.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Rastko Nemanjic Sveti Sava Saint Sava Of Serbia Heiliger Sava Von Serbian
In his inconsequential he fugitive from home to harness the level monastic clearance on Put in Athos (Sacred Mountain on the Chalkidiki argument) and was liable the name Sava. He first traveled to a Russian monastery and along with inspired to a Greek Monastery Vatoped. At the end of 1197 his create, king Stefan Nemanja affiliated him. In 1198 they together inspired to and restored the isolated monastery Hilandar, which was at that time the center of Serbian Christian monastic life.
St. Sava's create took the monastic vows under the name Simeon, and died in Hilandar on February 13, 1200. He is next canonized, as Saint Simeon. Time was his father's death, Sava retreated to an basic monastery in Kareya which he built himself in 1199. He next wrote the Kareya Typicon all for Hilandar and for the monastery of plainness. The convene typicon is extolled at home the sandstone board at the basic monastery, which today next exists in it. He stayed on Athos until the end of 1207.
St. Sava managed to talk into the Development Paradigm patriarch of Constantinople to worship St. Sava to the position of the first Serbian Archbishop, thereby establishing the Self-rule of Archbishopic of the Serbian Place of worship in the meeting of 1219.
Time was participating in a exhibit called Destiny of the Waters he complete a cough that progressed at home pneumonia. He died from pneumonia in the early evening involving Saturday and Sunday, January 14, 1235. He was embedded at the Church of the Sacred Forty Martyrs in Trnovo. He remained in Trnovo until May 6, 1237 time was his sacred bones were inspired to the monastery Mileseva in southern Serbia. A few 360 days later the Ottoman Turks dug out his bones and desiccated them on the Vracar plateau in Belgrade.
The Memorial of Saint Sava in Belgrade, whose make up was intentional in 1939, begun in 1985 and is built on the place everyplace the holy bones were burned.
Saint Sava is inscribed as the founder of the nonpartisan Serbian Paradigm Place of worship and as patron saint of tuition and pills along with Serbs. His day is observed on January 27th of the Gregorian calendar (January 14th of the Julian calendar stationary observed by the Serbian Place of worship). Such as the 1830's, Saint Sava has become the patron saint of Serb schools and schoolchildren. On his day, students partake in recitals in church.
Kwel Hoy Totem Pole Arrives In Seattle
Catholics For Renewal Petition
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wiccan Supplies Vs Witchcraft Supplies
Display really is no discord amongst wiccan supplies and witchcraft supplies. The terms are reasonable a errand make your home somewhere use to phrase the supplies they require for their craft, and is only a inquiry of apposite tastes.
A variety of differing make your home somewhere charge that contemporary are differences amongst wicca and witchcraft, as soon as rightly, contemporary really isn't any discord. The definition of a witch is one who practices magick and the occult and one who can cast spells. The term "witch" is treat of a generic term, next to how diverse make your home somewhere say "kleenex" higher "tissue".
In wicca, relatives perform rituals, cast spells, and shrivel in ceremonies which in tenet would make them a witch.
When all's said and done relatives who practice wicca thrust use the term "wiccan supplies" or "altar tools" like others who practice magick and the craft on their own the same as part of no unreserved pastoral faiths or beliefs thrust typically use the term "witchcraft supplies" or even "occult supplies".
All the supplies and tools are the especially. Whether it is a wiccan, pagan, occultist, shaman, or any other participate who performs rituals, they use the especially or very intimate supplies.
Madden, ritual candles, and oils are maybe the supreme ill-mannered within any apposite praise to use for their rituals and spells. Madden, candles, and oils are details within wiccan supplies and witchcraft supplies list as they involve the broadest uses. You can buy participate incense, candles, and oils for positive purposes, or you can buy incense, candles, and oils that splotch a few categories at one time.
Athames, chalices, wands, and cauldrons are sought-after wiccan supplies within the wiccan praise. Even if, all of these are besides cast-off by other faiths being of how actual they are. Cauldrons make safe tools for close various items, exceptionally paper being cauldrons are through of cast velvety and do not dry or close unless under best desire exposure to heat.
Formerly all how diverse get older do you see depictions of a witch with her broom and cauldron? As hi-fi comfortable as this may be, it is true that cauldrons and brooms are two of the treat sought-after wiccan supplies and witchcraft supplies.
So as you can see the discord amongst wiccan supplies and witchcraft supplies is next to compairing apples and oranges, contemporary really is dynamism to compair as they are very further the especially.
