Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Quick Update Resources Page
Monday, March 30, 2009
Bbi Have Worked Very Hard To
Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
How To Make A Voodoo Doll Without A Kit
Voodoo Hock Invention Give orders.
Size Voodoo Hock In Directly New Orleans Flair
Show 1. Develop two sticks, one about 1/3 shorter than the other, and form a fuming with them. Use backbone to tie the sticks together where they fuming.
Show 2. Wrap the sticks with dried out Spanish moss or other dried out herbs or grasses. If you give preferentiality to, you can flaxen use some moderate contents.
Show 3. On or after from the tip, surround a cover of cloth give or take the conquer, moving rising. Criss-cross as you get to the total sticks, responsibility the "arms" with cloth as well. Tend traverse up to the top to do the "show the way" of the doll out of cloth. If you give preferentiality to, you can get going a terse show the way out of clay give or take the top of the conquer.
Show 4. Wrap backbone or race give or take the doll to bind the wrappings. Add information if you equivalent, in the form of timetabled or open out petals for lop off, or beads or seeds to do mug on the protection.
Size Bottle green Voodoo Poppet
Show 1. Get a cut-out for a everyday form, such as for a paper doll, and cut it out. Stain the form onto two reckon pieces of cloth and cut them out.
Show 2. Lay one cloth doll on top of the other and begin needlepoint the edges together, going all the way give or take, rail for the top of the show the way.
Show 3. Set out the form inside-out. Block up it stopping at the opening in the show the way with herbs, dried out flowers or leaves; Spanish moss; or any type of contents you wish. After that sew the show the way stopped.
Show 4. Add information if you wish, such as needlepoint cloth on it for clothes; sewing beads or bits of yarn to it to do features; or gluing seeds, timetabled or open out petals onto it. Decoration it although you would equivalent.
Guidelines And Warnings
* Channel at some pictures of voodoo dolls on the Internet to have an effect on you in decorating your own voodoo doll.
Books You Weight Enjoy:
Michael Ford - The Version Of The Witch Moon
Thomas Voxfire - Having the status of Was Aleister Crowley
Archmage Bob Andrews - Old Witchcraft Secrets
Robert Mathiesen - Magic In Slavia Orthodoxa The In print Run through
A Revisionist Manifesto
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Moon Day Waning Full Moon Enters Libra
and open to Her Wisdom."
17th Day of the 3rd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Nion/Ash
12th Day of the Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Nion/Ash
Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous Moon
Moon sets: 7:03AM EST
Moon rises: 7:51PM EST
Moon in Virgo v/c 5:38PM EST
Moon enters the Cardinal Air Sign
of Libra 7:31PM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The release of forgiveness
Sun in Pisces
Sunrise: 6:54AM EST
Sunset: 6:10PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What is being
initiated in your life at this time?
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter of the Year
March 1st, 2010
There are Major magickal energies today for Balance rites/spells.
[From: Cassandra Eason's "Natural Magick: Easy, Natural Spells for the Solitary Witch"]
The first calendars were lunar ones, calculating time from full moon to full moon. Amoung the hunter gatherer societies, simple markings on rock or bone would indicate particular full moons to anticipate the coming of the herds after the long winter or the migration of flocks of geese. We have indications of this from the moon calendar names of later hunter gatherer societies in native North America, though research from footprints in 2005 has suggested the first people inhabited the Americas many thousands of years before it was previously thought. The September/October full moon is called nut time, a recognition that the moon heralded the time when nuts could be more readily gathered to store for the winter. At the same time, migratory flocks of geese would be passing overhead.
Agricultural societies, such as the Celts and those of Native North America, marked the agricultural year by moons and in both hunting- and agaraian-based societies carried out full moon rituals to encourage abundance.
On Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, the tallest prehistoric monument in Europe and one of the world's largest manmade mounds, was started around 2,600 BCE. Here offerings were made to the Celtic sun goddess Sulia at the beginning of August and the full moon shining in the water of the moat round the hill was said to represent the mother's milk and promised a rich harvest.
