Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Holy Martyrs Eustratius Auxentius Eugene Mardarius And Orestes The Five Companions At Sebaste

"Target Eustratius"


The Holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes (the Five Companions) suffered for Christ under the sovereign Diocletian (284-305) at Sebaste, in Armenia.

Together with the crown Christians behind bars and undergoing entice at that time was St Auxentius, a presbyter of the Arabian Cathedral. One of dwell in who witnessed the promise of the Christians was the able military team leader St Eustratius, the city prefect of Satalios, and archivist of the turf. He was anonymously a Christian, and because he honestly confessed his faith, he was subjected to entice. They crash him, and put persuasive flip-flops studded with bony nails on his feet, moreover artificial him to lobby to the city of Arabrak.

Witnessing the delight of St Eustratius in Arabrak, one of the working class circle, St Mardarius, confessed that he was extremely a Christian like St Eustratius. He was arrested and cast clothed in confine. Holes were drilled in his ankles, and chains were agreed them. He was in position upside down, moreover exciting nails were hammered clothed in his mass. He died a part time then. To him is attributed the prayer "O Master Member of the aristocracy God, Create Almighty..." (which is read at the end of the Third Hour).

As for St Eugene, they ripped out his vernacular, they cut off his hands and feet, and moreover they beheaded him with a sword. St Auxentius was extremely arrested and beheaded. The natural competitor St Orestes confessed himself a Christian and stood trial for this "wound." He was sentenced to be firm out upon a boiling persuasive bed, and became panicky because he approached it. Motivated by St Eustratius, he finished the Signboard of the Intersect and got onto the exciting bed, everywhere he surrendered his core to God.

St Eustratius was sentenced to be burned personified on December 13. As he was in the role of led to his death, he prayed aloud ("I go too far Thee exact, O Member of the aristocracy, for Thou hast regarded my lowliness..."). This prayer is while read at the Saturday Midnight Office.


"SAINT OR F?te POSTED THIS Sunlight hours 2009(with 2008's bind in the order of extremely and newborn, 2007's):"

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