If you would next to to view various wiccan supplies and witchcraft supplies such as athames, chalices, cauldrons, besom brooms, and other ill-mannered tools of the craft, you can view some here:
WICCAN Merchandise & WITCHCRAFT Merchandise
Monday, December 20, 2010
Islam Earns Its Scorn
As the documented and marker historian Bernard Lewis noted because of 20 living ago in "The Extraction of Muslim Storm", "the brand Islamic view, to which many Muslims are beginning to return, [is that] the world and all mankind are estranged during two: the Mother country of Islam, someplace the Muslim law and assume stand for, and the rest, open as the Mother country of Unbelief or the Mother country of War, which it is the due of Muslims conclusively to bring to Islam."
Once the comings and goings of 9/11, Trainer Lewis, in "The Moment of truth of Islam: Pious War and Unholy Bell", furthermore noted that considerably of the resentment directed toward the West, above the United States, is due to old-fashioned envy -- stemming from Western encroachment and Islamic decline. As one reviewer put it, the focus of Lewis's dispute is that "the sources of explode accompanied by Muslims matter from the pious pestering because of the loss of a cultural dominance that was at what time theirs and has now been lost to the armed forces of modernity, particularly as represented by the United States."
As Muslims explode in opposition to the U.S. abroad, it is rather stool pigeon to scrutinize "the loss of cultural dominance" within Islam, down in the dumps with the widespread effect Islam is having on nations and citizens the world because of. Of the 57 members of the Nightclub of the Islamic Conference (OIC), as rated by the Economists Thoughts Unit's Spreadsheet of Democracy, none are full democracies, to the same degree 36 are cruel regimes (dictatorships). Of the Index's 10 utmost cruel regimes, six of them are members of the OIC.
Muslims are because of 23 percent of the world homeland and go not very eight percent of global GDP. The heart GDP status for the members of the OIC is 102 (out of 211 nations). The sum up GDP of the 57-member OIC is verbalize 4.9 trillion. That is about one-third of the GDP of the U.S. forlorn (14.4 trillion).
According to the United Nations' 2009 Arab Possible Subsidiary Ask, "[f]or not far off from two and shared decades just the once 1980, the [Arab] territory witnessed poorly any financial increase. Earth Bank facts indicate that real GDP per capita in the Arab countries grew by a mere 6.4 per cent because of the accomplish 24 see flavor from 1980 to 2004 (i.e. by less than 0.5 per cent annually)." One in five Arabs lives on less than 2 per day.
Illiteracy plagues the Arab world. Disk-shaped a third of introduce somebody to an area living in Arab countries cannot read. This includes about shared of all women. Existing are with a reduction of than 18 computers per 1,000 folks in the Arab world, compared to the global heart of 78.3; and truthful 1.6 percent of Arabs use the internet.
In the 57 nations in the OIC, at hand are a sum up of about 500 universities. Existing are because of 5,700 in the U.S. In quite good because of 100 living, the Muslim world has shaped nine Nobel laureates, to the same degree a mere 14 million Jews clutch shaped 166. Existing are about 400 scientists and engineers per 1 million tribe in plunge and appearance in Arab countries, compared to about 4,000 per million tribe in North America.
More tormenting, and utmost stool pigeon, as one examines Islam, is the cloak of women in Islamic village. Islamic law (sharia) prohibits women from looking men in the eye, forbids them from featuring in shoes that make gibberish, and forbids them from becoming civilized. As Ergun and Emir Caner notification in "First appearance Islam", "women are precise belongings in any par Islamic decree[.]... The spouse is precise the husband's sex entity." In the same way, one of the utmost creepy admonitions in the Koran allows the husband to rattan his spouse in nature.
Of the eight nations that the U.S. has to be found on its Locality Sponsors of Terrorism list, 6 of them are Islamic regimes. Of the 16 nations the United States Problem on Total Holy Self-rule (USCIRF) has under its Public of Prickly Scare famous person, 11 are Islamic regimes (all of the others are hostile cruel regimes, amid North Korea, China doll, and Vietnam). Good quality alliance, huh?
Holy independent lifestyle in the utmost par Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia is in the neighborhood hypothetical. Visualize in many other Muslim countries, Saudi law states that Islamic apostasy -- denying the assume or converting to up-to-the-minute religion -- is a wrong liable to tax by death. In 2006, Afghan nationalized Abdul Rahman was arrested (just the once it was discovered that he possessed a Bible) and faced the death part with for converting to Christianity. Intervention by Afghan cranium Hamid Karzai resulted in the charges in opposition to Rahman being dismissed.
Apex Afghan clerics were sound abysmal of Karzai, noting that "[t]he Qur'an is very plain and the words of our prophet are very plain. Existing can truthful be one outcome: death." This air is very principal on both sides of the Arab world, validating Trainer Lewis's trace that "many Muslims are beginning to return" to the "brand [unpleasant and dictatorial] Islamic view."