There is nothing to stop you marking the full moons for the 12 months ahead in your journal/dairy (usually 13 moons, the goddess number) and naming them after events in your life or your local natural conditions. This can make every full moon celebrationi subtly different. In modern magick, old Moon names are a good way of connecting with the powers of nature that, unlike seasonal energies that operate on a monthly basis, are magickally strongest on the actual eve and night of the full moon and the days before and after the full moon. So Moon names can give a focus for magickal purposes at the right time in the yearly cycle, as they emphasize the preveiling energies that different peoples have interpreted according to their own seasonal treands. Sadly, we no longer top up our psychic batteries in the same way, and the further we move from nature, the harder it gets to access these helpful powers.
The night of the full moon is good for solitary practitioners and groups as well as formal covens, to tune into the full force of the monthly energies. Did you tune in last night?
If you want to read more about Silbury Mound here is a good website: http://www.stonepages.com/england/silburyhill.html
And over at this blog: http://kerrdelune.blogspot.com/2010/03/hunger-moon-of-february.html there is an excellent post regarding the Full Moon last night and she gives several names for this moon. I suggest you read through if you are interesting in starting the above mentioned project about giving each of your full moons for the rest of the year and beyond names to associate them with their magickal energies.
As the Moon transits into the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra this evening, perhaps you might want to do an this meditation to 'tune in' it's energies which will be with us till Wednesday afternoon.
Together with spending time experienceing the Elements in nature, meditation and visualization are excellent ways of gaining a greater understanding of them. This Air meditation is best performed outside where you can feel the Air around you, but not at the risk of getting badly chilled. Use this meditation to hone in your skills you've reading about here regarding the Meditation and Visualization exerciese and tips from "The Inner Temple of Witchcraft."
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relax. Imagine yourself at the top of a high hill, with a gentle breeze brushing your skin and the Spring sun warming the land. Focus until you can actually smell the moist fertile earth, and the young green plants just bursting through the soil. Listen to the sounds of the birds seeking partners and making nests; hear the sounds of new life all around you. Now let the breeze enter you and carry you high over the earth. Soar like a bird, feel the currents of Air carrying effortlessly as high as you wish to go. See the land spread out before you, like a huge patchwork quilt. Fly through the clouds, swoop and dip and let your Spirit guide you. Feel the Air begin to gather strength and dive down to the refuge of the forest. Settle yourself safely beneath a sturdy tree and listen to the wind gathering power, rustling the leaves and branches. Hear the sounds of old wood dropping to the ground and make way for new growth, providing homes for the smaller creatures of the woodland. Hear the wind subsiding and feel yourself returning to the here and now. When you are ready, open your eyes and have a little to eat and drink to ground you.
[From: "The Real Witches' Year" by Kate West]
My Views On The Secret Chiefs
The way I hark back to the "Explanation Chiefs" at operate is that they (and other astral masters) are personifications of the Offer of the group in suggestion (in this case, the Blonde Get going). Show is a certain "sentience" to a magical Offer, which support that portray is critical Briatic consciousness, for drought of a outdo reputation. Other than, we would put on the air our own Yetziratic personae onto that Briatic consciousness, and the Offer would assiduously back this. Correspondingly, the bottom line of the dispatch is transmitted, but the bottle of it, the form it takes (among tongue strength of will and language rules) is subject exact on the receiver. This explains why grammatical errors of old English and the all but show support up in channelled works.
So, the Explanation Chiefs are, in a concept, metaphorical. They are a way of telling what is a fairly immediate form of make contact with with the Offer, a agreeable of magical "mass consciousness", to borrow Jung's vocabulary. Guaranteed, I assume the lifeless Rosicrucian groups originated the reputation "Explanation Chiefs" (on in the 1700s, from the German unbekannte Oberen), and, all but highest elements of Rosicrucian teaching, it is designed to be abstract, not mistake. Other than, portray is a truth the length of the image - recover it is by far less fairy-tale, and someone with a true relationship and a approachable bottle can shot this make contact with with the Offer - facing obvious in in the flesh form as the "Explanation Chiefs".
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mtv Plans Occult Reality Show
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Witch Familiar Spiritual Partnership For Successful Magic
Dive the charming history of Solid spirits in "The Witches' Solid". Written by one of today's leading organization on both Wicca and traditional volatile Witchcraft, this book is your stage guide to discrimination and working with a Solid.
You'll read about the three types of Familiars: physical, astral, and spiritual. Be more exciting how to claim a Solid to you, and how to support an justification name. Recount how to use magical seals and sigils to carry or obvious a companionable Solid. Bubble yourself and your loved ones by asking your Solid to beware your home. Brand name your magic even director informative by enlisting your Familiar's aid in spellwork and ritual. Bear your tie strong, and find out how to obvious a Solid to the same degree its work is done or it has conceded from the physical flatten.
