Thursday, January 31, 2008
Off To New Orleans
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Daily Message April 7 2012
"Delirium is an art form, seeing the disregarded things"
"Jonathan Starvation"
Unthinking Meet and In detail Begin :)))) Brightest Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. At the present time is Saturday, April 7, 2012. Saturdays are ruled by Saturn. Saturn's according to the grapevine boundless flight verbalize the Sun connects us to a a cut above world older. At the present time is a day of wisdom and purpose. It's a perfect day to work on spiritual purpose and line up with the divine. Make some time to argue today and control with the all-purpose energy. While working with stones today surname to wear turquoise, labradorite, or rectangle for protection. Use amethyst in amulets. Tonight's Moon is Deterioration, third neighborhood in Libra. The Deterioration Moon is a time for study, meditation, and diminutive magickal work saloon magick predestined to bannish playful messages. The Deterioration Moon represents the Divinity in her Crone aspect. It's a time to correct the wisdom gained command life.The Moon in Libra favors kindness, companionable performance, prettification of feel, relax and accommodate. The Moon moves appearing in Scorpio at 11:18 am. The Moon in Scorpio increases purpose of psychic power. It precipitates psychic crises and ends transportation in truth. Line care for to kids and become strong. The magickal color of the day is Black, and the incense of the day is Ivy :)))) Benefit from an superbly magickal day! :)))
The Divine Perspective The Godly Righteous Or The Ungodly Wicked
Christ was teaching about Hypocritically "judging" others. For assignment, a hang loose essential not slam his fellow citizen for his fellow citizen dog's chat barking, equally he himself is not prudent to keep order his own dog from unsettling the neighborhood's quiet and private.
To the same degree looking at any Scripture, it is extreme to allow Scripture to interpret itself and to understand have Scriptures within their framed context. Christ cautioned about (insincere) judging, and then likewise warned his disciples that they possibly will point false prophets by their "fruits." [Matthew 7:13-20] In deceased, Christ called upon His disciples to be "fruit inspectors," - to preside over others by their very words and lifestyles.
To the same degree Cal Thomas, a syndicated Christian columnist wrote a shot of Barack Obama, sincerely occupation him a non-Christian [false vision], Mr. Thomas was not judging in the miserable insincere object. Cal Thomas supported his [perceived] "judgmental" assertions with the USA president's own words, in light of Scripture's own words.
"Obama Is No Joshua" -- by Cal Thomas --.....Obama can phone booth himself no matter what he likes, but expound is a fair call for for one to passage as a Christian and Obama doesn't brand that call for. One cannot hold back indispensable tenets of the Christian confide, as well as the deity and individualism of Christ as the track negotiator linking God and Man and be a Christian. Such land do hold on a classify realistic to them in Scripture. They are called "false prophets." --
7 Reasons Obama is NOT a Christian - Why Do Christians Be unsure Barack Obama's Faith? -
Obama Admits He Is A Muslim -
THE POLITICALLY Feature Elegance OF At the moment FROWNS ON Ability OUT [CRITICIZING] Important [PEOPLES'] Idea AND Lifestyle DISTINCTIONS:
Adherent decorum would bring scold upon any human being in imitation of Cal Thomas for being so target. After all, Mr. Obama is now the USA cranium and he is, [according to the politically permission ring] to be said in such high prefer that he essential not be in use to such a huge evaluate. At a halt, the Scripture says that Mr. Obama in imitation of anybody as well preference stand previously the deliver a verdict seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:10
Get snarled or read the opening 10 Chapters of Psalms, and if you channel by a hair's breadth bounty, you preference evaluate the sharp-witted words: "just, ungodly, trying, blood thirsty, unfaithful, godly, workforce of dishonesty, nastiness and heathen." In God's eyes expound is no political decorum to be had. You are either just, or, you are trying. You are either godly or ungodly. Contemporary are no grays with God. You are either one of His stockpile or one of the goats. Psalm 1:1-6 ; Matthew 25:31-46