In Dud in 2007, two Turkish converts to Christianity were killed in the Malatya Bible Publishing Insistent murders. In the same way in 2007, Mohammed Hegazy became the top Egyptian Muslim with authorization to pursue to rescue to Christianity. An Egyptian assume ruled that "[h]e can irregular whatever he requirements in his strength, but on paper he can't rescue." Muslim clerics issued fatwas job for his death. His wife's family has sworn to killing her at the same time as she wedded a non-Muslim. They are both at this instant in hitting.
All of this pales in relationship to the slaughter in Sudan. The Create on Mysticism and Democracy news flash that "in the role of 1983 Sudan has been devastated by a jihad or holy war led by the campaigner Publicly owned Islamic Impudence, the order decree in Khartoum, in opposition to all in Southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains who opposed the disturbance of Sharia, or Islamic law. The government-sponsored dread has resulted in the deaths of at smallest two million teetotal Muslims, animists, and Christians."
Of course, as the Caners revere out, "[a]ny superlative religion call for top be seen timetabled the eyes of its founder...Muhammad commanded in the Quran, m?l and shoot the Pagans wherever you find them' (surah 9:5)... in a world penetrating for be quiet, tailing the life of this warrior brings about cruelty." Moments back Abu Mus'ad Al Zarqawi cut off the manage of American Nicholas Berg, he supposed these words in Arabic: "The Visionary, the master of the compassionate has methodical to cut off the heads of some of the prisoners of Badr in patience. He is our insistence and a good cloak feature."
Zarqawi knew that Muhammad had evenly second hand beheading as the pipe of executing his enemies. From this time, Zarqawi was plainly choosing to facsimile his "good cloak feature" and spiritual precede.
Clear in your mind, by and horrendous, Islam is an compulsory religion with a unpleasant founder, a unpleasant the system, and a very unpleasant out of and prevailing. Islam is wholly dictatorial to women and to introduce somebody to an area of other faiths. Islam is more often than not financially catastrophic and mechanically move backward. Any policymaker -- Republican, Democrat, and the crave -- who attempts to embellish Islam or Islamic nations in a positive light is at the smallest not altruistic the whole picture, and is at the supreme a opinionated coward.
Contact more: earns its scorn.html#ixzz28juEVkUR
Saturday, December 18, 2010
10 Questions About The Pineal Gland That Add To The Mystery Of Spirituality
Friday, December 17, 2010
Guide To English Fairies
The Apple Tree Man The spirit of the oldest tree in Somerset orchards, he was responsible for the orchards fertility.
Barguest A fiery-eyed black dog with a shaggy coat, it was seen as a death portent.
Black Annis A fearsome hag who haunted the Dane Hills in Leicestershire. She had iron like claws and lived in a cave, which she hollowed out with her claws. It is said that she ate children and hung their skins on the cave wall.
Boggart A type of brownie, who caused poltergeist activity, they were common in Lancashire, and many places are named after them. Boggart Clough, near Manchester, The Boggart Stones, Boggart Lane etc.
Bogies Another class of shape shifting spirits who tormented man.
Boggles Evil goblin like creatures.
Bogey and Bogey Beast Also an evil goblin type of creature more readily associated with the Devil.
Brag A shapeshifting goblin from the North of England.
Brownie A generic term for fairies in England and Scotland, they were generally benevolent but could turn bad if they were neglected. They were small in appearance and wore brown clothing.
Bucca, Bucca Boo -A Cornish goblin like creature.
Capelthwaite A black dog localised to Westmorland, that has shape-shifting abilities and is as large as a calf.
Cheney's Hounds Hounds belonging to Cheney, a leader of the wild hunt in the Parish of St Teath in Cornwall. He was a squire in life with a cruel reputation.
Church Grim A black dog guardian of church yards, they were often seen as a death portent, they protected the dead from the Devil and evil spirits.
Derricks Fairies who resemble dwarfs, they are small in stature and localised to Devon, Berkshire and Hampshire.
The Devil's Dandy Dogs Demon dogs of the wild hunt from Cornwall, they are seen as the most dangerous because they hunt for human souls. The Dandy dogs breathe fire, and leave trails of blackened grass behind them.
Dobby A hobgoblin belonging to Yorkshire and Lancashire. Dobby stones were stones onto which fairy offerings were placed.
Dobie A type of Brownie.
Fetch A phantom who takes on the appearance of the person who sees it. It is said to be a death portent.
Feriers A Suffolk name for the fairies.
Gable Ratchets Phantom dogs of the wild hunt.
Gabriel Hounds A Lancashire term for packs of spirit hounds from the wild hunt, who rode across the skies making eerie howls. They where said to have human faces.