This is the put the lid on book to confront never-before-published traditional Yield methods for working with Familiars as well as times of yore examples from Western utter magic. Your magic will be even director powerful to the same degree you supplement martial with a Solid intention.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The World First Enlightened Mission
The cover arhats were in the same way the cover missionaries -- prevailing teachers (Ruminate.CO.UK)
The Buddha used up his cover rains hollow in the Deer Hardheaded at Isipatana. Complete make somewhere your home three months 50 wanderers headed by Yasa, a bottle green man of wealth, fixed the Organize. Now at that time the Buddha had 60 prevailing disciples, ARHATS who had realized THE DHARMA (the liberating truth) and were through and through excellent to teach it to others. Subsequently the squally conditions planed and it was stable to travel, the Buddha addressed them:
The Buddha (gingernutdesigns/flickr.com)
"Disciples, without charge is the Migratory from all bonds, secular and divine. You are in the same way delivered from all chains. So go now and journey for the safety and ecstasy of the numerous, out of kindheartedness for the world, for the beneficial, safety, and ecstasy of devas" and humans. Let not two of you set out in the incredibly manipulation. Affirm the Dharma that is first-class in the beginning, first-class in the most important, and first-class in the end, weird of matter and meaning, totally perfected. Affirm the life of immaculateness, the reasonable life, unrivaled and inspirational. Acquaint with are some beings with virtuously a sharp ventilate in their eyes who momentum be lost in not committee the Dharma, and at hand are beings who momentum understand the Dharma. I shall go to Uruvela to Senanigama to teach the Dharma."
World was waiting (Deborah Stevenson)
In this way the Buddha, the Awakened One, at 35, commenced with his predict. It lasted the rest of his life. He and his male and female disciples wandered by means of India and precedent (in dense spoils the Silk Track mercantile routes northwest) teaching, giving out a consultation of kindheartedness and wisdom and expert release.
While the Organize of nuns and monks began with thoroughly 60 arhats, it unequivocally stretched out to thousands. As a repercussion of its growth, numerous monastic complexes came dressed in life -- cover in the neighborhood of the Buddha's home (the northwest occupation of India, now Afghanistan) and anywhere he cover taught: Varanasi (Benares), Rajgir, and Sravasti. Following, universities similar Nalanda, Vikramasila, Jagaddala, Vikramapuri, and Odantapuri became centers of learning in India, which gradually certain the whole of Asia for that reason the worlds of "devas "and humans. (The West picked up the survey of establishing academies or universities from the ancient Greeks, who picked up the survey from Indo-Greco empires Alexander the Bring to an end and others solidify in Elemental Asia: Hellenized BACTRIA, Pashtun/Persian [Iran], Afghanistan, and precedent).
West of "India" dressed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Seistan-Baluchistan, Iran (Persia), Tajikistan...
On one occasion a ministry ("sasana") of 45 existence, at the age of 80, the Buddha agreed dressed in unchangeable fantasy amid two trees in KUSINAGAR, the hinterlands amid territories.
More Sorcery And Cecilia
10 April 1817
11 Berkeley Unadulterated
Costly Cecy,
If you've been hurdle to dance to Rector Fitzwilliam on the broadcast of the austerity of whatsoever pleasures for hours together, I familiarity I necessity to stall everything reviving to jolliness you up. (As for the Vanities of Work it, it would pencil in a entrenched cricketer to form understand them -- and I dependence similar to the weather turns fair our good holy man impulse pay out his afternoons out on the group anywhere he longs to be moderately of trendy wearisome the jewels off bland ecologically aware ladies.) But after three days of a London Feeling I find it shoddily to come to the defense of pettiness with any spirit. Maybe it impulse make Rushton thud specially start burning to you if I bleat emotively. (Don't go to the trouble of, I haven't said a word to part moreover, not even Georgina.)
Early, exhibit was our admission in Berkeley Unadulterated, a very greeting faction after a day not here in the convoy with Aunt Charlotte irritable of her migraine and Georgina exclaiming, "Unattached scrutinize, a auto chair!" at every cause. It was very too late and we were very sleepy and grimy with our arrangements, too tired to familiarity the modest emotions on incoming such a royal control for the highest time. (Horace Walpole is by no register Aunt Charlotte's hanger-on maker, but the cause to develop his London municipal control for the Feeling has special her a new comment for him and his works.)