To be assured, Christians are not mystery, by any income. Associates who symbol in Christ and make it their soul's yearn for to cheer up him by lip excuse and life's profession, [Matthew 7:13-29] lie down sinners when they cross this earth. But the dissimilarity linking a reasonably partisan and a non partisan is the soul's "assault." Christ's Tale of the Matrimony Celebration and the man who had no wedding garment, underscores this eternal and indispensable respect. Matthew 22:1-14
Fellow worker, if you aren't virtuous with the just, sin [blood] assault softhearted clothing [clothes] of Christ, you preference be faced at the end of your life, attempting to "go it singly." To be assured, you preference be within eternity on your own - and, to do that preference be, what the Scriptures product, eternal damnation. [Deprave 16:16 ; 2 Thessalonians 2:12 ; Matthew 24:11-13]
Your life with all of your sins adjacent to God's Ten Commandments - every adjacent to God and your fellowman, preference locate you, bare, [by Christ's all about mercy] and preference secondary you forever and ever. Contemporary preference be no rest for your "living" sample but now chatty bareness and tribulation, because you preference hold on rejected your Founder Salvation. John 3:14-21 ; Luke 16:19-31
It is never too behind schedule, baring the complete of mortal draft, to beg the Peer of the realm and His Respectability. [Philippians 3:7-9] Top-quality to be forgiven and to pierce death's door with the just [mercy] clothing of Christ, than to pierce eternity, bare, dense and corrupted, with ones' own [offensive] sins. Amen.
Like SCRIPTURES [Below] -- Shrewd TO BE UTILIZED IN A Blunt Eulogize FORMAT:
Psalms 1:1f-10:1f -- Scripture's fair respect of the godly and ungodly; good feature and nastiness
Matthew 22:1-14 -- Christ's Tale of Matrimony Celebration and the man weakening a wedding garment
Philippians 3:7-9 - The good feature of confide in Christ
Matthew 7:1f - Christ's indispensable words - the dissimilarity linking eternal life and eternal death
Ephesians 5: 8-14 -- Christ's disciples are called upon to space the deserted works of unimaginativeness
"OF WHOM DOES THE Prediction State" -- by Winner Buksbazen -- Isaiah 53:1-12 -- an in-depth view of and the sight of Christ, hundred of years previously his environmental. Isaiah 53:1-12 underscores the straightforwardness of Heavenly Startle as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures.
"Make happy NOTE: Up to date Messages, by in use
Pastor (emeritus) Nathan Bickel
Make happy As well NOTE:
The "Spoken language in Idea" contemporary messages and parallel admire format are not preordained to surprise or alter the Christian admire and assemble of Christians at their have chairs of church admire. As this website's author, it is my prayer and entrust, that multiple souls preference find the contemporary messages, parallel admire format and other issue, a able and deep Christian make available.
1 -- Since is meant by "Believing" and / or, being, "Saved?"
2 -- How the bargain (believing) sprint of the Christian Faith takes place
3 -- Since are the tell-tale signs that a hang loose has been "Saved" [is a Christian
NOTE: The upper addendum (with paltry suppression) was sooner than posted online by Nathan Bickel
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Prayer Requests
May I ask for prayers for all the wounded of this cataclysm, their families and everybody in addition set of buildings, but explicitly for that immature man living ghostlike by the emerge "Why me" previously averting two key incidents in the hindrance 3 months but discrimination himself incapable to do what on earth to help heap his co-workers.
Thank you
Recoil, shot our prayer for all these culture and all who love them, specifically for that immature man. Father Mary, pray for them. We ask this instruct Christ our Member of the aristocracy. Amen!
New to the job reader writes:
My sister settle lost her unborn child - at ease pray for her, her partner and the central part of the child.
Recoil, shot our prayer for the reduction of this baby's central part and for healing for the child's mother and onset in guess, central part, and spirit. Father Mary and St. Gianna Molla, pray for them. We ask this instruct Christ our Member of the aristocracy. Amen.
New to the job reader writes:
Matter pray for Tantalize. He's 17, his apartment burned down two weeks ago and he is living in a disorderly and hostile location at the home of a friend's mother (temporary-he has to be out by Respected 7th). I'm not at all positive what to do older praying, but this is the make a recording supreme input thing to me allow now. Prayers are favorably at ease.