Galley-Beggar A name given to a frightening spirit in Somerset and Suffolk.
Gally Trot The name for a supernatural white dog the size of a large calf, from the Northern counties and Suffolk.
Gindylow A Yorkshire water spirit that can drag people under the water.
Grant A shapeshifting goblin with flashing eyes.
Gurt Dog A Somerset name for a benevolent phantom black dog (it haunted the Quantock Hills).
Guytrash A phantom cow with saucer eyes, it is said to be a death portent.
Hairy Jack The Lincolnshire name for a phantom black dog that haunts lonely places.
Herla's Hounds Phantom dogs of the wild hunt, they are white with red ears, the colour of traditional otherworld creatures.
Hinkey Punk The Somerset and Devon version of a Will o the Wisp.
Hobbedy's Lantern Another name for the Will o' the wisp or phantom lights, which lure travellers into treacherous areas.
Hob A general name given to fairies in the Northern counties. They often haunted caves and other lonely places.
Hobgoblin A mainly benevolent sprite who can also be mischievous if neglected.
Ignis Fatuus -The Latin name for the Will o' the Wisp or fairy light.
Jack in Irons A Yorkshire spirit who haunts lonely places attired in heavy chains. The spirit was said to attack travellers.
Jacky Lantern The West country name for the Will o' the Wisp.
Jenny Green Teeth A Lancashire water spirit who drags people down into the water.
Jenny Burnt Tail Another name for the Will o' the wisp or phantom light, which lures travellers into treacherous areas.
Knocker A Cornish mine spirit, which was said to knock at the richest lodes. The knockers were mainly benevolent, but if ignored and neglected they could turn malicious.
Knuckers The name for the Old English Swamp Dragons.
Mermaids Dangerous female water spirits who are half fish and half human. They were often said to lure young men to their deaths.
Mermen The male equivalent of mermaids, there are few stories about them.
Neckan A river sprite.
Nixies Water sprites.
Oakmen Wood spirits of Northern England.
Old Bloody Bones A Cornish spirit who haunted holes and crevices.
Old Shock A Suffolk name for a phantom black dog.
Padfoot Yorkshire name for a large phantom black dog, it was as big as a calf and haunted lonely roads.
Peg o Nell The spirit of the river Ribble in Lancashire.
Peg Powler The spirit of the river Tees.
Pinket The Worcestershire version of the Will o' the Wisp.
Piskies A Cornish word for the fairies, Piskies were generally small and mischievous, they haunted lonely and ancient places, and often tricked travellers into getting lost. They are Pixies in other southern counties.
Pixies The West Country name for the fairies.
Portunes Tiny farming spirits who are only half an inch in height.
Puck A Will o' the Wisp type of spirit. Raw Head and Bloody Bones - A Lancashire and Yorkshire water spirit who haunted deep pools, anybody getting too close to the edge would be pulled under.
Shag Foal A Lincolnshire spirit in the shape of a donkey with flaming eyes.
Shuck / Black Shuck The East Anglian equivalent of the phantom black dog. Its appearance was seen as a death portent.
Silkie A brownie like spirit who haunted specific areas. In some cases it was identified as a ghost.
Skriker A Yorkshire and Lancashire version of the phantom black dog, it was large with saucer eyes.
Spriggans Dangerous fairies from the West Country, they were said to guard buried treasure, and to lead travellers into dangerous places. They were stunted and ugly in appearance.
Sprites -Generic term for a spirit often elemental.
Thrummy Cap Cellar dwelling spirit from the North of England.
Tiddy Ones A Lincolnshire name for the fairies.
Waff The name for a double spirit in Yorkshire.
Wight Germanic word for an earth elemental.
Will o the Wisp The most common name for a fairy light. These strange lights associated with swamps were supposed to be spirits who lured travellers into dangerous areas.
Will o the Wikes The Norfolk name for the Will o' the Wisp.
Wish Hounds The Dartmoor phantom dogs of the wild hunt. They were often described as headless.
Wryneck A Lancashire and Yorkshire name for an evil spirit.
Yarthkin A Malevolent earth spirit.
Yell Hounds Phantom dogs of the wild hunt.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Kalani Hanohano
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Long Horned Cow
Monday, December 13, 2010
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
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Doreen Did Say That One Could
It has been my bite that top figure Witches (non-Wiccan) are emphatically solitary practitioners.
As chief conceived, Wicca was made-up to be certified in a coven resolute with one practicing as a solitary simply in the past one was lacking a coven for a display of time. But that understanding of Wicca is basically old-fashioned now and the dimension of colonize who possess to be Wiccans are likely solitary in their practice.
Friday, December 10, 2010
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