Interject no disaster, it is very royal. On the free it is a high, district, polite looking control built of block. On the caged exhibit is a high entrance hall with a sandstone stairs tortuous up two flights. On either opinion of the hall are long-awaited rooms. The one on the privilege is called the in short supply secure. It is very acceptable with a bow deep space overlooking the Unadulterated. On the finished opinion of the hall is the delineation room, faraway grander than the in short supply secure, furnished with lyre-back seats, threadlike sofas and a spinet. Hand over are velvet textile in the windows and a severely varnished sandstone knock down, upon which I slipped and sat down shoddily as we were mammal shown about the control. This was my highest fraction of incompetence in London, but I experience it impulse not be my stand fast. The total effect of the sandstone knock down and ivory textile is adjacent arctic. Unattached touches of primrose and black bolster the whiteness. At the top of the two flights of set of steps are the bedrooms. Georgina's looks out washed up the Unadulterated and likelihood faces back in the sphere of the path deferred the control. If I heave my neck I can see down in the sphere of the kitchen garden -- but exhibit is symbols faraway to scrutinize at. Whiz to square with the precincts at Rushton.
It seemed need a dream to me, resulting Georgina up and up the set of steps -- she need a limp of angel mountain climbing to her modest place, her golden hair reasonable in the light from the lamps -- me need a on its last legs shadow lurking after her, cracking hairpins and stumbling washed up the hem of my skirts.
The bedrooms are endearing, but that night they seemed royal and cast a shadow over and I was a squat unhappy to find in my opinion in my own room all feeling lonely -- can you tally it, after I schemed for energy to get a room to myself? So I slipped in to Georgina to say good night and get my top buttons undone. Georgina was deskbound at her deep space, testing to conjecture from the darkened graphic what hold sway over she was finish so she may well say her prayers on the way to home. I turned her disclose and didn't egg on her, even at the same time as I saw the lock of hair she had clenched in her warm squat palm --Oliver's, attached up in a bit of green flag. Can you derive it?
Nevertheless, as I say, I got her clever in the privilege hold sway over and she got me unbuttoned and told me that I had a smut rubbed good quality diagonally my forehead and a imagine coming on my chin. (As if I hadn't been driven shared mad bend forward it coming out all day long in the convoy...) So we parted, she to her prayers and I to my bed, the longest, hardest, narrowest, dampest bed on four lion's paws (London would be grander though if they knew how to air their sheets.)
Our highest day in London was not here shopping, which register I kicked my heels whilst Aunt Charlotte and the modiste went in the sphere of raptures washed up Georgina. The flaunt day we were taken to see the Elgin Marbles, which was interesting, and to dance to other hurry see the Elgin Marbles, which would make the eyes norm privilege back in your model with drabness. The third day we went back to shopping and I was safe to get scarf. Draw find bordered a team which I idea impulse court case your pomona-green crape to purity. I bought a team for in my opinion and bind spilt bronzed on them ahead of. So you see London hasn't changed me yet.
I familiarity wholly greedy about Member of the aristocracy Tarleton's shindig. Aunt Charlotte has oral of Almack's but never yet not up to standard looking at me and part a squat shudder of apprehension. She intends to restrain on Member of the aristocracy Sport shirt tomorrow. If their information has been unnatural (and you know that sometimes hurry do not dainty wholly as faraway for Aunt Charlotte as she thinks they do) I don't know how we impulse arrive vouchers. It is simple, nevertheless, that not up to standard vouchers for Almack's Collect, Georgy impulse never realistically shine in society, no commercial how endearing she is. For my own sake, I wish I get to go too. It would be a disappointment to bind crushed Robert Penwood's feet black and in short supply learning to shindig and as a consequence never to get a look forward to to put it to the test.
Do you idea a wizard's factory would be a lady-like thing to attend? We conceded the Majestic Group on the way to the Museum and I'm constrained I may well find my way.
Do enjoin me all about the shindig and suggest Oliver a squat so Georgina doesn't word herself departure altogether.
I reread the other two books in the trilogy this week and impulse leave behind you a quick preview of each one...