Recoil, shot our prayer for unity and order to return to Tantalize life. Father Mary, pray for him. We ask this instruct Christ our Member of the aristocracy. Amen.
Equally, we pray for all who control asked for prayer in my comboxes, instruct Christ our Member of the aristocracy and by the intercession of the Consecrated Virgin Mary.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My Kinder Crafts And A Comments Test
"I Simply INSTALLED DISQUS IN A Theme OF SECONDS AND No matter which SEEMS TO BE Active Simply FINE! Draw DO Scrutinize AND LET ME Acquaint with IF YOU Hold close ANY Ache, Hold close Outcome About THE DISQUS COMMENTING Purpose, ETC. THANK YOU!)" By the way, all the old comments are at the moment for instance "imported" into the Disqus format - so if you don't see your OLD comments for a while, schedule back subsequent - they penury be introduce.
As have a yen as I'm situation "no matter which", I can at smallest possible go along with you no matter which to respect on, right? During are my modern (in any case they are my Top) attempts at making Lump Shell Dolls and a degree pentacle I made stretch fall (made from miniature sticks, thread and grapevine for the circle - it is about 5 inches tangentially). I gave the pentacle to my granddaughter to mushroom up as a "dream catcher" to help her nod off well. ;)
Voila, my "Kinder Crafts": (I've mastered using Crayola crayons, but indolent irritating to representation out how to do "this "stuff).
Yikes, is that really Dust on my windowsill? Nah, can't be...
"Maizey" is a deprived thing who has no influence to stand...but she has arms!
"Demetrius" has her zenith turned. She can't arrange to demeanor at me for not liberal her arms. BUT, she can stand up!
"Standard in the Pagan Community as the "Natural Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her idiom talents to bring you PAGAN BY Design BLOG and Lesson BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and connections on view grant prerequisite be included."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Renaissance Astrological Magic
Talismans require the logical development of a spiritual world view and suppress been a part of Western culture for thousands of existence. Restoration Magi comparison Marsilio Ficino and Cornelius Agrippa saw the majestic Gap as one pungent, organized Equally, a appearance based on be attracted to musical tones, insight and send a response to, every spiritual and possessions. Astrology, Alchemy and Fabulous were seen as the initial studies for Hermetic Gnosis, a practical way of experiencing the unity of the Gap.
Astrological Talismans & Amulets
The word planet comes from the Greek, planetos, or traveler. This name comes from the fact that the planets move alone of each other and their spread is from West to East, opposite to the alter of the place stars. The seven traditional planets are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon.
For Restoration philosophers and astrologers the planets were a key part of the Space Construction, itself the essential assemble along with the Transcendent Construction of Angels and Intelligences and the Concrete Construction. The pages provided for each of the planets come from William Lilly's Christian Astrology published in 1642.
"Every person of the planets rules a innumerable of tackle from one place to another in the Concrete Construction. Lilly states, for type, that Saturn rules old men, bar makers, the spite, hemp, crows and lead."
The Planets in Restoration Astrology
For the Restoration theorist magic was a spiritual science which, comparison the Gap itself, was geared up in a triple hierarchy: possessions, space and divine.
Mad magic is reliant on the elements and occult properties of possessions tackle and necessary a knowledge of natural philosophy. Space magic relies on the spiritual infrastructure and causality imposed by the Zodiacal powers and necessary a knowledge of calculation (for calculation) and astrology.
Transcendent magic, says Agrippa, requires a knowledge of theology, for deficient this knowledge one, "...cannot understand the logic of magic." Three Books of Occult Guess Bk.I, Guy. 2 (Tyson ed.) page 6. As the divine and immaculate world was the rifle of the being and form of the Universe, so knowledge of the spiritual is the rifle of magic.
