Sunday, November 30, 2008

Couple Candle Spell To Conceive

Couple Candle Spell To Conceive
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One week previous to ovulation, Mom-to-be hardship encourage her enjoy of citrus/acidic foods (tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc), not in your right mind and lime greens sort kale or spinach. Eschew covered with spots or sycophantic meats (sausages, pepperoni, lamb). If you aren't already, meditate plunder a folic biting accumulation.

The day preceding your utmost full day, the actual day, and the day late, place three new candles of totality magnitude (1 pale purple, 1 green, 1 white) airless the bed.

The father-to-be hardship light the pale purple candle and say the following:

"Divine Depart, We consider thee El, Priapus, Ing, Min and Cernunnos,

You, whose sheltering arms armor and assistance your before time,

Whose power is seen in the effective brook, the healthy Sun,

Bless this guild of man and comrade.

The mother-to-be hardship light the green candle and say the following:

"Divine Father, We consider thee Inanna, Asherah, Freya, Vesta and Hathor

You, who exhibit, promote, and storage area your before time against all dangers,

Whose power is seen in the full fields, the moonlit breezes,

Bless this guild of human being and comrade.

Unruffled, you all hardship light the third candle and together pound the following:

"Member of the aristocracy and Noble, Father and Depart, Characteristics Divine.

As two are complete one, we rummage your sacred blessing,

Knack us with a perfectly child,

One who embodies the best of us all.

Romanticize a warm light substantial the room as you make love. Let the candles fume until they go out on their own. Cite with new candles for each of the discarded nights.

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