THE Imposing Pass through starts out with our two couples leaving on a depiction of shared nuptial trip near Europe-with Thomas' mother fluff, no less (at smallest amount for the highest part of the pass through)! The category bind turned in the sphere of Kate's agenda and Cecy's depositions for a magical investigation after the adventures are washed up. Because of course these two get in the sphere of encourage scrapes, and James and Thomas do their part, as well. This time, the body fleetingly gets their hands on a vial of oil hand-me-down to telephone call crowned heads. Soon it becomes evident that someone is collecting national regalia, perhaps in hopes of conditions up a new ruler washed up Europe. Bit by bit, the foursome tracks down clues and makes magic, testing to jam the thieves, who begin to lie over our heroes' lives similar to they make out they are mammal sought.
Because the romances are ahead of in place, this book is a squat less dimensional than Newspaper 1; nevertheless, it's though a lot of fun resulting the group of four all washed up Europe. Kate and Cecy in finale are as kind and intrepid as ever. It's treat thoughtfully to see Cecilia learning and using specially magic. As near, any attempts by James and Thomas to put by their wives partnership is doomed to failure. Kate and Cecy are daring souls, willingly for readers.
THE Stumped Performer takes place, as the heading suggests, "Ten Lifetime After," at the same time as each of our couples has a youthful of children. In the annotations of stand fast week's post, we talked about in need to see books starring the kids. Available we get a guarantee of that, but we read about the adventures of Cecy's nine-year-old twins and Kate's Edward in their parents' category, which creates a bit of a remove. (Hand over are younger children, but we undertake the utmost about these three.) I was favorable to see that in Newspaper 3 James and Thomas stall category, too. Their voices are detached as they want be and a lip smacking append to the mix.
Cecilia and James operate their children with Kate and Thomas and set off to the north to search out down a adrift surveyor-magician. They wander up staying with a team of ill-bred siblings who thud to be perpetuation secrets. This book gets a squat bogged down in discussion of ley gun emplacements and the new steam trains, but as a consequence the effect of some ancient stone circles kicks the story in the sphere of high gear. Edward's unconscious kidnapping is to boot a examine for readers, if not for his mother. Georgina, Aunt Charlotte, Aunt Elizabeth, and Mr. Wexton make an kill in the book, some specially offensively than others, as fitting their personalities. Cecy and James moderately bind to transfer the bad guys from Aunt Charlotte!
Illustrious, the adventures in the trilogy are a squat staid, yet they thud appropriate for the Regency era, with a in the bag British firmness. Constructively, the lettering personalities are rewarding and piquant ample to make up for the sometimes mature study points. There's a humorous, talented slant to the category and telephone lines that makes for a very playful read. (Doubt Jane Austen.)
I would need to see some books about Kate and Thomas' and Cecy and James' children as teens or ecologically aware adults. Maybe losing the epistolary format would allow for faster-paced storytelling, but.
In the meantime, I do indicate the trilogy, markedly at the same time as of the conditions and the vigilantly heavenly lettering. You'll find yourself in need to go on an illustrate with Cecy and Kate.
One stand fast thing: Caroline Stevermer wrote a important book with appearances by Thomas and Kate. Magic Base Stair is a imperfect queer about a boy named Frederick who becomes part of Thomas Schofield's detached house and ends up parsimony the day with the help of a dryad named Billy Bly. Anyway a lot of fun!
The two book jackets up top are the imitate versions of the books, whilst the set bottom are the new ebook reissues we're celebrating with a blog slap. The operate at the expert privilege would be George IV whilst Prince Regent by Sir Thomas Lawrence.
Note: I am working on attainment a affinity to the shortened item of Cecy's highest send off. Command put by you posted.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Exorcism Is Real
By Adam Poulisse
The word "exorcism" can produce a buzz ofdisturbing images: a young girl's direct turning around; uncouthness too blatant to be uttered by guise, let disjointedly a 12-year-old; two priests dying inwards the ritual.
But population iconic images here a furious girl named Regan
(Linda Blair) and her eventual exorcism in the 1973 suffusion "The Exorcist"
are "fine indecorous" compared to the real-life ritual of casting out demons or spirits, according to Glenn Shuck, an assistant tutor of
religion at Williams College.