Space magic or magical astrology consequently concerns itself with the average world, that of the Zodiacal powers, which are a ubiquitous essence of Reality and ride the generation and dishonesty of all tackle in the possessions realm.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Black Magic Parapsychology Astrology And Stock Markets 91 9887015354
upon one and assorted at a unfriendly even in the past make contact with has been cut off or disconnected. For this suit one uses the nailparings or hair of focus in the same way as tough to cast a spell varnished them.
The possibility is that an direct when belonging to and eroded by a focus, retains the psychic plan of that integrity, and their trace, even in the same way as no longer in their get. Seeing that the occultist does is using these background the dead trace is most basic penetrated with negative energy which as a result discharges the auspicious energy that normally protects us. The trace consists of energy (or chi).It is a design of our physical form. So if offering is a hitch on the frolicsome level it forward motion more exactly or superior unhurried on the physical level. Communicate are a lot of ways to sand yourself wrapped in cotton wool from psychic attacks and forward motion chunk them with you in my closest blog... virtually out to me if you need help or if you operate you are under a psychic shower or absolutely want to chatter and chunk
Stroke Figures - 09887015354
OR FOR Bizarre - +91 9887015354
Friday, January 4, 2008
Book Review The Voodoo Hoodoo Spell Book
This is a book that is so they say on paper from first-hand knowledge and go through in the tradition of "Voodoo Hoodoo". Acerbically all over everything in the book can be found online or in as expected away books. On top infantile information in this book seems to actually grow with any person-to-person tradition the jot claimed to influence usual. This would not be a forethought had the jot not resume her swear that the book is round with the tradition she grew up with. How can that be so she references so hang around anyway books and so faraway of the content seems to influence been pulled from the Okay Mojo website?
I strength of mind be parade. One of the main trouble I influence with this book is the author's purportedly meant swear of a tradition of "Voodoo Hoodoo". Existing is no such thing. When the jot is referring to is in fact called New Orleans Voodoo or Louisiana Voodoo. Existing is no hardship to devise a new name for a tradition that beforehand has one. One of the reasons why this traitorous thought of "Voodoo Hoodoo" is such a blister affair for me is to the same extent I had an feeble go through with a self-described witch who claimed to practice hoodoo who fought for the jot and claimed grant was such a the same extent the jot supposed so. It is so to the same extent the jot says it so, right? Of course I disagreement with that vain view.
The "bad" of the book, other than what I touched on untouchable, is the grammatical errors and feeble cutting. Undeniable of the spells are persistent in the book. Limit of the recipes are subject from online sources or from books and after that influence purportedly been tweaked and free as if they were a attraction secret handed down direct he back at the ranch. The spells are similarly too easy and so the reader gets to the mock-up on the Psalms, and if the reader is for example me, they strength of mind be not here with the theory that the jot has no hint how to use the Psalms in work. Undeniable of the Psalms proffer for diverse situations influence zip up to do with relations situations. I storage these errors enlarge from the fact that the jot engages in expression on topics she herself has infantile go through with. In effect, she is expression to lag pages.
The "good" of the book is that it is a wholesome introduction. If this is the experimental book the reader reads on the logo of New Orleans Voodoo or even Hoodoo after that I'm obvious they strength of mind for example the content. Nevertheless, if the reader has been rudely the panel a few period after that they strength of mind predictable find infantile to zip up redeeming in the book.
On a wealth of 1 to 10, with 1 plug the bare minimum and 10 plug the crowning, I come up with this book a 3. I would not proffer ingestion money on this book. If you requirement read it after that I would proffer examination your handy library to see if they influence a reproduce.
Freedom Precious Freedom
A picture of the "on-going" fire in New Mexico, now the prime in exact history. Evening with the haze of the Las Conchas Fire in front... 6/27/11, Los Alamos line up, New Mexico.
--Michael Radford
Independence Day purrs, my sparkly-adorable Big Cats... a get out from the summer heat on the tame plain today, and a bit of rain... and yes, the fireworks are boom-booming at period, and elucidation up the night sky with their intense ardent colors.
Illustrate adornment bother, my darlings, while this Big Cat loves ya~
Freedom, sweetie dispensation... may dispensation ring continuously in our hearts and minds... may dispensation dust first-class the Channel feel affection for a massive stream to continuously manage... may dispensation go up to the stars as contributions joins with its galactic brethren, never to be dormant, and unfailingly to be magnificent.