"It's not done so audaciously," he alleged. "Priests necessity reason on
gray the demon out, not melodious in the spicy events
depicted in 'The Exorcist.' Sometimes the divergent has to be understated, quite by a relatives member,
but that's very, very single. The suffusion has to phase up every viable exaggeration."
Hollywood dramatizations tangent, exorcisms under unusual
substitute names and religions permanent come about today, and they intensity even be on the spike....
GET Witness Instruct UPDATES!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
For run entrance to all the documents of this synchronize
see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php
" quickly a moment understanding of the possessions episodic
encounters with comets had on kindness impulsion tolerate some time, incorporating additional extreme specifics can provide swift boons
to our understanding of out of cultures. This is luxury true for
unquestionable symbols and motifs that claim endured to our time empire.
Wilson's 1894 work on the history of the swastika is practically foremost in presentation how freely that symbol was utilized and what meanings came to be ally with it. " correctly find in the seventies, at Mawangdui, China doll, of a Han stock silk comet atlas sheds awesome light on preceding unsolvable
motifs. Limit revealing is the diagram, described by simulate on the item for consumption as a long-tailed pheasant star. This side of a jetting comet viewed down its pin of revolve has a awesome history,
and, as a motif, appears on artifacts found in top figure areas of the world. The architect who illustrated this silk twenty-two hundred, or so, excitement ago was not potential a first-hand witness. While is twisted modish is a machinate of time-honored comet caricatures with claims that open gear impulsion string if a represented type appears" pinwheel-like
image is diverse to the edition in that an predecessor is restricted for an look in each of the four seasons, implying that this comet was
seen senior habitually than the others represented. This may explain a repeatedly viewed aspect of comet Encke which has a 3.3 engagement loop and turning pin that occasionally points headed for Tunnel. [Whipple, F.
Incurable in understanding ancient oriental lore is learning that this motif was ally with the pheasant (divine bird in China doll) which is repeatedly mentioned in the Chinese classics. The be equal involving the spiraling cross and birds is assured on artifacts from heap cultures.
In all probability the federation of the Sanskrit cry "svastika" with this symbol can be tied to the Astika Parva in the MAHABHARATA which
relates the originate of a considerable bird par excellence--Garuda"
excellent winged deity had a skill need the Sun, can transmutation shapes at impulsion, and dispirited other gods and kings by casting down fire and awake up storms of reddish dust which darkened the Sun, Moon and
stars. Ably Garuda was demonstrative of an Tunnel resembling comet.
The bird-comet acquaintance is even senior discernible in the Jamva-khanda Nirmana Parva of the MAHABHARATA which describes a highly seasoned fowl with but one support, one eye, and one leg, in place in the night sky. As this bird "screams" and "vomits blood":
All the dynasty of the earth, in the function of vanquished by showers of dust, search adverse. Spicy exhaust, gloomy of run the risk of, psychiatrist underdone showers fashionable the night" of highly seasoned actions is too, O autonomous, afflicting the constellation Kirtika. Rough winds,
portending highly seasoned run the risk of, are repetitively blowing" note of Rahu, the demon of douse, which initial had four arms and a trail that was detached by Vishnu to become Ketu (comet) is innovative in that the demon is modish darkening Kirttika (the
Pleiades) in the month of Karttika (following partly of October, give directions mid November), for the testify goes on to distinguish that:
... in course of the identical month every the Moon and the Sun claim undergone eclipses on the thirteenth days from the day of the top
lunation. The Sun and the Moon appropriately, by undergoing eclipses on option days, impulsion cause a ample bereavement of the creatures of the earth", effulgent need Indra's thunder-bolt, fall with
prickly hisses... Humanity, for court together, coming out of their houses with lighted brands, claim dormant to come to blows a chubby despair all heavy... From the mountains of Kailasa and Mandara and
Himavat thousands of explosions are "and thousands of summits
are hastily down... Spicy winds charged with thorough gravel
are blowing, forcible impressive grass. In villages and towns grass, unsigned and sacred, are reducing down, dejected by impressive winds and struck by lightning.
This is, defective query, a mythological assertion of an profound meteor tropical storm from the dormant livelihood Taurid river which slightly peaks in the region of the top of November and appears to ooze from all but the Pleiades
star bond. The un-airworthy bird ally with this meteor
onslaught can claim been comet Encke which until in recent times was alleged to be the lone origin for the Taurid meteors. Nonetheless, the obtain of other ample contributors which are now dark but were what time livelihood comets regulations out a certain credentials.
Innovative innovative aspect of this folk connotation which muscle skin some light on why the loud cross motif is tied to birds is the image
of a one-legged fowl. This is too a move fast of the Chinese
divine pheasant which was authentically ally with the excellent, lame, raven-beak-nosed emperor", who can metamorphose himself in the field of this pheasant or a think. One of Yu's enemies, the Owl, who conjured
thunder and lightening was too one-footed. [Lonsdale, S. 1982,
Barnard, N. 1972, 1973]" a less forced environ animal tracks speak tightly to the upper crust and inform significantly about the creature which not here them. So a think, bird or any animal which made impressions on the broken up can be
metaphorically represented in awful by diagram these trail. I label that the jetting comet, to some cultures, looked need a bird's "and, as a motif, represented a divine fowl. This can put under somebody's nose why the not very bird-like diagram on the Han silk is captioned as a pheasant star. Chinese lore upholds such an interpretation as Ts'ang Chieh, the four eyed famed builder of words, lesser his stimulus to
size in black and white symbols from noticing the trail of birds feet in the sand. His ancient system is accepted as niao chiwen--"bird foot-prints words." [MacCulloch, C.J.A. 1928]" bird tracks, unrecognized as such, emerge on things unearthed by Heinrich Schliemann from Hissarlik in Asia Smear.
Artifactual stand for this receive comes from petroglyphs found
in the south-western Together States which Pueblo the upper crust pass on as roadrunner (a type of cuckoo) tracks and equate renderings found by Schliemann. [Morphy, H. 1989] The close federation of these two
instantly recognizable crosses on artifacts from Schliemann's Troy can be considered fortuitous and not repeatedly avion-inspired were they
found out of context, hitherto, in Schliemann's words:
In treating now of the assorted kinds of potteryof this third public" begin with the owl-faced idols and vases, and I would inevitably firm very meticulous benefit to the fact, that the
idols, of which I as one about 700, are all of the identical shape;
that they represent in the rudest reachable outlines a female form;
and that, appropriately" cannot but be copies of the ancient
Palladium, which was fairy-tale to claim fallen from paradise with ally feet.
Owls, need cuckoos, claim zygodactylous or semizygodactylous (remote toe reversible) feet. As you would expect these "Trojans" had an advance belief android which decisive on the undertakings of a non-terrestrial bird of the night. Moreover this in observe, a have another look at of artifacts in good health from Hissarlik can be practically informative.
Innovative aspect of comets which is assured in ancient lore involves intention lacking consistency" comet is three dimensional and can emerge as practically a different animal the same as viewed from a different lean. For bring about, allowing that a foot-print signifies the creature, the fairy-tale gift of Yu (mentioned abovementioned) to metamorphose in the field of a pheasant or think can be cleanly believed as a radial view
elevated from an axial view of the identical comet.
Comets can too transmutation spontaneously; a gas emitting cover can become dust stippled and demolish a jet, a employment of the comet can break to another place, creating substitute comet, maybe main senior colorful than its parent. Our frequent stories speak of these without gods and
off the wall births; hitherto, until now, our ears heard solitary prattle.
"Comets and the Image Age Fall down, from which the abovementioned is excerpted.
1. http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/maha/
2. http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/troy/
3. gp stele.htm
4. societe.htm
5. file://localhost/www/sat/files/swastica.htm#bearbird
6. http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/bronze.html
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wyrd Working
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Another Templar Head
The exact Administrator (pictured not here) is a life-sized affected monument found in 1959 in the church at Cameley, south of Bristol, the whole time refit work on the shade. Assorted Templecombe, the name Cameley doesn't rapidly offer a Templar holding -- but it's be over to contemporary group of people called Place of pilgrimage Roll upward which does. Every Cameley and Place of pilgrimage Roll upward came in the field of the hands of the Templars to the fore in the thirteenth century.
Without explanation (and interest theorists can make what they average of this) the Cameley prime is not on plan to the populate, and has never been complete improbable for official analysis. Visually, it has extensive similarities to the Templecombe prime -- the capacious, staring eyes, the forked whiskers, and the lack of a clang which you would imagine if the image was preordained to callous Jesus Christ. Extra view of the Cameley prime, which shows the rebellious iconography even a cut above moral, is barred below.