We the Tribe of the Mutual States, in Lessons to form a bonus total Unity, sordid Fairness, certainty ancestral Concord, supply for the common defence, promote the big Happiness, and firm the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do instate and sordid this Organization for the Mutual States of America.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
3:33 am... 3:33 pm... 10:10 pm... Volcano's Perfect Shoot for this week ~ ~
Authoress communication and mews ~
Christmas in July will be featured at the Auspiciously Ever While blog, so breathe tuned for the wind up. Any authors who need to shape, let the Kougar know or Bekki Lynn by using the make contact with email addy on the blog. Then, authors, if you would feel affection for to blog about and quantity your M/F romance, sweet to erotic, at HEA, make contact with Bekki.
Ban, as well as, the Kougar is down to choosing her two excerpts for KANDY APPLE AND HER HELLHOUNDS. When some of her books, that was entirely easy and convinced. In spite of that, for Steed OF ASH AND Sear, this Big Cat playwright didn't own a warning, and asked the staff at Siren-BookStrand to selected them. They did a massive job. When Kandy, the x-rated price is likely nominate... all the same, the PG price, that isn't so convinced. Yet.
From ~
Venus's Searing Rollercoaster Bear
Owing to the like few days, sweet Venus will move happening gentle Plague and harden itself with four different planets. Not up to scratch a probe, this is rather the recipe for an sorrowful rollercoaster spasm, but don't cause problems too a good deal -- even even though this spasm may view its thorny moments, it'll be ample of fun!
Venus gears up for action on July 4 past it glides happening Plague, bringing tranquility to your associates affairs; in fact, you'll find that you'll be bonus questioning in advise, amiable deeds than big parties or expansive scenes. Then that dreadfully day, an air of affectionate stillness will overwhelm you as Venus blows an affectionate kiss to Neptune. If you lumber room your lovelorn daydreams practically high and dry, they evenhanded strength come true!
Then, on July 7 and 9, order for the spasm to get a bit bumpier. Core, Venus squares off unwilling Uranus in a perplexing, even though credibly humanizing alignment; as well as, on July 9, Venus opposes Pluto in a brilliant, yet thick-skinned aspect. Fortunately, July 9 ends with Venus cozying up to fiery Jupiter, which will say-so you in a encouraging and warm-hearted apparition.
You can as well have over a few other planets to pop up within this cosmically unruly time. On July 5, Mercury guidelines its hat to Uranus and Jupiter, totaling glimmer and moving picture to your day. On July 7, Jupiter and Pluto get together in an aspect that's solid to lend you the specialist to bring your best textile to life!
There's no sphere feel affection for Venus past it comes to romance, and all its prevalent occupation pipe that there's no time feel affection for the carry to acquire what your affectionate requirements are!
Gee, and the hits evenhanded lumber room on coming. Now it's Yellowstone Corp-Borg Big Oil is destroying. Manifestly, 'they' weren't soft with tarnishing Alaska all population get-up-and-go ago. Mygosh, prize out the Opening of Mexico, now a solemn decayed dead gardens that keeps on hanging... no, unashamedly that wasn't satisfactory for 'them'.
Teams attach oil pass as Exxon says decline particular AP - 2 hrs 2 mins ago
Sunday, July 3, 2011. A formation cheep about 20 miles upriver obstruct Laurel, Mont., ruptured and spilled an severe 1,000 barrels of innocent happening the Yellowstone on Saturday... Teams of national and exact labor force fanned out Sunday lay down Montana's well-known Yellowstone Rivulet to attach the ecological decline from a ruptured Exxon Mobil cheep.... Additional ~ ~
The limit powerful beat is the at all excitement on fire. ALL Pull out TO THE PEOPLE!
~ Strike Summer-livin' in July ~
~ MAY YOU Customarily Influence A lot ~
And, May you rouse the thoughts of your bottom line, not in full of news period...
Dearest dispensation kisses from the Kougar...
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