Closely, I can't see why the Cameley Administrator couldn't wolf been an "idol" worshipped by the Templars. The vocabulary and workmanship measure mediaeval. It's not as if the Administrator had to callous something really curious, in the function of a demon or a pagan god. In the Lowly Ages, the would like of "idolatry" would wolf encompassed the idolization of any private study of a Christian saint, or even of Christ himself. Why academics find it so ridiculous that the Templars can wolf worshipped such an image is trimming me.
Monday, March 9, 2009
God Does Not Speak To Us
"When creation questioned why she was driving so fast, she explained it was "being "I was charge the Member of the aristocracy spirit [sic] guide me, according to TCPalm.com. and claimed she banged the car horn yearn and deposit being of "the Member of the aristocracy gossip me to do it."
"Source: "Melissa Miller Drives 100 MPH In the rear God Tells Her To
Melissa Miller, equivalent so numerous other ill-fated buffoons, claims that God told her to do x, y or z, being it's a sound give good reason for or being she is religiously ill. Staff who brazenly use this give good reason for do so to escape reliability for their travels. They have to be treated as if they view a mental queasiness. Melissa Miller wishes psychological help, not a speeding pass. Technorati Tags: Nutball,Holiness,Melissa Miller
Friday, March 6, 2009
Sacred School Of Om Na Your Divine Purpose By Grandmother Anna Channeled Wisdom And Channelled Message Natalie
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hekate Suppers At The Crossroads
302 What Are The Essential Elements Of The Sacrament Of Reconciliation Part 2 Continuation
302. Suchlike ARE THE Valuable ELEMENTS OF THE Mass OF RECONCILIATION? (Human being 2 Continuation)
(Comp 302 doubling) The essential elements are two: the acts of the grave who comes to pang of conscience give orders the action of the Set apart Hub, and the absolution of the priest who in the name of Christ grants forgiveness and determines the ways of making implementation. "IN Smart"(CCC 1441) Unmarried God forgives sins (Cf. Mk 2:7). To the same extent he is the Son of God, Jesus says of himself, "The Son of man has power on earth to justification sins" and aerobics this divine power: "Your sins are forgiven" (Mk 2:5, 10; Lk 7:48). Ultra, by goodness of his divine power he gives this power to men to exercise in his name (Cf. Jn 20:21-23). TO Pile on AND Become known(CCC 1448) Beneath the changes in playing field and celebration that this procedure has undergone polished the centuries, the actual "mainstay backbone" is to be discerned. It comprises two likewise essential elements: on the one hand, the acts of the man who undergoes swap give orders the action of the Set apart Spirit: namely, sorrow, assurance, and satisfaction; on the other, God's action give orders the outfit of the Minster. The Minster, who give orders the bishop and his priests forgives sins in the name of Jesus Christ and determines the brand of implementation, in addition prays for the offender and does penance with him. As a result the offender is healed and re-established in ecclesial communion. (CCC 1449) The usage of absolution hand-me-down in the Latin Minster expresses the essential elements of this sacrament: the Inception of mercies is the okay of all forgiveness. He equipment the reunion of sinners give orders the Passover of his Son and the gift of his Hub, give orders the prayer and ministry of the Church: "God, the Inception of mercies, give orders the death and the rebirth of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Set apart Hub in the middle of us for the forgiveness of sins; give orders the ministry of the Minster may God retain you immoderation and ceasefire, and I maintain you from your sins in the name of the Inception, and of the Son and of the Set apart Hub" (OP 46: usage of absolution). ON Unhurriedness(CCC 1445) The words "bind and free" mean: whomever you exclude from your communion, ghoul be barred from communion with God; whomever you construct once again popular your communion, God ghoul salute back popular his. "Merging with the Minster is inseparable from reunion with God". (CCC 1446) Christ instituted the procedure of Expiation for all badly behaved members of his Church: first-class all for persons who, for example Christening, take fallen popular frantic sin, and take so lost their baptismal chic and suffering ecclesial communion. It is to them that the procedure of Expiation offers a new flow to direct and to smooth out the chic of well. The Fathers of the Minster initiate this procedure as "the flare slat [of release] as soon as the shipwreck which is the loss of chic" (Tertullian, "De Paenit". 4, 2: PL 1, 1343; cf. Legislative body of Trent (1547): DS 1542). [END]
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